Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4026: Helpless

"Purple Fire Talisman Chain."

Xiao Yi had quick eyes and quick hands, and the purple fire talisman made a chain by itself, stopping Emperor Feihan.

As before, the cold abyss giant python made of 100,000 elites swallowed again.

Xiao Yi's backhand was another purple fire talisman chain, trapping the cold abyss python.

Emperor Feihan forcibly broke through for a moment, and when there was no time to violent in the future, the old man came again with black light.

This time, Xiao Yi was prepared.

"Purple Fire Wind Talisman, burst."

A purple fire talisman was shot, but it didn't hit the old man, but knocked down his feet.

Xiao Yi's figure seemed to step on the wind and fire, and then with the explosive power of the flame, he could easily open the impact of the old man.

Xiao Yi's fingers swiped at an amazing speed.

A piece of Xuan'ao purple fire talisman continued to condense.

It is not difficult for him to defeat or even kill one of these three.

But with one enemy three, there was such great pressure immediately.

Of course, even so, it is only a stalemate.

"One-eyed, go." Suddenly, Xiao Yi shouted.

Emperor Feihan and the old man suddenly glanced at each other when they heard this, with a strong killing intent in their eyes.

They also have their own intelligence, and they know that the recently famous Ziyan Yi Xiao was ordered to guard the Tianguan boundary.

Today is a great opportunity, if this son can stay here forever, it will only be a matter of time before Tianguan Realm falls under their crazy offensive.

But if this child is released today and allowed to return to the Tianguan boundary, I am afraid that the Tianguan boundary will be as solid as a rock in the future, and it will be difficult to break through.

A flash of madness suddenly flashed through their eyes.


It was another half an hour later.

At the entrance of Tianxiajie, a group of elites arrived one after another.

In a short period of time, more than a million elite defense lines have arrived, a top emperor at the rank of more than ten military team leaders.

Xiao Yi squinted, but he was delighted.

Still stroked with one hand, condensing the purple fire talisman.

With one hand, he secretly crushed a jade pendant.

"Ziyan Yixiao." Emperor Feihan grinned, "I am here today, so don't even think about leaving."

Lines of cold abyss pythons, shadow snow leopards, and even the first of the beasts, the poor Xing beasts, appeared one after another under the combined attack.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath, but he was not afraid.

Although the pressure has increased greatly, but after all he can retreat while fighting and cope with it forcefully.

If you change the past, unless you can completely crush his combat power, there is no difference between an enemy and a bunch of enemies.

But now, it doesn't work.

The particularity of the purple fire talisman lies here, Zhang Zhang Xuan'ao, and Zhang Zhang is different, only ten thousand.

He can now contend and even kill the combat power of the three league leaders, relying on this martial skill.

Therefore, it can no longer be linked to his overall combat power.

To deal with so many powerful men and beasts by himself, he can only barely be defeated.

But enough.

Xiao Yi chuckled secretly.

It is said that the jade pendant has been crushed, and today there should have been news from the border defense line.

What he has to do is always simple.

He rushed straight into the narrow realm of the sky and attacked the Cold Abyss Alliance sub-Alliance, thus attracting the combat power of the Cold Abyss Alliance on the defensive line to this side.

The battle strength of the Cold Abyss League's defense line is greatly reduced; the Yanlong League's defense line is elite, and it is possible to start an offensive and directly eat this defense line.

After that, even though he was trapped in the narrow realm of the sky, as long as the Yanlong League's combat power broke through the defense line, he could drive straight into the narrow realm.

At that time, the inside should be combined with the outside, and under the attack, the narrow world will include Feihan Emperor and his party, all eaten.


However, after an hour.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi was finally capable of fighting, with a mysterious purple fire talisman in one hand. Although he was at a disadvantage, he was still in a stalemate in a fight.

Below, the one-eyed bald-headed line is getting worse.

"Sir." One-eyed bald head rumored.

"This giant flame lion formation is more suitable for large-scale combined combat."

"We are a small elite of 400 people, and the effect is greatly reduced."

The giant flame lion formation requires tens of thousands of elites, or even a hundred thousand elites, to fight together, sharing their strengths, to condense a truly huge giant flame lion with infinite power.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, glanced at each other with the one-eyed bald head, and nodded.

One-eyed bald head knowingly said, "Change formation."

"Sha Wei." The one-eyed bald head exploded first.

Four hundred followers, one breath merges into them.


The crowd condensed from the joint attack is a huge yellow sand giant.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi watched everyone while fighting.

Sha Wei is the name of this team.

This combined attacking formation belongs to the one-eyed possession, and should be a combined attack method of the Red Desert Heavens.

Judging from his current judgment, this ‘Sand Guard’ is in no way inferior to the ‘Giant Flame Lion Formation’.

In addition, this combined attack is now more suitable for one-eyed bald heads and 400 followers, so the combat power of the party has been greatly increased.


After a few hours.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Because so far, there is nothing unusual in the sky narrow sector.

The entrance of the Quartet is still under blockade and there is no reinforcement.


At the same time, the Tianguan boundary line of defense.

On the fortress.

Emperor Dongfeng frowned and looked at the broken jade pendant in Emperor Liu Ren's hand.

"Deputy Commander Liu Ren, now that the jade pendant is broken, several hours have passed."


"I have my own measures." Emperor Liu Ren interrupted coldly.

"But." Dongfeng Emperor looked anxious.

"In the beginning, the leader of Yi Xiao said before he left. Once the jade pendant is broken, we will immediately change the Hanyuan League defense line."

Emperor Liu Ren's face was cold, "He said that he would force a change?"

"If you get out of the basket, can you four wind monarchs afford it?"

"From the perspective of this person's record, he is a bloodthirsty and restless generation."

"Everyone sees it very clearly. When he came to the Tianguan boundary line of defense a few days ago, he couldn't help but say that we should launch a strong attack."

"He is addicted to war, but this deputy commander cannot bet on the safety of his own elite and the defense of the Tianguan boundary."

"This..." Emperor Nanfeng frowned, "Anyway, we can try a feint to explore the reality of the Hanyuan League defense line."

"If the Feihan Emperor and his like are not there, and a large number of elites have also left, right now is a good opportunity for us to attack."

"Good opportunity?" Emperor Liu Ren sneered.

"The shreds of the Cold Abyss Alliance are always cunning."

"If you can feel the opportunity presented, it proves that it has been won."

"They want us to switch from defense to offense, so that they can eat our line of defense."

"In short." Emperor Liu Ren said in a strong tone, "Stick to the defensive line of the Heavenly Pass, they can't help us in the Cold Abyss Alliance."

"Don't be alarmed when the sky falls, and your defensive position remains unchanged. Don't let Han Yuan League take advantage of it."

When the words fell, Emperor Liu Ren turned around and left, ignoring the Emperor of Four Winds.


Legion station.

The team leader of the First Army was puzzled, "Deputy commander, we didn't agree to command Yi Xiao before..."

"Idiot." Emperor Liu Ren interrupted coldly, "Do you think I will be tricked by this kid?"

"With only a few words, can he trick me into launching a powerful attack?"

"Huh." Emperor Liu Ren snorted coldly, "A hairy boy, who doesn't know the heights of the world when he becomes the commander, is going to take over the 80,000 elite of my Liuhe Army?"

"The commander is gone, he is a commander sent by the General League, who is not part of our Liuhe Army, so why ride on us?"

"Even if we want to attack, we will wait until our leader comes back."

"It's not yet his turn for Yi Xiao to point his fingers."


Second more.

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