Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4027: Retreat from the sky

The narrow world.

After two full days and two nights.

High in the sky.

Xiao Yi has a purple fire talisman in his hand, wandering among them.

Although still undefeated, he has no bottom in his heart.

"The magic burning power transformed by the divine fire vein and the magic body has consumed more than 80%."

"For another hour or two, even if I am not exhausted, I will exhaust the magic burning power, and the fire will be completely useless."

Xiao Yi thought secretly.


The one-eyed bald-headed party is already struggling to support.

The yellow sand giant, who didn't know when he started, was already scattered.

But after the giant blasted away, it poured out like yellow sand, turning into the shadow of four hundred sands.

In the yellow wind, the shadows of sand are heavy, now and then hidden, unpredictable.


A warrior from the Cold Abyss was suddenly pierced to death by a spear covered with yellow sand.

Behind him, a yellow sand figure had a cold face.


At the same time, behind this yellow sand figure, a sharp sword penetrated it.

But after the yellow sand figure was pierced through, it turned into yellow sand everywhere, and after a yellow wind blew it, it gathered again.

"Awesome." High in the air, Xiao Yi kept paying attention to the one-eyed group, and said inwardly.

This ‘sand guard’ method of combined attack is arrogant and unpredictable.

Because of this, the one-eyed party has survived until there are no casualties.


At the entrance of the four directions of the narrow boundary of the sky, another group of elites came in mighty.

"They are the elites of all circles on the left and right of the Tiansha Realm." The face of the one-eyed bald head changed greatly.

The narrow boundary of the sky and the boundary of the sky are far away from each other.

However, on the left and right sides of the Heavenly Narrow Realm, there are several small worlds of stars occupied by the Cold Abyss Alliance, and the Cold Abyss Alliance is also located within them.

"My lord, I won't be able to hold it anymore." One-eyed bald head sounded.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Can't wait, withdraw."

"Purple Fire Escape Talisman." Xiao Yi's fingers congealed.

The figure disappeared in the same place instantly, and then fell beside the one-eyed bald head.

"Purple Fire and Thunder Symbol." Xiao Yi condensed his fingers again.


A purple thunder instantly wrapped the one-eyed and four hundred followers.

For a while, the light was dazzling, resounding around.


The purple thunder, at an astonishing speed, turned into a stream of light, passing through in an instant, towards the edge of the narrow boundary of the sky.

"Want to run?" Emperor Feihan grinned.

As a strong man who has also experienced many battles, he can naturally see signs that Yi Xiao and his subordinates are gradually losing their strength.

How could he let it go?

"Feng." The old man shouted violently.

At the entrance, a thick black glow appeared out of thin air.

A huge dark eclipse star has stopped the entrance.

Thunder's passing was stopped instantly.

Emperor Feihan, the old man, and dozens of cold abyss beasts hurriedly pursued them.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head's face changed greatly.

"Relax." Xiao Yi nodded, "I will take you here, and I can also take you away."

The thunder stopped.

Xiao Yi turned around abruptly, kakaka... his fists were clenched.

"Fortunately, I was prepared."

"Bengjie Fist."

Today, the combat power conferred by the Asura battle body is actually far inferior to that of Fen Jue. After all, Fen Jue has the sun, supreme martial skills, and so on.

However, under the complete integration of the nine drops of Shura's power in the body, the power of a blow that broke out in an instant was equally astonishing.


Xiao Yi punched out.

The world suddenly became white.

Between heaven and earth, there was only a terrifying aura of destruction.

But among the white light, two figures suddenly rushed through and rushed out. It was Emperor Feihan and the old man.

These two people are the strongest here, a powerful top emperor at the commanding level of the Three Leagues.

The power of Bengjie Fist was more than 90% offset by the dozens of fierce beasts. Naturally, these two people could not be affected.

"Purple Fire Talisman." Xiao Yi quickly swiped with one hand.

Dao Dao Xuan Ao purple fire talisman, instantly became a talisman chain, tightly binding the old man.

Emperor Feihan came straight.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and shook his other hand suddenly.

"Earth explodes...Stars!"

Amethyst Lingyan, there are two supreme martial arts with purple flame seal and 80,000 burning virtual urn.

Ground vein gold fire, also has the supreme martial skill of ground bursting with stars.


Within the narrow boundary of the sky, the earth collapsed in a large amount in an instant.

Countless boulders rose to the sky.

Almost for a short while, countless huge earths and sands have formed a small star, trapping Emperor Feihan in it.

As its name suggests, the earth burst...constructs a heaven and earth stars.

But, if only this is the case, how can one be worthy of the four words Supreme Martial Skill?


The sky, the earth and the stars, instantly burst into flames.

That is a dazzling violent golden fire.

Just like the golden fire of the earth veins, flames erupt from the earth veins.

In an instant, this sky star became a ‘fire’ star.

This star seemed to be a furnace of flames.

"This is the earth bursting star." Xiao Yi muttered to himself as he looked at the'flaming star' in the sky.

"With the power of the earth, build the earth attribute stars."

"The stars burst into flames, turning them into... the heart of the earth!"

"The earth is good at guarding, so this'sky star' is the strongest and cannot be broken."

"The center of the earth's melting furnace, burning and evaporating everything."

Where can the golden fire of the earth vein exert its strongest power? Naturally in the center of the earth.

This earth bursting star is basically a perfect martial art tailored for the earth veins and golden fire.

Set the strongest to seal the trap, and the strongest to burn attack in one.

The strong man who created this martial skill is definitely also a supreme who knows the earth and fire together.

According to the introduction of this martial skill, once the performer is successful in cultivation, the strength is sufficient; it can even burst the entire small world with a wave of hands to build a "star of heaven".

The scene at that time will be a truly huge flame star!

"Zi Yan Yin." Xiao Yi shot out with a backhand.

A ‘Purple Flame Seal’ accumulated in the body burst out instantly.

The huge dark eclipse star blocking the way was instantly penetrated, and then burned into nothingness.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi yelled, and quickly passed through the entrance and exit with a single-eyed bald head.

In a short time, a group of people disappeared on the edge of the void and darkness.

At this point, the old man was able to break through the shackles of the purple flame chain.

The flame sky star just collapsed, and Emperor Feihan rushed out in embarrassed form.

"Puff." Emperor Feihan spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was scorched.

After the two of them, the cold abyss giant beasts condensed one by one, and there are many signs of collapse.

Each of the elites vomited blood and their faces were pale.

"This guy is terrible." Emperor Feihan was afraid of shock after showing his face for the first time.

"In the narrow realm of the sky, we have assembled such a force, and it took two days and nights to fail to win it."

"On the contrary, he got away for life."

The old man gritted his teeth, "Zi Yan Yi Xiao, I saw it today and it was really amazing."

"One person holds seven heaven and earth strong fires, plus three supreme martial skills, and one rule world skill."

"But all these kinds of things are enough for him to run wild."

"We failed to win him today, but it is reasonable."

"It's bad." Emperor Feihan suddenly remembered something, his face suddenly changed, "The team leader and elite of the army, quickly follow me back to the line of defense."


An hour later.

Tianguan boundary line of defense, fortress.

Xiao Yi looked at the calm defense fortress with cold eyes, and looked at Emperor Liu Ren who looked like nothing to do with him.

"I fought bluntly in the narrow realm for two days and two nights, but you are indifferent."

"Deputy Commander Liu Ren, remember what you promised before I left?"

Xiao Yi's tone was extremely cold.


Third more.

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Update tomorrow.

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