Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4031: Void Ranking 16

"Besides, who said that you can't help with me?" Xiao Yi smiled.

"After all, enemies of all levels are not worthy of my shot."

"Those numerous enemies, you solved it for me, I don't have to take action but I also save my own fire power consumption."

"Yes." One-eyed bald head smiled.

Xiao Yi patted the shoulder of the one-eyed bald head, "Go, you also have a rest."

"It's time for me to relax."

"Huh?" Hearing the words with one-eyed bald head, his face suddenly became solemn and his eyes stared into the distance.

On the desolate star land, in the distance, I don't know when, an old man appeared.

The old man walked slowly, but it was as if he stepped hundreds of millions of miles.

The old man walked slowly, the ground under his feet was frozen.

And above the ice layer, black air was surging, as if it became a dark abyss.

In a short moment, the old man had walked from the edge of the stars to a hundred steps in front of Xiao Yi.

At this point, behind the old man, most of the land of stars, covered in ice, has also become a huge darkness.

"So strong." One-eyed bald head's face changed.

Xiao Yi nodded and squinted. The old man obviously put a lot of pressure on him.

"My lord, be careful." The one-eyed bald body trembled unconsciously, "I just look at it like this, as if I'm stuck in the abyss, unable to extricate myself."

"If I'm not mistaken, this guy should be the most famous leader of the Cold Abyss Legion, the Monarch Cold Biting."

"Void Emperor Ranking 16."

The ranking of Emperors of the Void is a universally recognized ranking that encompasses all the ranks of the Emperors of the entire Infinite Void.

"Don't worry, I have scores." Xiao Yi nodded.


After a few hours.

A vast expanse of barren stars, damaged, flames, cold, mixed with each other raging in them.

High in the sky.

The old man, that is, Emperor Hanzhe, was embarrassed with anxious injuries.

In Xiao Yi's bare skin in the same black attire, there were horrible wounds invaded by cold air.

Look more realistically, Xiao Yi's mouth is bloody, and the blood has already stained the strong suit on his chest.

And that Emperor Han Bi was also covered in blood.

But... Xiao Yi was taking photos with both hands.

The Emperor Hanzhe was confined by the purple fire talisman chain formed by the ten thousand purple fire talisman. Although he struggled for a long time, he could not break through it.

"Humph, 16th in the ranking of Void Emperor? You are defeated, and you deserve to die." Xiao Yi grinned.

Xiao Yi suddenly tied his palm empty.

But at this moment, Emperor Hanzhe's clothes broke and his bodies kept colliding.

In an instant, a giant insect straddled the sky and broke through the ban of ten thousand purple fire talisman.

"It turns out that the body is a giant worm in the cold abyss." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, but responded extremely quickly.

"Earth burst into the sky!"


The earth shattered and became a small star on its own.

Suddenly, the stars accumulate fire and become a melting pot in the center of the earth.


This time, the worms in the cold abyss roared and clashed endlessly in the flames of the earth's core, but it was difficult to break out of the enclosure.

"The power of the earth is solid after all." Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction.

The supreme martial skill of Earth Explosion and Sky Star is basically using the power of the center of the earth to burn everything.

If one day he can reach the height of the fire ancestor.

Perhaps by then, it would be possible to condense the terrifying true center of the earth with the skyburst star and kill everything.


One-eyed bald, raised his head and glanced, "My lord, the battle is over?"

Looking at it with the naked eye, one can only see a huge flame star in the sky, the flames are overwhelming.

Xiao Yi nodded, "It's almost there."

Xiao Yi controlled the earth and the sky, and he could perceive everything that happened inside.

Within the ‘Sky Star’, there is already a world of boiling lava.

The giant worm in the cold abyss is like a long river of lava deep in the earth's core, smashing and rolling.

But as a result, it was only burned alive in the end.

After half an hour.

Within the ‘Sky Star’, there was no movement, except for the sound of the flames of hot molten lava.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand and dispersed the star.

"Tsk tusk." The one-eyed bald head said in surprise, "The 16th strongest of the dignified emperor of the void, just like this, died in the hands of an adult."

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "You speak lightly."

"Killing this guy consumes more than 80% of the magic burning power."

One-eyed bald head smiled, "If I remember correctly, this seems to be the fifth time."

"We walked everywhere in the Cold Abyss Alliance, and these strong men in the Cold Abyss came to the door."

"Come and return are all commander-level powerhouses, and one is better than the other."

"The one who came last time was the top 22 strong man who killed the top emperor like a chicken."

"This time, it's ranked 16."

"I guess, next time, it should be Ou Xiao, ranked 12th in the void emperor's rank, personally find it."

Xiao Yi sneered, "I said, Han Yuanmeng can stare at me, but can't stare at me."

"On the other hand, Ou Xiao has a fierce reputation and an amazing record. For the time being, I can't judge whether I'm sure to deal with this person." Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

One-eyed bald head patted his chest and said, "It's okay, there are us."

Xiao Yi looked at the four hundred followers with satisfaction in his eyes.

This elite, this powerful team, but he himself cultivated it.

"Four hundred people, in just half a year, all monarchs."

"And you..." Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head, "I'm already a top emperor and powerful."

Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction again, "Very good."

The one-eyed bald head smiled triumphantly, "It's all thanks to the Mingwang Pill, which is a grade against the sky, and it really deserves its reputation."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I have to admit that the effect of this Ming Wang Dan is really against the sky, and it is really terrifying."

"You take Mingwang Danhou's aptitude and talent, not to mention it can be compared to me, but it is absolutely comparable to Xiao Bai when he did not get the Ice Dragon Soul."

"What surprised me the most was that your talent for understanding the martial arts of heaven and earth has reached an inhuman level."

"Indeed." The one-eyed bald head nodded, "I can't know that feeling by myself."

"With sufficient training resources, we have no shortage of training resources. If we only need to understand the martial arts of heaven and earth, the bottleneck of martial arts is that we have nothing."

"We don't seem to be comprehending the martial arts of heaven and earth, we are simply taking it directly."

"Yes." One-eyed bald head slapped his hands, "It's this kind of feeling, as if directly reaching out to take these complete martial arts in the world."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I made the pill, and I naturally know the secret."

"It's not that you take these complete martial arts in heaven and earth."

"It's that after the Ming Wang Dan is refined, it seems to contain endless and complete martial arts, making you resonate with the martial arts of this world, and it is extremely strong."

"Also, let your talents in martial arts perception reach the inhuman level."

Xiao Yi said in astonishment, "I understand a little bit. What you told me at the beginning was that the relics of the heavens of King Ming had caused a lot of blood and blood in the endless void."

"That is." The one-eyed bald head solemnly said, "Ming Wang, once known as the most dazzling, dazzling, and strongest supreme."

"And the Imperial Guard of the Ming Dynasty under his command is also known as the strongest forbidden army of the heavens."

"The most shocking thing is that it only took a short time for Ming Wang to train these Xeon Forbidden Army."


Fourth more. (Make up)

Update today, not finished.

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