Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4032: 132 divisions, 36 defense lines

"How short is it?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"This..." One-eyed bald head hesitated, "How do I know."

"Those years are too far away for me."

"I can only guess, maybe thousands of years."

"In short, the Forbidden Army under the Ming Dynasty was cultivated in the shortest time, but it swept across the sky, surpassing the powerful Forbidden Army that even the powerful emperors spent a long time and huge heritage to cultivate."

"Is there an emperor?" Xiao Yi asked.

The one-eyed bald head said seriously, "In the rumor, it is all."

"Hiss." Xiao Yi couldn't help taking a breath.

Not to mention how strong he is, even the all-new New Emperor is already a terrifying combat power.

However, he hadn't been able to refine the second-grade Ming Wang Dan.

And thousands of years are too long.

The most important thing is, as the most dazzling force in the endless void, how deep is its background?

The King of Ming had to spend thousands of years.

What about his Xiao Yi? His wealth is probably only a drop in the ocean compared to King Ming.

After all, Xiao Yi sighed, "Although Ming Wang Dan is terrible, the price of losing more than half of his life is too great."

Xiao Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head, "Everyone is an emperor, holding 54 benchmarks that mark martial arts."

"You are a top emperor, which proves that you have a mark of martial arts integration."

"Tell me?"

One-eyed bald head smiled, "My lord is curious?"

"General." Xiao Yi shook his head, "I will see if I can help you."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "My current six types of 54 symbolic martial arts are..."

"Nine marking knife paths."

"Nine sign halberds."

"Nine sign airways."

"Nine marks the soul road."

"Nine signs and manners."

"Nine signs of medicine."

"In addition, there are nine sand roads that have been repaired separately, for a total of 63 martial arts markings."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "You are also a human being and possess a martial spirit."

"So soul cultivation is a very good choice."

"Physical Dao and Medicine Dao are two-life heavenly paths, and fellow practitioners are also very good."

Endless void, countless families of creatures.

Different races have their own special talents.

Like the powerful body of the Yaozu.

It is also like the amber ability that the amber clan was born with.

But Human Race has nothing, but has the most special martial arts ability.

Wuhun is unique to the human race.

Therefore, Wuhun, as the unique talent of the human race, should be the ability that the human creatures rely on and refine it.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what your martial soul is." Xiao Yi asked.

"This..." The one-eyed bald head gave a wry smile.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "Don't talk about pulling it down, I don't bother to ask."

"If you have any doubts about Martial Spirit, just ask me directly."

One-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi in doubt, "My lord, what is your martial soul?"

"Could it be that your martial soul is detached?"

Xiao Yi shrugged, "In short, it is very strong, and it is indeed detached."

"Let's rest for a while, your way know." Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head, "Follow me, it's never easy."


A few days later.

In a small world of stars.

In ruins.

The one-eyed bald head curled his lips, "It's another small league, very poor."

"My lord." One-eyed bald head looked towards Xiao Yi, "Looking at the information, there seems to be another large league nearby, it's a piece of fat."

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded, "I've visited that small world of stars, and I can't go."

"Let's go, you can't take the teleportation array anymore, just walk into the void and detour."


In the void and darkness, a medium-sized warship was flying fast.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head said in a puzzled way, "In the past six months, although not many times, there have been several times."

"You endured the fat of the large-scale division alliance. Not only did you not go, but the teleportation formation was not gone, and you went directly to the dark void to make a detour."

"I'm very curious."

Xiao Yi smiled, "Because it is safer in the void and darkness."

"Even the Emperor Realm can't distinguish all paths here."

The one-eyed bald head was stunned for a moment, and then his face was shocked, "My lord, do you mean that there are emperor realms in these large-scale leagues?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "I didn't have it originally."

"Just waiting for us to drill in."

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, "Anyway, flying in the void and darkness, I still have some time to retreat."

"Go around this star field, call me when you arrive at the location of the next Persian League sub-confederation."

"Yes." One-eyed bald head Gong Sheng Lingmai.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes cross-legged and began his cultivation.

In the past half a year, he has captured the Cold Abyss League sub-confederation, I am afraid there are hundreds of them, many of which are large-scale divisions.

There are also many defense lines.

Even if the spirit veins of the teleportation formation were deducted and so on, he still has a rich family background.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes, and incidentally felt his universe ring.

Seeing the three million high-grade spirit veins in Qiankun Ring, Xiao Yi was full of joy.

"It should be enough." Xiao Yi secretly said, and began to practice.


Burning moon heavens, Yanlong League general alliance, within the Xiao family land.

The master’s study.

In the past six months, a piece of information that came from outside the distant star field, but at the same time all the information belonged to only one person, appeared on this table one after another.

Again and again, this Xiao Family Patriarch, the general leader of the Yanlong League, always smiled unconsciously.

"Another one." Xiao Chenfeng picked up a new piece of information and chuckled unconsciously.

"In just half a year, 132 large and small leagues were captured and 36 battlefield defense lines were captured."


Xiao Yuan also smiled on his face and said, "I thought that this kid Yi Xiao left a mess and patted his **** half a year ago and left."

"Never thought, this kid turned his head and went to fight the ideas of the Alliance of Cold Abyss."

"Compared to him staying in the Celestial Pass, it's not as good as the major divisions of the Cold Abyss Alliance."

Xiao Chenfeng smiled and nodded, "It seems that he has not stayed in the Celestial Pass and has neglected his duty."

"In fact, this son's roaming for more than half a year has exerted even more amazing effects."

"His almost insane speed of attack has caused the Desher Abyss League itself to pay attention to it, and it has repeatedly divided its combat power from the main battlefields to stop it."

"But as a result, these commander-level combat powers are all planted in the hands of this child."

"For more than half a year, it seems that people are not in the Celestial Pass, but on the contrary, it has put more pressure on the Cold Abyss Alliance, and it has also restrained more of the Cold Abyss Alliance."

"Good, good, good."

Xiao Chenfeng couldn't stop spitting out the word "OK" several times.

Xiao Yuan smiled, "For more than half a year, 132 branch alliances and 36 defense lines of Hanyuan League have been destroyed."

"It is also the 22nd of the Void Emperor Ranking, and the 16th-ranked Hanzhe Emperor, such a powerful man fell into the hands of this kid."

"The Cold Abyss League has more than 3,000 points in total."

"Hehe, at this moment, there is already a vomiting blood on the Hanyuan League General League."


Fifth more. (Make up)

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