Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4036: Shocking change

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

He is becoming more and more white now, why did the eight masters of the palace be reluctant to explode the power of the eight musts even if they did not exceed the law of boundaries.

I also understand more why it took more than six million years for the eight masters of the palace to cultivate the eight masters to their peak.

The peak of Bajue, the spiritual veins required to count nine and nine, are too exaggerated.

He was here in the endless void, desperately working for half a year, only to have this kind of family background.

This is because he is strong, plus he is desperate.

Put this number of spirit veins in the Yanlong Region, I'm afraid that all eight sects will go bankrupt.

But once the power of Bajue was consumed, it was extremely troublesome for the eight main hall masters to recover without the magic body, and it took a lot of time.

Of course, this "not short" is for Xiao Yi; it may be several years or more than ten years.

For eight elderly people, this is not really too long.

But even so, the eight old people did not hesitate to die, and wanted to leave all the peak power of this body to Xiao Yi.

"When I break through the emperor realm, I will go back."

Xiao Yi clenched his fists.

Xiao Yi wanted to break through the emperor realm more than anyone else.

However, the matter was so important that he still had to consider it carefully.

The demon body is already at the peak of the emperor realm, but this is used as the basis for cultivation, so it is not a benchmark for breaking through the emperor realm.

On the contrary, they are eight martial arts, which are the eight powerful martial arts in the magic way, so it is a peak, you can try to break through the emperor realm.

"Goblin..." Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

"That's it, I understand."

When he thought about this question, the doubts just now became more open.

The Shura battle body belongs to a group of monsters, but it does not represent a group of monsters.

Such as other body-refining exercises that also need to absorb ‘monster blood’ as power, as long as they practice the magic body at the same time, they will all be considered as a monster in the magic way.

As for the Shura battle body, there is no doubt that it is the strongest among these exercises.

The Shura battle body belongs to a group of monsters, but it is an independent group in itself.

Bajue, known as the fastest way to the emperor realm, must have a reason.

He didn't understand before, but now he knows.

The answer is that nine nines into one.

Normally, the extreme of the number of nines can already bring about one break and then stand up, and one soaring into the sky.

The pole number in the pole number is nothing but preparations for the imperial realm.

At the peak of the Asura Battle Body Sovereign Realm, the strength of the Nine Earth Asuras is restrained and completely sublimated, which is the powerful force of the emperor realm that impacts the monsters.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

If he didn't guess wrong, he tried to attack the emperor realm together with the monsters at this time, and the chance of success would be great.

Try or not?

If the test is successful, he should have enough strength to catch Xiao Chenfeng and return to the Yanlong Region, and at the same time he can directly return to the Yanlong Region.

If he doesn't try, what he has to do is to more securely accumulate his confidence, continue to practice, and let the Asura battle body lead to Consummation.

Xiao Yi's mind was full of thoughts.

This is the key issue, even he can not easily make a decision.

For a long while.

"No." Xiao Yi patted his hands. "If I really succeeded in breaking through, how can I return to the Yanlong Region?"

In the emperor realm, it is impossible to transport the large array.

If he flies to the Flame Dragon Region from here, even if he is an emperor, it will probably take thousands of years.

This is still a smooth journey, without a crisis in the void, just flying all the way.

In addition, what he needs to consider most is the consequences of failing to break through.

"If I fail to break through, I will not only lose my martial arts, but also my strength."

"Even the origins of the heaven and earth that I have accumulated over the years will be exhausted."

Xiao Yi frowned.

After a long while, he shook his head.

"Fine, wait a minute."

Compared with adventure, he can't bear the consequences of failure, and everything in the endless void these years will fall short.

It is better to wait for absolute certainty, and then break through.

Just at this time.

A slight sound of pushing the door interrupted Xiao Yi's thinking.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head walked slowly in, and saw that Xiao Yi had already finished Xiao Yi, and everything was fine, finally relieved.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi asked.

The one-eyed bald head replied, "We can come to the next location of the cold abyss alliance at any time."

"Well, let's go..." Xiao Yi ordered subconsciously.

But the voice just came out, suddenly, there was a strange noise in Qiankun Ring.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's Qiankun Ring gleamed, and several jade pendants flew out, but they turned into powder in an instant.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's eyes changed, "There is a difference in the Heavenly Pass, come back quickly."

The one-eyed bald face was startled, "Is it the jade pendant that the lord left for Dongfeng Emperor?"

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "I'll make another move."

"Go, land in the nearby small world of stars, and take the teleportation array back."


Tianguan boundary line of defense.

The Yanlong League fortress, the city wall, collapsed suddenly.

Almost only a short time, the fortress has become a battlefield.

Here, the Yanlong League fortress is where the elites are stationed.

If this place becomes a battlefield, rather than outside the fortress, then the subtlety and momentum of the battle will be self-evident.

The Cold Abyss Alliance, almost destroyed the fortress.

The battle is on one side.

Accompanied by the fall of Yanlong Alliance warriors.


The battle, before it lasted for too long, the victory or defeat was already obvious.

The once majestic and inflexible Tianguan boundary line of defense is now in ruins, a huge Asura Purgatory Field.

The corpses were everywhere, wailing countless.

However, the one-sided battle continued.

"Puff." Emperor Dongfeng spit out blood and fell into the ruins.

"Big brother." Nanfeng Emperor supported the ground with one hand, and on his chest, he was seriously injured everywhere.

"End... End..." Dongfeng Emperor trembling with his hands.

"The fortress has been captured..."

As the captain of the division, one of the top combat powers, they endured the most severe offensive in the first wave.

However, the result was not only did not block, fell to the ground with serious injuries, and no longer able to fight.

When they reacted, they saw that the huge Yanlong League fortress was in ruins.

Above the head, there are the strong men of the Cold Abyss Alliance who are flooding in.

In all directions, horrible beasts raged.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance.

Boom boom boom... and then there were successive booms.

There is the place where Emperor Liu Ren lives.

At this moment, a ferocious palm pierced the chest of Emperor Liu Ren.

Around, there were a few old men, and a few cold palms patted Emperor Liu Ren.

"" Emperor Liu Ren lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his chest.

To be precise, it was looking at the cold palm that penetrated through his back.

"Tsk tusk." The owner of the palm belongs to Emperor Feihan.

"It's an honor for you to die for a small deputy commander under the joint hands of several of our commanders."

Emperor Feihan smiled triumphantly.

Emperor Liu Ren's face was pale, and he could already feel the vitality of his rapid passing.

The several elders around him were all powerful at the command level, and those palms had already shattered all the muscles and veins of his body.

But Emperor Feihan's penetrating palm completely cut off his vitality.

Emperor Liu Ren's eyes became increasingly blurred.

Looking at the tens of millions of the Cold Abyss Alliance powerhouse, they almost wreaked havoc in the fortress in the form of massacre.

"Hahahaha." Emperor Feihan laughed loudly.

"What indestructible Tianguan boundary line of defense is nothing more than that."

"What about Ziyan Yixiao? Wasn't it arrogant more than half a year ago, provoking my Hanyuan League defense line?"

"Isn't he sitting on the defensive line of the Heavenly Pass? Why is he gone now? Let him come out and die."

"Oh, by the way, I'm afraid we knew that our Cold Abyss Alliance army is coming soon, so he ran away early."

"Hahahaha, this day of the border defense line, today a member of the Yanlong League can't even want to survive."

far away.

Under the ruins, Emperor Dongfeng trembled weakly, not panic, but anger.

"End... End..."

Today, not only the Tianguan boundary line of defense has been breached, but the fortress has been captured, along with the three million Yanlong League elite warriors and an 80,000 elite Liuhe Legion, will be buried here one by one.

"Big Brother." Nanfeng Dijun said with a strong tolerance, "Didn't Commander Yi Xiao give you the jade pendant before he left, calling him back when he said that the Heavenly Pass was in danger?"

Emperor Dongfeng nodded weakly, "The jade pendant has already been crushed."

"But, is it time? Even if you go to the teleportation formation, you still have to cross the void and darkness when you come to this battlefield."

"By the time he arrives, the Tianguan boundary line of defense has been completely finished..."

Just at this time.

In the distance, a voice of indifference resounded through the sky.

"Why, Emperor Feihan misses me and someone else?"


Third more.

Make up changes, before 3 o'clock in the morning.

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