Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4037: One against eight

In the distance, a flame figure stood between heaven and earth.

"Yi... Yi Xiao commander?" Dongfeng Emperor looked at the figure in the distance, somewhat incredulous.

That figure, a black costume and a mask.

That figure, like most half a year, was extremely indifferent.

That figure, full of flames, seemed invincible, making people feel at ease.

"It's really the leader of Yi Xiao." Emperor Dongfeng rubbed his eyes, and for a while, tears filled his eyes.

The sight was blurred, but the flame in the distance was still dazzling.

There is also another person whose vision is blurred, but it is not tears in his eyes, but vitality and weakness.

Emperor Liu Ren looked at the dazzling flame figure with a bit of joy in his eyes, a bit of resentment, a bit of rejoicing, and a bit of unwillingness in his eyes.

In short, the vision is very complicated.

But these complicated eyes were also rapidly dimming, and finally turned into darkness completely.

A body that was already cold fell weakly from a height.

Emperor Feihan retracted his hand and looked far away coldly, "Yi Xiao?"

The smug smile on his face has disappeared, replaced by solemnity.

Boom boom boom...

For a time, thunder rolled in the sky.

Countless falling thunders accurately fell on the fighters of the Cold Abyss Alliance.

Thunder fell into nothingness.

In the distance, a team of 400 elites has already joined the battlefield.

In this situation, it is only a matter of time to reverse the battle.

"Don't want to succeed." Emperor Feihan took Xiao Yi straight away.

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth grinned, and his figure moved instantly.

Emperor Feihan was full of chills, but his pupils shrank in an instant, and Xiao Yi's figure instantly disappeared in place, but when Xiao Yi appeared again...

Emperor Feihan only had time to see a powerful fist suddenly appear in front of his eyes.

Before he could react, there was already a pain in his nose, and then the entire face suddenly burst, blood ran down, and his figure flew.


Great earthquake.

The figure of Emperor Feihan smashed a huge pit on the devastated and desolate ground.

Xiao Yi was condescending and sneered, "Emperor Feihan, it seems that he doesn't have a long memory."

Among the rubble, Emperor Feihan stood up, his face instantly ugly.

He had forgotten that he could not even last a hundred breaths in Yi Xiao's hands when he was alone.

Emperor Feihan touched the blood-filled face, his eyes were sullen, "A dying person, this Emperor naturally can't remember."

"It's Yi Xiao who leads you and reminds the emperor."

Emperor Feihan sneered instantly.

Of course he remembered that in the first battle in the narrow world, it was only the combination of three commanding level powerhouses, which was enough to make this Yi Xiao only able to resist, and in the end he even had to flee in embarrassment.

Now, the combat power of his Cold Abyss Alliance on this battlefield will only be stronger, far surpassing before.

"Follow me, kill Yi Xiao first, and then slaughter the Tianguan border defense line." Emperor Feihan violently violently instantly.

Whoosh whoosh...

In all directions, powerful figures came straight to Xiao Yi.

Counting Emperor Feihan, there are eight people.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi squinted, "Eight commander-level powerhouses."

In his perception, there are hundreds of thousands of elite troops in addition to the tens of thousands of elite soldiers who have been on this battlefield more than half a year ago.

On the other hand, the Yanlong League side, although there are more top emperor levels, but the strongest is the deputy commander level of Emperor Liu Ren and the second-rate top emperor of the Four Winds.

In other words, the Yanlong League side did not even have a command level.

And the elites under his command, except for the three million Yanlong League elites, there are only 80,000 army elites.

It is no wonder that the Tianguan boundary line of defense will be defeated so quickly, and even a thousand miles away, with little defensive power.

At this time, Emperor Feihan came first.

Xiao Yi also retracted his perception, and dealt with these eight people with all his strength.

The fingers moved quickly, and the purple fire talisman burst out like a tide.

The figure of Emperor Feihan was instantly trapped by the purple flame chain.

"This trick again?" Emperor Feihan sneered while trapped.

An old man at the commanding level immediately struck Xiao Yi and left.

Xiao Yi moved his fingers one after another, and the purple fire talisman blasted towards the old man.

"Eight of the eclipse star." A loud shout.

It was the leader of the Narrow Boundary Division that day, a huge black sphere condensed in his hand, like a black planet that swallowed everything.

The black planet, solid and thick, does not seem to be the size of a mountain, but its gravity is terrifying.

The black planet blasted towards Xiao Yi.

The leader of the Tianxiajie branch sneered. He had already expected Xiao Yi to be like it was half a year ago, so he had to rush to avoid it.


In the next instant, what he saw before him exceeded his expectations.

Xiao Yi didn't dodge or dodge, but blasted out a punch.

The solid and heavy black planet was instantly picked up by that powerful palm.

" could it be possible." The Tianxiajie Fenmeng looked shocked.

Xiao Yi sneered, holding this huge black planet in one hand.

On the planet, a gloomy black air hit his hands.

But his hands were completely unscathed.

"The power of eclipse seems to be inferior to my Shura body, and it can't hurt me a bit." Xiao Yi sneered secretly.

This is the reason why the physical training profession is hailed as crushing all professions.

The Shura battle body is to crush all body repairs.

"Give it back to you." Xiao Yi yelled coldly.

The powerful palm of his hand seemed to contain billions of power, and the black planet he was holding was thrown out.

An elder at the commander level who struck, couldn't avoid it, and was hit by the eight-point eclipse star.

"Puff." The old man spouted out a mouthful of blood, and his figure was heavily bombarded.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure disappeared instantly.

Today, he is no longer the same as he was half a year ago.

Half a year ago, he only had the ability to control fire and relied on supreme martial skills.

But today, his Shura battle body has reached the peak of the monarch realm, coupled with the Shura transformation and the increase of Shenglong and Wujuezhenyi, the battle power directly equals the fire control strength.

Today, he can once again be proud and honest, no matter how many opponents of the same level, it is meaningless to him.

Xiao Yi's figure moved in tandem, taking the old man who was bombarded by the eight-point eclipse star, and while the figure was attacking, he quickly painted the purple fire talisman with one hand.


After the eighth-cent shadow eclipse star blasted the old man into the distance, while the old man was seriously injured, Xiao Yi's figure also arrived at the same time within an instant.

The Dao Dao Xuan Ao Purple Fire Talisman that had already been portrayed in his hand instantly blew down.

The purple fire talisman accurately hit every inch of the old man's life.

The old man hadn't even reacted, he was already dead.

Every wound on his body is full of traces of burning amethyst spirit flame.

"Huh." Xiao Yi glanced at the remaining seven people coldly.


An hour later.

"Purple Flame Seal." Xiao Yi banged his palm on Emperor Feihan's chest.

Ziyan print, instantly wears.

Emperor Feihan, pierced and died.

" could it be..." Emperor Feihan looked at his pierced chest incredulously.

Looking from his chest, it was empty inside. He could see everything behind him, and he could see... the remaining seven commander-level corpses.


Fourth more. (Make up)

Update today, finished.

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