Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4060: Battle of the Earth Volcano

Xiao Yi frowned, stood up and arched his hands.

"The emperor of the volcano, the original confession of the fire bull realm is that half belongs to my Yanlong League, and half belongs to your volcano."

"The site, the two are half and half."

"Although there are more Taurus Spirit Veins now, it's still just as it is."

"It's good for both families like this. Do you have to hurt your peace?"


The volcano emperor slammed into the case, "It hurts? A yellow-haired boy is also qualified to speak to this elder like this?"

"A little emperor, is he threatening this elder in our volcano?"

"Okay, very good."

"This time your Yanlong League is deceiving too much, so don't blame my volcano."

"Come here, take this for me, if you dare to resist, kill it on the spot."

Xiao Yi's eyes changed.

Emperor Hyena and others have already exploded in a spirit, "Dare you?"

Upon seeing this, the volcano emperor grinned with a grin.

Xiao Yi was startled, and quickly waved his hand to stop Emperor Hyena and others, "Don't move all of them, dissipate the momentum."

Including Emperor Hyena, this group of people are selected elites, and they are all ordered and prohibited.

The group of people lost their momentum and looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

"Commander Yi Xiao." Emperor Hyena gritted his teeth, "Divolcano is deceiving too much."

Xiao Yi sneered, "A dignified emperor, except for the ability to speak, he has nothing to do."

"We are here today, only in discussions."

"I promise, with the ten courage of the volcano emperor, I dare not really kill our party here."

Xiao Yi stared at the volcano emperor suddenly, "Am I right?"

The smirk at the corner of the volcano emperor's mouth was instantly stiff, and his eyes squinted.

"Let me ask." Xiao Yi said indifferently, "The emperor of the volcano, but it is because I am Yi Xiao who came to the Fire Bull Realm this time; I am also Yi Xiao who came to your volcano to negotiate today; therefore, it was only half a step away. Let, you have to target me Yanlong League?"

Emperor Du Qing's expression changed, "Nine Elders."

Want to stop the volcano emperor, but it is too late.

The volcano emperor sneered, "Why ask knowingly, so what?"

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded and said indifferently, "Then let me ask again, is there really no room for relaxation in this discussion?"

"Is it true that there is your volcano in the fire cow world, and there is no me Yanlong League?"

The volcano emperor grinned, "Could it be that you were farting just now when you were the emperor?"

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "then today's discussion, let's stop here."

Xiao Yi glanced at Emperor Hyena and his party, "Let's go."

"Go?" Emperor Hyena was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the talks had just started and it would be over.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "Go back and prepare for battle."

Xiao Yi turned around and left indifferently.

When the Emperor Hyena heard this, he showed warfare, "Yes."

A group of people followed sharply.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi paused, turned his head, and stared at the volcano emperor coldly.

"I still ask the emperor of the volcano to be prepared. Either you, or the emperor within your volcano, will stay in the fire bull realm."

"Otherwise, if you have me Yi Xiao for a day, your volcano will never want to mine half of the Taurus Spirit Stone in the Fire Bull Realm."

The volcano emperor sneered, "An emperor, this elder sees what storms and waves you can overcome..."

Xiao Yi looked at Xu Luo indifferently, "Elder Xu Luo, just follow your previous agreement with me."

"Yes." Xu Luo nodded.

"I open up the Yang family and will fully support Yi Xiao commander."

The volcano emperor slapped the table angrily, "Xu Luo, what do you mean by Kaiyang?"

As the elder of the reunification affairs, Xu Luo represented the entire Kaiyang clan in the heavens and all realms.

The word Yi Xiao, the record is there.

Under the emperor realm, who can do anything to him?

In the earth volcano, only one emperor realm can be sent to stay in the fire cow realm.

However, if the Kaiyang clan gave their full support, their inner emperor realm would also come along.

Is it possible that all the emperor realms in the volcano in other places should leave the mountain gate, and all of them would stay in the fire bull realm?

The emperor of the volcano instantly looked ugly.

Just at this time.

Outside the hall, an old man walked quickly.

"Haha, everyone, why is this." The old man smiled and made a gesture of squeezing his hands.

Xu Luo remained silent, only looking at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi looked at the old man, "This one is?"

The old man arched his hands, "The eighth elder of Laofudi Volcano, Du Qianshan."

The breath of the old man is obviously more than that of the volcano emperor.

"I have seen the eight elders." Xiao Yi arched his hands, but said coldly, "I'm here to discuss, but your volcano obviously doesn't mean to negotiate."

Du Qianshan smiled, "The old man knows about the discussions that you just had in the hall."

"Well, since it's for this purpose, we don't have to wind around and waste time with each other."

"Since Yi Xiao has talked about starting a war, let's be more direct."

Xiao Yi frowned, "What does Emperor Qianshan mean?"

"Haha." Du Qianshan smiled, "Since the Kaiyang clan fully supports Yi Xiao commander, once a war begins, it will also be a battle in the emperor realm."

"Emperor Realm can't shuttle through the void quickly, so things will be extremely troublesome, and I don't want to come to Yi Xiao to command it."

"Of course, the old man is not interested in alarming other elders in our volcano, and even the old man of the mountain owner."

"Most of the things in the heavens and all realms are under the emperor realm, and the emperor will solve it."

"This time, it will be the same."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Du Qianshan chuckled, "Since the leader of Yi Xiao is confident that you are there, our volcano needs to send the emperor to sit here."

"The old man would like to see if the leader of Yi Xiao really has this ability."

"In our volcano, if there is an emperor, and Yi Xiao can be defeated by the leader, the discussion on this matter will be based on what Yi Xiao said. The two are well, and there is no point in fighting."

"Very good." Xu Luo hurriedly said, "The battle is limited to the two."

"The dispute between the two parties is also decided in this victory."

"Everything speaks by strength."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

Du Qianshan made a "please" gesture, "Commander Yi Xiao, please please here."


Divolcano, Shanmen Square, has this huge competition platform.

On the competition stage, Xiao Yi stood indifferently, waiting.

Du Qianshan chuckled, "Commander Yi Xiao, let's be a villain first and then a gentleman."

"Then, let's say it first."

"If it's the emperor of our volcano who loses, it's the matter of negotiation."

"If Yi Xiao is the one who leads you, then it's not necessary to talk about it. The Golden Bull Spirit Vessel of the Fire Bull Realm has nothing to do with your Yanlong League."

"Your Yanlong League elite evacuated. The two families can't afford disputes and fighting, and it doesn't hurt their peace."

Xiao Yi frowned, but nodded, "Okay."

If the real skills are not as good as humans, then there is nothing to say.

Du Qianshan nodded, "Then please lead Yi Xiao to wait for a while, the opponent will be there soon."

Around the martial arts platform, it has long been surrounded by the volcanic warriors to watch the excitement.

Xiao Yi glanced without a trace.

"Divolcano, really well-deserved reputation." Xiao Yi secretly said.

The disciples of the surrounding Divolcano, besides the human race, there are also demons, and many other races.

A tyrannical breath interspersed among them.

Here, all of them are strong in fire.


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