Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4061: Undefeated Frenzy, Yi Sanqian

As far as the background is here, not to mention the moving emperor realm, just throwing a large number of fire road experts on the battlefield is enough for Xiao Yi to eat a pot.

Just like the combat power in Tiantianguanjie a few days ago, the sum of these guys is probably stronger than the offensive of the Cold Abyss Alliance.

Xiao Yi didn't look at it much.

There was already a lot of discussion around.

"What's going on today, such a big battle? Even the eighth and nine elders have appeared?"

"Don't you know? Yi Xiao of the Yanlong League wants to challenge the emperor and powerful of our Earth Volcano."

"Who is challenging?"

"Cut, you know with your toes, the chief and the second brother are in retreat, and the third brother is free."

"Oh? That is to say, Yi Xiao is going to challenge the third brother?"

"No, this guy is going to kill himself?"

Side of the martial arts stage.

The volcano emperor grinned.

On the side, Du Qianshan chuckled, "Old Jiu, can you rest assured now?"

"Yeah." The emperor of the volcano nodded, "Challenging the little San boy, this Yi Xiao is not happy at all."

"Although you can't kill this kid, you can roll back wherever this kid comes from."

"I want him to roll out of my volcano."

Du Qianshan chuckled lightly and said nothing.


On the stage.

Xiao Yi waited quietly.

A moment later.


High in the sky, a torrent of flames erupted.

The torrent fell on the martial arts stage, forming a figure.

It was just a young man.

But the momentum is strong and fierce.

"Here, Brother Three is here."

"Senior Brother San is known as'Undefeated Crazy Fire.' How many tricks like Yi Xiao, a fire control warrior, can go through in his hands?"

On the stage.

Xiao Yi stared at the young man.

The young man, covered in flames, had a fierce momentum.

Observe its breath, not an individual.

But looking at the traces of his longevity, this guy is indeed very young, at best only equivalent to about fifty or sixty years old of the human race.

"Undefeated Crazy Huo, Yi Sanqian, I have heard of you." Xiao Yi spit out indifferently.

He has indeed heard of this person's name, one of the famous fire evil evildoers in the heavens and all realms.

I saw it today and it was really amazing.

This person is more vigorous than the old top emperors like Emperor Du Qing.

"Zi Yan, Yi Xiao." Yi Sanqian nodded indifferently, "I have heard of you too."

"I thought that among the fire control fighters of my generation, only a few people such as Huo Tongzi could compare with me."

"Unexpectedly, there is still you."

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "It's a pity that I'm in a hurry and I don't have the time to play with you slowly."

"The battle should end as soon as possible."

"Crazy enough." Yi Sanqian yelled and stepped into the ground.


The huge competition platform, almost instantly turned into a molten place.

The battle between the two has actually begun.

Xiao Yi squinted, "Earth vein golden fire? It has been used so mysteriously."

According to rumors, this Yi Sanqian holds three kinds of heaven and earth supreme fire.

Coupled with the cultivation of the ground fire door, this person's strength is strong, one can imagine.

Under normal circumstances, he may not have any certainty that he can beat this Yi three thousand.

Can only...


The same flame erupted on Xiao Yi.

However, it was not the Amethyst Spirit Flame or the Earth Vein Golden Fire, but... the Blood Hell Demon Flame!

Xiao Yi's eyes were instantly filled with blood.

All over, **** flames rushed.

Although in the Eight Jues, only the improvement of God's Fire Vein is the greatest improvement that gives him the strength of Fire Dao.

However, Shura's combat training to the peak was not really in vain.

Because... he has blood **** demon flame.

The blood **** demon flame can turn all the power in his body into fire power.

Including, every independent power within Bajue; even if he wants to, even the vitality in his other independent small world qi spring can be incinerated.

at this time.

Everything in Xiao Yi's body was melting at an astonishing speed.

Including his divine fire veins, divine fire veins, immortal dao body, and the physical power that fills the whole body.

It also includes... the nine drops of light that are already restrained, and the astonishing strength of Shura.

Everything seems to happen for a long time, but in fact it only takes a few breaths.

Xiao Yi is already like a "killing god" jumping out of the sea of ​​blood and fire.

A flame, as if to melt the world and the lava under his feet.

"I'm in a hurry, let's fight quickly." Xiao Yi's tone was cold and bloodthirsty for a moment.

Xiao Yi stretched out his palm and held it vacantly. "What you do best at Earth Volcano is Earth Vein Golden Fire, and I will also use Earth Vein Golden Fire."

"Earth burst into the sky!"


The earth broke apart in an instant.

"Quick retreat." The surrounding volcanic warriors changed their colors and quickly retreated.

In the audience, only the eight elder Du Qianshan and the nine elder volcano emperor still stood in place, unmoved.

But in the surroundings, countless boulders have poured in from the earth, and in a flash, it has become a small star, trapping Yi 3000 in it.

"Bring it to me." Inside, Yi Sanqian's yelling voice came.

The earth burst into the sky, like a small star, like a huge round stone ball, the cracks of the golden fire cracked between the balls.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, holding his palm empty.

Boom...a big small star, instantly turned into a huge molten fireball.

Inside, it has become a molten world in the center of the earth.


Du Qianshan and the volcano emperor frowned for the first time.

After half an hour.

The volcano emperor's face was ugly for an instant, "Xiao San can't break this trap?"

Du Qianshan frowned, "Mistress lost."

"This is already an absolute strength suppression."

"Now what I am worried about is how long Xiao San can last in that furnace-like molten seal."

"The same is the Earth Veined Golden Fire, and the use of the two is similar, but the strength gap between the two and the absolute control of the flame are not at the same level.

It was another half an hour later.

Xiao Yi waved a big hand.

The earth exploded and the stars dissipated.

Yi Sanqian's figure was revealed, but he was already covered with burn marks and fainted.

"Little San." Du Qianshan hurriedly jumped onto the competition platform.

Xiao Yi waved his hand again, and the **** flame on his body dissipated and returned to normal.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled heavily.

It seems that he has completely crushed this Yi Sanqian, but in fact, the power of the demonic body in his body and the independent powers in the eight musts have consumed more than half.

The effect of the blood **** demon flame is truly amazing, and it can gather all the sources of power in his body into the power of fire.

But the consumption of power is too great.

"He's okay." Xiao Yi said indifferently. "It's worthwhile that when he was in a coma, I dispersed and burst into the sky."

"To be able to hold on for an hour in my earth-burst star, I admit he is very strong."

The volcano emperor's face was cold, "Don't be hypocritical here."

Du Qianshan arched his hands and said, "Thank Yi Xiao for being merciful under his leadership."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "Talking about..."

Du Qianshan nodded, "Everyone who is led by Yi Xiao, please go back to the hall and wait a while."

"I'll send three thousand to heal the wounds, go and go."

Xiao Yi nodded.


Second more.

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