Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4062: By me, it is Xiao Xinghe

In the hall.

The previous tripartite confrontation was resumed again.

The emperor of the volcano has always been angry and cold.

After a long while, the Eighth Elder Du Qianshan arrived.

"Emperor Qianshan." Xiao Yi arched his hands.

Du Qianshan nodded, "Don't worry, our volcano will not be unbelievable."

"Yi Xiao's commander strength is extraordinary. Since it is my volcano who is defeated, the old man naturally has nothing to say."

"Old eight." The volcano emperor gave a cold cry.

"Shut up." Du Qianshan glanced coldly, "Are you going to set off this unnecessary battle?"

The volcano emperor gritted his teeth and stopped speaking.

Du Qianshan arched his hands at the crowd, "Then this discussion, let's continue."

"Since the Kaiyang clan quit and don't want the 50% share, then naturally everything is easy to handle."

"Our volcano and your Yanlong League, as in the past, have half of the training resources in the Fire Bull Realm."

"But there is one more problem."

Xiao Yi frowned instantly.

Du Qianshan said solemnly, "The Golden Bull Spirit Vessel is much thicker than the ordinary one."

"Therefore, mining is extremely difficult."

"For this reason, one of our two families must cooperate with the Kaiyang family."

"The Kaiyang clan has withdrawn, so it will be difficult for any of our volcanoes and the Yanlong League to mine."

"I'm afraid, I really want to send the emperor realm to permanent station, and not to guard, but to help mine the spiritual vein."

Xu Luo quickly got up and said with a smile, "This is easy to say, please don't worry about Elder Qianshan."

"After that, I will leave a part of the full-time vein collectors of the Kaiyang clan to assist your two families until the Jinniu spirit veins in the fire cow world are mined."

"Oh?" Du Qianshan smiled, "It's the best to be so."

Du Qianshan looked at Xiao Yi and said in a surprised tone, "The leader of Yi Xiao is really good at making the Kaiyang clan sell you face like this."

"Haha." Xu Luo said with a smile, "Emperor Qianshan joked, it's all about friendship."

"Oh, just like today, the three of us shook hands and made peace, wouldn't our friendship be forged."

"Yes." Du Qianshan smiled, "In the future, but the leader of Fan Yixiao was walking outside and met our volcanic warrior. If there is any need for help, even..."

Du Qianshan has not finished speaking.

Bang bang...

Outside the hall, two loud sounds.

Two figures were blasted in.

Two volcano gatekeepers spit out blood and fell at the foot of Du Qianshan.

"Huh?" Du Qianshan frowned first, then his face instantly became cold.

The entrance of the main hall.

A figure stepped in slowly.

The figure, a costume, is very handsome.

A foot stepped out, kakaka...a burst of ice, spreading.

"Presumptuous." Du Qianshan shouted coldly, and stepped out in the same step.

It was just a simple step, and the ice was instantly dissipated, an astonishing coercion rushed towards the figure.

"So strong." Xiao Yi was startled.

At this step alone, he felt that half of the star would be destroyed.

This is definitely the ability that the pinnacle emperor has only one punch, and it collapses.

This Du Qianshan is definitely the pinnacle emperor.

"Do you dare to hurt me?" A cold and arrogant voice came from the entrance of the hall.

Du Qianshan saw the real figure and face, and the aura and pressure he had just stepped on immediately retracted.

Xiao Yi glanced at the entrance of the main hall, frowning, "Is it him?"

at this time.

At the foot of Du Qianshan, two gatekeepers clutched their chests, gritted their teeth and said, "Elder, this guy came with a token from the Yanlong League, so we didn't stop it."

"I just thought that he was also here on behalf of the Yanlong League and came to the hall to discuss, so we let him go all the way and brought him over."

"Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the entrance of the hall, this guy suddenly violent."

Du Qianshan nodded, "You should withdraw first."

"Yes." The two gatekeepers endured the pain and left.

Du Qianshan's face was already ugly and extremely cold.

"Master Xinghe." Du Qianshan stared at Xiao Xinghe coldly, "I don't know what this means?"

Yes, the person here is Xiao Xinghe.

"What does it mean?" Xiao Xinghe held his hand and smiled playfully.

"It's rare for my son to come to your volcano, but the two gatekeepers are leading me slowly."

"Why, I, Xiao Xinghe, are not considered a distinguished guest? If I come to your volcano, I still have to suffer from this anger?"

"Master Xinghe, you..." Du Qianshan's face became increasingly ugly.

Xiao Xinghe jokingly smiled, "Emperor Qianshan."

"I, Xiao Xinghe, hit your two minions in the volcano, so you don't want to worry about me."

"Huh." Du Qianshan took a deep breath, suppressing the undulating anger in his heart.

"Okay, then please, Master Xinghe came to our volcano, what is going on?"

"It's a trivial matter." Xiao Xinghe shrugged, "In a word, I want the Taurus spirit veins of the Fire Bull Realm."

Du Qianshan frowned and said, "This matter has been discussed with the leader of Yi Xiao just now. Our two families need half of the training resources in the fire cow world."

"Heh." Xiao Xinghe sneered, "You talk to Na Yi Xiao, that's your business."

"He can't represent our Yanlong League."

"I mean, Xiao Xinghe wants all the Golden Bull spirit veins in the Fire Bull Realm."

"What?" Du Qianshan could hardly suppress his anger.

"Bastard." The volcano emperor shouted angrily, and even smirked.

"Oh? I see, it's really a good idea to fight the Yanlong League."

"No wonder this Ziyan Yi Xiao is so arrogant, what I was waiting for was now."

"You two don't have to sing and act here."

Xiao Yi frowned.

Du Qianshan stared at Xiao Yi coldly, "Commander Yi Xiao, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yi frowned, and he was speechless for a while.

Today, everything he says is for nothing.

Du Qianshan transferred and looked at Xiao Xinghe coldly, "Master Xinghe, what a big hole."

"Want to swallow my share of the volcano?"

"The old man asked Young Master Xinghe why?"

The volcano emperor shouted angrily, "Come here, take this Xiao Xinghe for me."

"Boom him out of the volcano."

"Yes." One by one, the volcano warriors arrived quickly.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

The emperor Hyena and others behind him also squinted.

Bang bang...

At this moment, Xiao Xinghe's hand exploded, a flame phantom in his left hand condensed, and a cold ice phantom in his right hand condensed.

"Take me, rely on these cats and dogs?"

Everyone present changed their expressions, "Twin Martial Spirits?"


A strange-shaped ice piano in Xiao Xinghe's hand appeared out of thin air.

With one hand pressed, the sound of the piano is cold.

The surrounding volcanic warriors all looked uncomfortable.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi said secretly.

In the preliminary judgment last time, Xiao Xinghe's strength was better than Xiao Bai.

But now, how to stop it.

This level of strength, even if he is in a normal state, he may not be sure to lose, and he has a number of five to five.

And depending on the situation, Xiao Xinghe has not yet considered all his strengths.

Worthy of being the evildoer returning from the Bai family.

"Why do you ask me?" Xiao Xinghe looked at Du Qianshan directly and sneered.

"For me, Xiao Xinghe is the owner of the twin spirits."

"Because I am the Xiao family and the Bai family."

"My father is the first emperor of the void, the general leader of the Yanlong League, the commander of the Yanlong Legion, Xiao Chenfeng!"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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