Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4064: The battle of ‘brothers’

"The five or six diamond fires themselves are the most common and the easiest to obtain."

"My Kaiyang clan spends some spiritual veins and directly buys the exercises."

"Unfortunately, the leader of Yi Xiao is too smart, don't."

Xu Luo smiled.

"It's hard work." Xiao Yi arched his hands.

The five or six vajra fires are one of the strongest fires in the world.

And it's really easy to get.

According to the Seven-Eyed Emperor, this kind of flame can be cultivated through a special technique.

The price is not as expensive as expected.

If Xiao Yi needs it, he can directly save enough spiritual veins and buy it at Wanjie Commercial Bank.

But Xiao Yi didn't need the effect of these five or six diamond fires.

This can be regarded as the ‘fire of body cultivation’, and by cultivating it, you can burn the body and cultivate the flame diamond body.

However, he himself had already cultivated the "Demon One", which is known as the strongest physical training course. Therefore, the five or six vajra fires he had gotten would be tasteless.

"All right." Xu Luo nodded, "Although this is troublesome, it is indeed a matter of mastery of my Kaiyang clan."

"It is understandable that the leader of Yi Xiao used this to trade with our Kaiyang clan."

"But, please lead Yi Xiao to stop repenting."

"Otherwise, my Kaiyang clan is not that easy to talk." Xu Luo's tone was suddenly serious.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Don't worry."

"Yi is a fire-control warrior. I can imagine the temptation of the world's strongest fire on me."

"In any case, Yi will not go back this time."

"Waiting for the Kaiyang clan to find a kind of heaven and earth's strongest fire for Yi Mou, the Mang Star Supreme Armor, Yi Mouding offers it with both hands."

Xu Luo nodded, "That's it."

"But commander Yi Xiao is still mentally prepared."

"The world's strongest fire, after all, is something that can't be met."

"Even if my Kaiyang clan is proficient in fire-seeking, I still need some organic factors."

"In a short time, maybe it may not be able to help Yi Xiao lead this matter."

"It's not that it will be done in a month or a few months. It may be several years, ten years or even longer."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, "There is no time limit for this transaction."

"But there is one more thing I hope the Kaiyang clan can do a little bit." Xiao Yi arched his hands.

"The gold bull spirit vein mining in the fire bull realm still needs your Kaiyang clan for help."

"I wonder if I can help a few times?"

Xu Luo nodded, "This is a trivial matter. According to what I said before, my Kaiyang clan will leave a part of the clan to help in the fire cow world."

"Thanks." Xiao Yi thanked him, "Yi guarantees that as long as Kaiyang's clan can really find the world's strongest fire I need this time, then no matter what other accidents happen to them, Yi will not matter. The transaction must be completed."

Xu Luo nodded, "That's it."


"Farewell." Xiao Yi arched his hands.


Half a month later.

Fire Bull.

Xiao Yi looked at the Yanlong Alliance warriors such as Emperor Hyena who was already mining the golden bull veins, as well as some of the Kaiyang people who were assisting, and nodded slightly.

The matter here can come to an end.

Next, just wait for a future transaction with the Kaiyang family.

According to the importance the Kaiyang clan attaches to Mangxing Indestructible Jia, in fact, perhaps he can speak loudly and ask for tens of millions of spiritual veins, or even more.

But in the final analysis, he had a way to get the spiritual veins, it just took some time.

Moreover, even if he had the spirit veins, he could only go to the Wanjie Commercial Bank to buy information.

And intelligence, after all, is intelligence, it doesn't mean that you can really get this kind of heaven and earth power.

The blood prison demon flame matter, but it sounded a wake-up call for him.

I bought this information, and whether I can get it is really unknown.

Now, by directly trading this powerful flame with the Kaiyang clan, you can get the flame directly, saving yourself trouble.

After all, the Kaiyang clan are good at this.

The other is the five or six diamond fire.

This will only be the powerful flame he is willing to get when he has no choice.

He really wanted to gather nine powerful flames to meet the training needs of the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art.

But in the final analysis, he is now only two powerful flames.

Moreover, he is bound to win the first starry fire, and he already knows where it is, but he can't get it for the time being.

In other words, the rest is only one kind.

Therefore, there is no need to rush, and there is indeed enough time to wait for a better and more powerful flame.

"Emperor Hyena." Xiao Yi called.

"Commander Yi Xiao." Emperor Hyena walked quickly.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "The fire cow world has already happened, and mining matters have started normally."

"It's time for Yi to leave."

Emperor Hyena arched his hands, "Although there was an accident this time, the leader of Yi Xiao, who was ultimately at a loss, sits here."

"I'm Hyena, thank you." Emperor Hyena made a heavy salute.

Xiao Yi nodded, and his figure flashed before leaving.

In situ.

In the distance, a member of the Kaiyang clan who was assisting in mining suddenly flashed a chill in his eyes.



Xiao Yi Yukong flew away, but did not go to the teleportation formation of the Realm Lord's Mansion.

Instead, he flew away from the entrance to the void and darkness.

Anyway, there was nothing wrong with returning to the General League, he simply wiped out the nearby Spirit Devouring Race first.

Leap all the way.

Not long after, I saw a large warship flying leisurely in the void.

On the boat, a handsome young man sitting back on a chair made of a hundred million-year-old dragon fragrant wood, eating rare and delicious fruits, and tasting the wine and wine.

Behind him, two old slaves in white clothes waited quietly.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

This person is Xiao Xinghe.

Xiao Xinghe put down his wine glass, looked at Xiao Yi flying by outside the warship, and called out.

"If I slowly fly back to the general alliance, it will be far away."

"In the void and darkness, it's dark and cold, and I'm exhausted."

"Do you want my son to take you for a ride? My large warship is equipped with many ancient amplification arrays, which are extremely fast."

Xiao Yi glanced, and then squinted.

This guy, shouldn't fly back to the league like this.

It's just a leisurely wandering in this void for a certain period of time, after which you must also go to the teleportation formation.

"Come in for a glass of water and wine?" Xiao Xinghe raised his glass.

"Drink this cup, you and I were unhappy in the past, so I wiped it out."

"Of course, you will listen to me in the Yanlong League in the future."

Xiao Yi ignored it and left in the air.

Just at this time.

Om... Whoosh...

In the battleship, a piano sound turned into an icy wind blade.

Xiao Yi paused, and the wind blade made by Qin Yin could be wiped past his figure.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, this wind blade had already hit him.

Xiao Yi paused and stared directly at him with cold eyes, "The hundreds of millions of years old dragon fragrant wood, plus this bunch of rare sacred fruits."

"Young Master Xinghe is a baby, and he is not afraid of recruiting bad guys in this void and darkness?"

"Oh?" Xiao Xinghe narrowed his eyes, "Can I understand that leader Yi Xiao is threatening this young man?"

"You can think so." Xiao Yi said coldly.

After the sound fell for a moment, the figure had disappeared in place.

Bang... bang...

The wine glass in Xiao Xinghe's hand had just been put down on the table.

There were already two explosions behind him.

The two old Bai family slaves, one of them fell to the ground.


A sharp sword in Xiao Xinghe's hand appeared out of thin air, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.


This is the sound of gold and iron.

Xiao Yi held the sharp sword in one hand, and the figure was just a few steps away from Xiao Xinghe.

Under the feet, the two old Bai family slaves could not move.

Everything happened in a flash.


Second more.

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