Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4065: Give some cheaper

"Some skills." Xiao Xinghe squinted his eyes.

"The same with you." Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent.

That sharp sword, the body of the sword is white and cold.

Although Xiao Yi held it with one hand, there was still an astonishing icy chill.

A large piece of ice is under my feet.

"This sword is called Juewan, and it is ranked among the Supreme Sacred Artifacts." Xiao Xinghe sneered triumphantly.

"I've heard of your record, breaking the ancient family treasure of the Amber clan, and sealing the sky with a golden halberd."

"My handle, you try?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi sneered.

However, the Bingluan sword in his body was about to touch.

But it was an inexplicable heart that came first.

Why, looking at this white sword, he couldn't bear it for a moment.

But at the same time, an inexplicable disgust flashed.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and stared at the sword. "The man who made this sword had an extremely complicated mood when he made the sword."

Xiao Xinghe sneered, "Look for less excuses."

"I can't do anything, you can just say it."


Xiao Yi's arm shook, and the sword body was instantly bounced.

Take it straight away, and the speed is extremely strong.


In the air, there was also a crisp sound.


Xiao Yi's palm was held on Xiao Xinghe's throat.

Xiao Xinghe's sword was also placed on Xiao Yi's neck in an instant.

Xiao Xinghe suddenly felt uncomfortable breathing, "I'm so strong."

Xiao Yi also felt the extreme coldness between his neck, "A good sword."

Compared with Fengtian Jinji, it is not worth mentioning.

"A victory or defeat?" Xiao Xinghe squinted.

"Anyway, this emptiness is enough to be our battlefield."

Xiao Yi said nothing, and withdrew his hand.

Xiao Xinghe frowned and slowly moved his sword away.

Xiao Yi turned around and left.

"Walking in the air, you may not encounter the Emperor Realm, so be careful."

This is the last word that Xiao Yi left.

The figure finally entered the void and darkness, completely gone.

In the void and darkness.

Xiao Yi went into the darkness.

While flying, but also frowned secretly.

Why did that sword make him feel soft at that moment?


On the battleship.

Xiao Xinghe retracted the sword, frowning, "It's not a mere appearance."

"In this state of mine, it's just five to five points against him."

The two old slaves of the Bai family stood up and said, "Master Tianzong, how can you compare to a wild boy who has risen by luck?"

"Yes." Xiao Xinghe shrugged and sat back in his chair.

Eat precious fruits in one bite.

Suddenly, a figure flew from outside the battleship and fell to the ground on one knee.

"Master Star River."

The visitor, look more realistic, is actually one of the members of the Kaiyang clan who stayed in the fire cow world.

"Yeah." Xiao Xinghe nodded, "What's wrong, is there any information to sell me?"

The visitor smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master Xinghe, you will be satisfied with this information."


"Come on." Xiao Xinghe interrupted impatiently, "Is there a time when my son makes a move?"

"If you are really satisfied with this son, you will be indispensable for rewards."

"Yes, yes." The visitor smiled, and then took out a crystal ball.

The crystal ball circulates slowly, and a picture is set off.

It was actually the conversation between Xiao Yi and Xu Luo and his entourage when they were on the edge of the fire cow world.

This is obviously a tracing back to martial arts, and then the picture is sealed in this crystal ball.

Just look at the pictures and listen to the words.


Xiao Xinghe was angry and fell to the ground with the wine glass in his hand.

"Well, you Yi Xiao, it turns out that you really want to fight against my son."

"Hmph, it turns out that I really wanted to plot a bad idea, coveting my Yanlong League."

"My father gave him a high look and made him a leader at a young age; now he is not enough to be the leader, or even the commander?"

"Hmph, if you have me, Xiao Xinghe, you will never want to succeed."

Xiao Xinghe threw out a universe ring.

The visitor took it and felt it for a while, his face was overjoyed, "Xie Xinghe for the reward."

"Go." Xiao Xinghe waved his hand, "This matter is also announced."

"I want everyone in the entire heavens and ten thousand realms to know what Yi Xiao's wolf ambition is."

"Don't worry." The visitor promised, "The villain knows."

The visitor saluted, Yukong left.

Xiao Xinghe held the crystal ball in his hand and squinted.


A few days later.

Burning the moon and the heavens, teleporting to the big formation.

Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

It only took him a few days to clean up the Swallowing Spirit Race.

According to the rules, after he completes the task, he has to report back to the General League.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bother to come back.

At the same time.

The Yanlong League is in the depths of the Xiao family.

In the study.

Xiao Chenfeng and Xiao Yuan frowned as they looked at the crystal ball on the table.

"Father, I didn't slander him." Xiao Xinghe said coldly.

"Now that the evidence is solid, I will ask him to confront him and see what he has to say."

Xiao Xinghe turned around and left.

"Stop." Xiao Chenfeng yelled softly.

Xiao Xinghe smiled with joy, "Father, are you going to find him personally and blast him out of the Yanlong League?"

Xiao Chenfeng shook his head, "What are you going to confront?"

"Little friend Yi Xiao, did you do something wrong?"

"People should have ambitions. Little friend Yi Xiao hopes to be the commander, and even the commander-in-chief, which just proves that he is ambitious."

"Do you behave like you? Spoiled all day long, acting nonsense?"

"How can I..." Xiao Xinghe retorted.

"Not yet?" Xiao Xinghe had already increased his tone.

On the side, Xiao Yuan shook his head, "I said Xinghe, what have you learned in the Bai family for more than 20 years?"

"Just practice with one mind? Is it possible that your enlightenment teacher is dumbfounded?"

"And those martial arts teachers of yours, they only teach you to practice?"

"As you know, you rushed to the volcano this time. Yes, you have saved enough face and resolved things quickly."

"But you also know that for these face, my fellow Yanlong League will be required to take on unnecessary crises in the future?"

"Crossing the volcanoes, even if they don't know how to retaliate, how many brothers in the alliance might suffer?"

"One more step back, even if the volcanoes ignore us, the Jinniu spirit veins in the fire cow world, if there is no Kaiyang clan to help mine, I am afraid we will have to separate a lot of command-level combat power to mine, and it will take time. Not short."

"Divolcano, even if we are ready to send the Emperor Realm to mine, our Yanlong League will only be more troublesome."

Xiao Yuan smiled, "Although you are my nephew, I still have to say that Yi Xiao did a better job than you this time."

"Although I don't understand how he persuaded the Kaiyang clan to stand on his side."

"But he can judge the crux of the matter in an instant. It's still in the hands of the Kaiyang clan to solve the Kaiyang clan first."

"For this reason, even if he negotiates with the volcano in search of land, everything is very simple."

Xiao Xinghe curled his lips.

"Okay, let's go and reflect." Xiao Chenfeng scolded.

In the study.

Only two of them are left.

Xiao Chenfeng, regaining his smile, chuckled lightly.

Xiao Yuan also chuckled, "I think this son's conversation with the Kaiyang clan is more like this son is taking advantage."

"It is clear that it is for the Kaiyang clan guys to search for the world's strongest fire."

"This kid, there are enough thieves."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded and chuckled lightly, "This is something you can see at a glance."

"If he really cares that Xinghe has robbed him of his merits and credits, he won't ask Kaiyang people for help in mining afterwards."

Xiao Chenfeng knocked on the table, and there was a file of information there.

"As early as yesterday, I had a clear knowledge of all matters in the fire bull community."

"If this son really wants to be the commander-in-chief or I am the commander-in-chief, I would be delighted."

Xiao Yuan smiled, "The more I find Patriarch Bai, what you said before and decided."

"Xinghe is indeed too tender when he succeeds."

"Perhaps as the Patriarch said, he is free from all the whirlpools and crisis pressures and lives his spoiled life. It is better to just wander in the pure martial arts all his life."

"Yi Xiao is really a great talent."

"Fortunately, he is a native warrior of my Yanlong Region, and he also came to my Yanlong League first, otherwise, when he rises to fame, he will not know how many olive branches will be thrown to him by the heavens and the world."

"It's a pity..." Xiao Chenfeng squinted and frowned suddenly.

"I don't know why, I always feel that he seems to be away from me... and even from our Yanlong League, farther and stranger."

Xiao Yuan smiled, "Patriarch has been worrying too much, it must be that these things on the battlefield of God are too annoying, causing the Patriarch to feel uneasy."

"I think Yi Xiao is purely unprofitable and cannot afford the earlier generation."

"Look at him every time he does things, if you are calculating, you have to calculate people to death, and take the last bit of advantage; if you are searching, I can't wait to search the Hanyuan League upright."

"Patriarch might as well start in this regard."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded.


Third more.

Update today, finished.

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