Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4402: I will be unwilling

Under the blue sky.

Xiao Yi lay comfortably on the Grand Master's chair, next to the stone table, full of precious fruits and wine.

Xiao Yi grabbed a glass of wine and drank it all in one go.

He had already changed back to his own son's uniform, his clothes rubbed the corners of his mouth and exhaled comfortably.

"Tsk tusk, this is life." Xiao Yi licked his lips.

This courtyard is very quiet.

Not the quietness, but the quietness of my heart.

This courtyard is very comfortable.

The breeze came slowly, and the beautiful lady was on the side.

What is more comfortable life in this world?

"Ah." Xiao Yi slowly opened his mouth.

Yiyi smiled obediently, took a bunch of glittering grapefruits, and gently placed it in Xiao Yi's mouth.

The grains are like pearls, sweet and refreshing.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi smiled happily, "comfortable, comfortable, at ease, at ease."

Xiao Yi looked at the beautiful woman beside him, "Now, your husband and me, are you like that easy swinger?"

"Yeah." Yiyi Qiao smiled Yanran, "It's good if the son is happy."

Xiao Yi put his arm around her waist and chuckled softly, "It's fine if you like it."

"The world is prosperous and beautiful, these days are envious of the world, comfortable and comfortable."

"How can I be willing to die?" Xiao Yi said inwardly in the last sentence.

one day…

Two days...

Three days...

Xiao Yi looked so comfortable, so comfortable and natural.

But why, all this seems so uncharacteristic.

But, in any case, this comfortable figure in this courtyard is really a handsome young man, a handsome handsome man with a rich god.

Xiao Yi embraced the beautiful woman with one hand.

Beautiful lady, quietly, silent.

Xiao Yi was silent, silent.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi showed a wicked smile, "My husband, I want to take a shower."

"Yeah." Yiyi replied cleverly, "Master wait a moment."

Even if the beautiful woman walks away quickly, she is still beautiful.

In the room.

Xiao Yi soaked in the agarwood bath and exhaled a sigh of relief comfortably.

The steam evaporates.

Xiao Yi leaned back and put his hands on the edge of the bathtub.

That sturdy but not stout, extremely perfect body is fully exposed.

Behind him, Yiyi gently squeezed his bare hands on his shoulders.

"Comfortable." Xiao Yi was immersed in it and closed his eyes slightly.

Behind her, Yiyimei squinted her eyes like that crescent, and smiled happily.

When her son is happy, she is happy.

It was enough for her to watch her son so comfortable and life so easy.


Xiao Yi's powerful palm lightly grasped the bare hand on his shoulder, and stopped the comfortable kneading.

"The son?" Yiyi whispered in doubt.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I have had enough bath,'s time to wait for bed."

Yiyi Qiao blushed.

Xiao Yi smiled, standing up in the bathtub, that Bai Zhe's perfect body was even more revealing.

The heat is steaming, but Yiyi is so close at hand that she can see it clearly, her pretty face reddening.

Yiyi lowered his head and said nothing.

She was afraid that she would be stunned by looking at it a few more times.

Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi, his eyes were so soft, and he walked slowly towards the bed.

Today, it's still early.

It's absurd to be happy in the day.

Crazy day by day, until dark at night.


Leaning on the railing, the two cuddled, watching the stars and the moon quietly.

Yiyi's head was rubbed against that strong and warm chest, and it was pressed tightly, but his lips were also slightly pursed.

In the past few days, her son is a little abnormal.

Up to this moment, just like before, the two cuddling together, quietly, are the most beautiful in the world.

Xiao Yi leaned back on the railing, staring at the bright sky beyond the night.

It's still that Zhang Junyi's face.

It is still the pretty young man in the turbid world.

But his eyes, after all, returned to what they used to be, clear and deep.

"Finally..." Xiao Yi murmured slowly.

The tone returned to normal.

"What?" Yiyi raised his head slightly and looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "I just feel that I'm the one who has toiled for the rest of his life, and I can't get back to idle after all, and it's impossible to go on like this after all.

"This world is indeed prosperous and beautiful."

"I am happy and in love."

"But I don't need these prosperity and beauty."

"I am happy, and what I love is the prosperity and beauty of the people I care about."

"This is prosperous and beautiful, I will keep it."

"Because you are in this world."

Yiyi pursed her lips and remained silent, looking at this face close at hand, after all, she still felt so distressed.

Her son, after all these few days of ease and ‘enjoy’, he chose to get away after all.

Who doesn't want ease and beauty?

But it is involuntary.

"If you don't want to, you can..." Yiyi couldn't help but want to say something.

Xiao Yi smiled and flicked Yiyi's pretty face, "My wife, seems to know what I am thinking about and what I am worrying about."

Yiyi's face was startled, and a dodge flashed in her eyes, and she could hear the stunner in Xiao Yi's words.

Has it been discovered? Are you going to be scolded?

Yiyi lowered his head slightly and buried it deeply in the solid chest.

Xiao Yi smiled, hugged Yiyi tighter, or slowly said, "In these years, walking in the endless void, I finally met that guy and that woman."

Xiao Yi's voice was very soft, very soft, but very complicated.

Yiyi couldn't help raising his head and said, "Patriarch and mother?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "Originally, they had been gone for so many years, I have the right to treat them as dead."

"In the endless void, that day, when I was expelled from the Yanlong League, I felt a lot more at ease."

"That day, I was in my blood inflammation world, after receiving that piece of information from Tianyu...

Xiao Yi exhaled slightly, "I gritted my teeth and muttered to myself, their son is dead."

"What does all this have to do with me?"

"Their son is Xiao Xinghe, the Tianjiao of the Bai Family, and the Young Patriarch of the Xiao Family of the Yanlong League."

Xiao Yi's eyes gradually became a little colder, "That day, my heart was cruel."

"They patted their butts and walked for decades."

"The danger of the Xiao family in the Eastern Territory was almost destroyed, and they ignored it."

"So today, why should I care about their affairs?"

"Their life and death have nothing to do with me."

Xiao Yi lowered his head and looked at Yiyi earnestly, "I have you, the people of the Xiao family of the Eastern Region, and those old people, that's enough."

"Yeah." Yiyi murmured softly, not saying much.

She only listened quietly to Xiao Yi's narration.

Even though Xiao Yi said these things, she had already known it in the intelligence.

She didn't bother, no matter what decision her son made, she would not interfere, say anything more.

After Xiao Yi said the last sentence, he fell silent.

For a long while.

Xiao Yifang asked, "Do you think I should take this trip?"

Yiyi raised his head slightly and looked at Xiao Yi, "It's fine if the son likes it, I'll listen to him."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Then if I don't leave this time, no matter what, do you think I did the right thing?"

"In other words, what is right and what is wrong?"

Yiyi smiled and blurted out, "What the son thinks is right is right."

"It's so simple?" Xiao Yi let out a laugh.

Yiyi nodded his head very seriously.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "If I could be as simple as you, it would be great."

Yiyi still looked serious, "If the son is willing, I will carry it for him in the future."

Xiao Yi still shook his head, "No, you are so simple, just happily."

"I'll take care of this world."

"It's just..." Xiao Yi smiled wryly, "This question is pushed back to me again."

Yiyi frowned slightly and thought for a while, "Will the son be unhappy if he doesn't go?"

Xiao Yi asked back, "If I don't go, will you be unhappy?"

Yiyi shook his head repeatedly, "No, the son is not unhappy, I will not be unhappy."

Xiao Yi smiled, "No, my wife is not unhappy, so I won't be unhappy."

"The son..." Yiyi whispered softly.

"I won't be reconciled." Xiao Yi spit out abruptly, his expression serious.

With sharp eyes, look straight at the sky.

Among the stars, there is always one, which is where he must go.


The first is more.

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