Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4403: Four ancestors, space comprehension

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded obediently.

Xiao Yi smiled, "But it's still the same sentence."

"Having you is enough."

"If I'm not sure enough, I won't go to death."

"So, do your best."

Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi, and before he made this decision, he would hold the beautiful woman in his arms so tightly for the first time in history.


early morning.


The door was slightly opened.

Xiao Yi walked out slowly, took a deep breath, felt the morning wind, and smiled.

Smile, so real.

So... spirited.

This is his true Xiao Yi.

Rather than the killer who is indifferent all day long.

That's just what the enemy and outsiders can see.

And here is in his courtyard.

Xiao Yi walked to the middle of the courtyard and sat down cross-legged.

The palm of the hand slammed into a virtual grip.

Cang... Whoo...

There was a crisp sword sound, and a purple streamer leaped forward.

It was a sword, extremely gorgeous, and fell firmly into Xiao Yi's hands.

Well, it is Zidian of course.

"Heh." Xiao Yi looked at the long-lost sword in his hand and smiled lightly and also with satisfaction.

"Over the years, the one who made you stronger, stronger than I thought."

In his current judgment, this purple electricity has already far exceeded the level of the ultimate holy artifact, and even surpassed the level of the ordinary ancient heavy treasure.

It was stronger than the dawn clock in his hand.

The dawn bell is among the treasures of consummation.

What about his Zidian?

He is not sure yet.

But what Zidian is really strong is not these, but the infinite growth characteristics.

Xiao Yi stroked the sword body, then put it down slightly.

The sharp eyes condensed suddenly.

Next, he is about to start his long-lost martial arts enlightenment.

In my eyes, so confident and so energetic.

After all, he was still the pure warrior who didn't forget his original intention.

After all, it was Xiao Yi, who was dedicated to the pursuit of martial arts.

Xiao Yi slowly closed his eyes.

There is not much time left.

However, he has this confidence.


A thing in his hand suddenly condenses.

It was a treasure, it was... a floating shuttle.

Xiao Yi did not open his eyes, but still closed his eyes, feeling it carefully.

Heaven and earth treasures are actually sacred artifacts; it can only be said that every heaven and earth treasure, whether it is at the level of the small world of stars or the level of the heavens, is a special sacred artifact.

Heaven and earth are the treasures, born from heaven and earth.

In itself, it represents the special laws peculiar to this world.

Such as the floating world, its special boundary law is the floating law.

Even, to a large extent, a treasure of heaven and earth is a microcosm of this heaven and earth.

Xiao Yi carefully studied and felt it.

Back then, when he first got the floating shuttle and after refining and controlling it, when he felt this floating law, he already had some feelings, but at the same time... he had some doubts.

This doubt comes from Yanlong Domain.

Therefore, he felt that only by returning to the Yanlong Region could he solve this doubt.

This doubt lies in the space.

At the same time, it lies in the doubt he had a long time ago.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "The land of the four ancestors of heaven and earth is a special place that was born after the famine years."

"The voice of the four ancestors is also after the sound of the flame dragon, but before the voice of the birth of living beings."

"It's vague and ridiculous, and the time is endless. From its birth to the existence of the Four Ancestors, it lasted an extremely long time."

"When the voices of the four ancestors converge and the power of the four ancestors merged, the Yanlong Continent began to be alive and ushered in the strongest ancient years."

"The land of the four ancestors must have come into being, and it should be the world of Yanlong Territory."

"Heaven and earth is where the space is, and the land of the four ancestors is also the manifestation of space. Why is there such a mysterious change in the collision of the four ancestors' space with the entire space of heaven and earth?"

Xiao Yi's brows wrinkled tighter.

He has been to the land of the four ancestors.

And all have gained.

However, it is also more doubtful.

"The land of the fire ancestor is where the fire ancestor power and the fire unicorn are located."

"The land of Lei Zu is where the power of Lei Zu and Lei Qilin are."

"The land of water ancestors is the power of water ancestors and the seal of water ancestors."

"The land of the empty ancestor is the power of the empty ancestor and the wind pearl."

Xiao Yi slowly opened his eyes, "The same four ancestors, why are there such differences?"

"Both are the existence of unicorn beasts representing the law of guardianship."

"Both, there is no unicorn beast, but the second ancestor's sacred artifact left."

This doubt has existed as early as that year.

As far as he knew, when the fire ancestors were in their heyday, they were accompanied by fire unicorns, but they did not have their own sacred relics.

When the water ancestor was in its heyday, there was no waterway unicorn who was born with it. Instead, it took my own efforts to condense the water ancestor Dao seal.

"Fire, water, thunder, empty." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

However, there is no answer after all.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes.

one day…

Two days...

Three days...

Ten days later.

Xiao Yi still sat cross-legged, eyes closed.

But around the body, there is indeed a thunder...a thunder condensed out of thin air.

Bang...a flame, condensed out of thin air.

Bang...a stream of water, winding out of thin air.

Boom...a force of silence wind exists invisibly.

Xiao Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the eyes flickered.

"The answer has never been as complicated as I thought."

"The four ancestors seem to be primitive, everything is one."

"The power of thunder and fire is extremely violent. Naturally, it is necessary for heaven and earth to give birth to the law of unicorns in order to be stable."

"The power of feng shui can exist softly and quietly, but it is endless, and the water ancestor Taoyin and the feng zhu are born in the endless continuity."

Xiao Yi squinted, "The four tones converged and the four forces of heaven and earth merged back then. It must be the result of the evolution of the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth need to give birth to birth spirits."

"So now, if I control these four forces, how can I make them blend together?"

Xiao Yi frowned.

In his mind, he suddenly remembered a sentence that the one said back then.

The land of the four ancestors of heaven and earth is indeed powerful, but it will continue to diminish with the heaven and earth of the Yanlong Region itself, until one day, it will no longer exist.

The land of the four ancestors of heaven and earth has such a powerful and immense power, and even so.

The land of the four ancestors has always been a part of space.

"The power of space." Xiao Yi squinted.


Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed with sword energy, "The four forces of heaven and earth, and now I condense and converge, and I will represent the will of heaven and earth."

"At the same time, build a world of space that belongs to me."

"The convergence of the four forces, carried by my kendo, should be enough."

"My kendo is my will."

"Swordsmanship inherits each other, built by the four forces of heaven and earth, space is self-contained."


Sword Qi Weng Ming at the fingertips.

Four forces come from all directions.

Flames, boiling violent.

Thunder, screaming and shimmering.

The water flow, winding and winding.

The silent wind blows invisibly.

The four of them, attached to the kendo, are extremely unstable, but they do create a weak space.

"Huh? What a powerful space force." Xiao Yi's eyes were startled.

Just at this time.


Above the sky, the space is cracking.

A figure fell from the sky.

"The Supreme Heaven?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.


The second is more.

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