Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4419: Fragile mind

Until Xiao Yi and the three left.

In Taihan Palace, everyone in the main hall failed to respond for a long time.

Everyone has different faces.

Almost a crowd of guests still looked out of the hall in surprise.

This majestic and grand marriage of heaven has become a farce in this way.

The figure surrounded by the dragon flame swaggered out of the Taihan Palace.

Of course, everyone now knows the true identity of the rumored Ziyan Yi Xiao.

All present were strong men standing at the top of the void, and all old monsters who had lived for so many years.

Since, I wanted to understand everything at once.

That Ziyan Yi Xiao, that young man, and the Empress of the Cold Realm are almost in the same mold. The relationship between the two can be seen by the fool.

The matter between the female emperor of the cold realm and the general leader of the Yanlong League was originally a void secret, a taboo.

And that Xiao Xinghe is the center of this taboo.

But who knows, these two people actually have a son.

But today, this son actually came directly to the Taihan Palace to kill people, and directly beat the two heavens in the face.

Everyone gradually turned their gazes to the emperor Yelin, who was... already a cold corpse.

The Palace Master Too Wu Palace could not even pick up the corpse.

It was not until a long while later that the invisible pressure in the air subsided, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And the palace lord of Taiwu Palace, Fang Er quickly picked up the corpse, and screamed "Lin'er" sadly.

He could perceive that everything inside this corpse had been destroyed, but the overbearing power still remained.

"This is..." Palace Master Taiwu Palace's expression was instantly angry and surprised.

"Is it the ability to kill gods?"

"It's actually a god-killing ability, no wonder it can kill my grandson..."

"The Emperor of Heaven." The Palace Master of Taiwu Palace suddenly looked at the Emperor of the Cold Realm, "This matter..."

The Emperor of the Cold Realm, with a cold expression on his face, didn't even glance at the corpse, "If you want to, you can go to the Yanlong Region to investigate this matter."

When the words fell, the Emperor of the Cold Realm left indifferently.

This also means that today's grand wedding feast is over.

At least it is now.


Taihan Palace, deep.

The cold world emperor and the white-clothed old man sat opposite each other.

The old man in white gave a wry smile, "Shuang'er, after all, is your only blood."

"The bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven needs her to reproduce and inherit. This is understandable, this is the fate that she can't escape."

"But it doesn't seem to be so urgent."

"You and I are both old, but not so old that they will die tomorrow."

The Heavenly Emperor of Cold Realm had a cold face, "You should know that there will also be a crisis in the nine heavens."

"It's as strong as the Flame Dragon Region before, but isn't it still close to extinction?"

"The seven heavens seem to be still strong, but who can predict the crisis in the future?"

"A few days ago, I already felt that the seal of Diyang's evil animal was loosening."

The old man in white nodded, "I know what you are worried about."

"As the Emperor of Heaven, this heaven is your responsibility."

"But you and I are still there, no matter if you and I are there, no matter what the crooked animal, no matter what other crises are in the void, after all, I dare not arrogant half."

The old man in white said softly, "You and Shuang'er, there is a gap between father and daughter, and the relationship is not good."

"You are not forcing her."

"Who would have thought that she has another child..."

The Emperor of Cold Realm had a cold tone, "Unfortunately, it is also a waste."

"She is my prostitute, who has the most complete and powerful bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven among the nine heavenly domains."

"The two children who were born are just rubbish."

"How can you tell me not to be angry?"

The white-clothed old man whispered softly, "That Xiao Xinghe, it's really not satisfactory, the bloodline concentration is only the same as that of the members of your Bai family."

"As for that Yi Xiao...oh, yes, Xiao Yi is right, he is even more unbearable, his bloodline concentration is almost zero, indistinguishable from an ordinary creature with no bloodline talent."

"But he is the soul emperor of this generation, and he is also the strongest soul emperor, and he also cultivates Da Zizai swordsmanship."

The white-clothed old man chuckled, "Whether the strongest soul emperor or Da Zizai Swordsmanship, if you do the same, I am afraid that neither of you will be in the eyes of you and me.

"The strongest soul emperor, in these long years, in the ancient years when the Yanlong Region was still strong, generation after generation, we have seen a lot."

"The master of Da Zizai Sword Dao, in the long years of endless emptiness, one after another, we have seen more."

"But these two are unique, but they do appear to him alone."

"The combination of Xeon Soul Emperor and Da Zizai Swordsmanship makes him extraordinary in the end."

"Are you really not half distracted? Even a little?"

The Emperor of Cold Realm frowned slightly, "It's unique, but unfortunately, it's not enough."

"He was born from the combination of Shuang'er and that tiny creature, and it is destined that he will never have a bloodline talent that is as powerful as the bloodline of the nine heavenly emperors."

"So, he is still a trash, but a powerful trash."

"Shuang'er's affairs, it's impossible to stop like this." The cold realm Heavenly Emperor's tone was categorical.

Raise the palm lightly, swish... a figure appeared out of thin air, kneeling on one knee, "Participate in the Emperor of Heaven."

The Emperor of Cold Realm was indifferent and majestic, "Bring her back."


Endless void.

Within a certain piece of star heaven and earth.

In a remote mountain forest, inside a simple and small building.

The fainted female emperor of the cold world lay quietly on the bed.

Xiao Yi caught the cold wrist, felt it for a while, slowly put it down, and gently put it back into the quilt.

Xiao Yi stood up.

"What happened?" Xiao Chenfeng asked anxiously and worriedly.

Without a word, Xiao Yi turned around indifferently, and walked out of the room lightly.

Outside the small building, there is a simple courtyard with fences on all sides.

Xiao Yi sat on the courtyard stone bench indifferently, without saying a word.


Xiao Yi frowned slightly, even if he didn't deliberately pay attention to it, but after all, he subconsciously and sensitively paid attention to all the sounds in the room.

Xiao Chenfeng walked out of the room, closed the side softly, and then walked towards Xiao Yi.

"Your mother..." Xiao Chenfeng's tone was a little complicated, but he still asked.

Xiao Yi didn't even glance at Xiao Chenfeng, but said indifferently, "You also cultivate the path of medicine, don't you know it well? Why bother to ask me."

Xiao Chenfeng was speechless for a while.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "No harm, no harm."

"But her mind is very badly damaged."

"She has been suffering from the cycle of reincarnation for decades without day and night in the bitter land of the cold realm. The reincarnation there is a little bit special, and the work of one day is worth a single breath."

"So it seems that she has only been in it for decades. In fact, once the suffering of reincarnation is added, it is no less than millions of years of mental torture."

The reincarnation there was miserable, Xiao Yi had felt it, so only a short time made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

How about being trapped in it for a whole decade?

"Her mind is probably more fragile than that of an ordinary creature."

"So she always looks very weak and haggard."


The first is more.

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