Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4420: Three strangers

The warrior will be tired and tired.

That's what the mind feels.

"It stands to reason that she is a perfect emperor, with a strong mind and a strong mind."

"But her mind was born under the erosion of reincarnation, and it was worn down as fragile as a string."

"Originally, she could bear it."

"Yes..." Xiao Yi frowned.

She was already fragile, and this marriage of Heaven and Territory, I am afraid that the moment it was announced, it would make her more uncomfortable, naturally more emaciated, more exhausted, and exhausted.

But she still held on.

And when Xiao Yi appeared...

"What?" Xiao Chenfeng frowned and asked.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "But she burst out all at once, just like her heart hurt, accumulated for countless years, burst out all at once."

"Naturally, her fragile string broke all at once."

"After she was hoarse and exhausted, she fainted."

Yes, the moment she saw him, when she hugged him tightly, the moment of tears rained down, and everything together broke out.

The backlog of thoughts that have been accumulated for decades, the guilt of decades, and the pain of heart and mind for decades have all erupted.

She was crying in his arms, like a fragile mother.

Therefore, he can feel it real.

He could hear the hoarseness, the countless thoughts contained in the crying...thinking, worry, guilt, fear, grievance, etc.

All of this he felt really; all of this made her unable to support her mind and fainted.

"What to do then?" Xiao Chenfeng's face changed drastically, and he asked repeatedly.

Xiao Yi said nothing.


Xiao Chenfeng asked urgently one after another, and even put a hand on Xiao Yi's shoulder and shook it.

Xiao Yifang reacted and said solemnly, "The easiest way is to sleep."

"But her mind is too badly damaged, and a sleep, I am afraid it can only make up for such a weak trace."

"So, a pill is needed."

"And I'm thinking about Danfang now, I'm not interested in listening to you babbling in my ears."

Even if the female emperor of the cold realm sleeps and wakes up from a faint, she will still be fragile, extremely weak, and extremely haggard.

Her mind can no longer be described as simply riddled with holes, but is too fragile to be hit again.

He Xiao Yi has saved countless people and healed countless injuries.

He has the methods and means to heal the damaged mind; he also has many medicines.

But this time, for some reason, he carefully selected and thought about whether it was a pill or a matching treasure.

One by one, one by one, quickly sifted through his mind, combined with speculation.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Chenfeng stopped speaking.

"Yuehua fruit, Lingsi grass." Xiao Yi thought quickly in his mind.

"The effect is pure enough, but the grade is too low."

"No, it should be able to make up for it with a huge aura."

"Seven heart fluids need to be refined first, and I can refine them now."


A full half hour later.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and stopped thinking.

Over a hundred prescriptions flashed in his mind and integrated.

Countless kinds of natural treasures are quickly selected.

The Universe Ring in his hand flashed, and the Eight Dragons incinerator took it out, and a lot of heaven and earth treasures appeared out of thin air.

After a few hours.

In the refining furnace, a pure white immortality was born.

Xiao Yi took it with one hand and nodded in satisfaction.

Xiao Yi turned around, and behind him, Xiao Chenfeng was no longer there.

Half an hour ago, the Empress of the Cold Realm woke up, and Xiao Chenfeng accompanied her in Xiaozhu.

The husband and wife reunited after a long absence, and the feelings are beyond words.

Xiao Yi didn't want to bother.

But with a squeak, Xiao Chenfeng walked out quickly.

Xiao Chenfeng smiled and said, "Your mother started talking about you as soon as she woke up, but she knew you were refining medicine and didn't interrupt her."

"Quickly, go see your mother."

Xiao Yi frowned and said nothing. When his brows were loosened, his expression remained indifferent.

Walked slowly into the room.

The Empress of the Cold Realm was awake, but she was still weak, and her face that was originally Bai Ze was extremely pale at the moment because of her extreme haggard.

"Yi'er...Yi'er..." The Cold Realm Empress was inexplicably excited.

Xiao Yi frowned, walked to the side of the bed, quietly, but said nothing.

"It's Yi'er, it's really Yi'er, not a dream, not a dream..." The Empress of the Cold Realm finally burst into tears again.

In the hall, in the fainting, everything seemed to her in a daze.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath and finally said softly, "Stop crying."

"Your mind is seriously damaged now, the more you cry, the more..."

The female emperor of the cold realm shook her head again and again, and said with a smile, "No, no, there is only joy in my mother's heart."

Xiao Yi frowned, took out the pill in his hand, "Take the medicine first."

The Empress of the Cold Realm still shook her head, "No, let my mother see it more seriously."

The Empress of the Cold Realm stroked Xiao Yi's face with one hand.

The slightly cool palm of his hand made Xiao Yi retreat subconsciously, but his life came to a halt, letting this ‘unfamiliar’ palm touch his face tightly.

"Yes, it really is my child, Yi'er."

The Empress of the Cold Realm was excited, and suddenly frowned.

"How?" Xiao Yi asked.

The Empress of the Cold Realm said in a complicated tone, "In these years, have you suffered? A lot, a lot..."

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head lightly.

The Empress of Cold Realm shook her head, "You don't have to lie to me."

"Your eyes, your face, can't deceive people."

"Through weather-beaten and hardships."

"I have been in the suffering of reincarnation for decades, and seeing all the misery in the world, how can you hide from me."

"You are obviously a young arrogant, but what you have experienced and experienced is heavier than that of an old monster; your life and death, I am afraid that a normal arrogant will be far less than a lifetime."

The voice of the Empress of the Cold Realm became more heart-stricken and guilty, "You have suffered over the years, I am afraid that it is not less than me."

"But I'm still alive." Xiao Yi said lightly.

The body of the Empress of the Cold Realm trembled.

How hard has this child been subjected to, how much life and death, has such a character?

Only in this way can this endless hardship and danger be translated into a bland ‘Still alive’.

"Take the medicine first." Xiao Yi delivered the pill to the woman's mouth.

This time, the Empress of the Cold Realm did not refuse again and took the medicine obediently.

"Sleep." Xiao Yi said lightly, "The pill will be exerted in your body at the same time."

"When you wake up, this loss of mind should be able to recover more than half."

"After that, I need to adjust, and I will practice another supplementary pill, and gradually do it until the heart injury is healed."

"Yeah." The Cold Realm Empress nodded and lay down again.

Looking at this distressed face, she couldn't bear to refuse any request of this child.

Until the cold world empress slowly fell asleep.

Xiao Yifang was indifferent again.

Xiao Chenfeng looked at it with complicated expression, he could notice that he ignored him from beginning to end.

However, thinking back to the little things he had spent in the Yanlong League over the past few years, and recalling the fact that he hadn't returned to the Xiao family for decades, he couldn't even express his dissatisfaction.

More, it is still that complex color, the color of guilt.


The second is more.

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