Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4425: Asylum of two identities

The inner palm flame dragon alliance, outside the heavenly forces.

His idea is very good.

If he is within the realm of the heavens, the power he can explode is beyond the ordinary.

However, the nine heavens, standing steadily above these heavens and myriad worlds, are undoubtedly the absolute masters of the entire endless void.

In front of a Tianyu, after all, he was weak and weak.

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "I can't compete with Tianyu, so I also want to grow."

"But whether it is the enemy of my Blood Flame Realm itself, or the enemy that must exist in the Flame Dragon Region, it must be an obstacle I want to remove."

"I can't control the life and death of your Yanlong League."

"But these guys like Cold Abyss Alliance and Bloodthirsty Alliance, they dare to fight the Yanlong Region's idea. If I'm not mistaken, they are also standing behind the Heaven Region."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "What stands behind the Han Yuan League is the Void Sky Territory."

"Standing behind the Bloodthirsty League is the other heaven."

"But the Bloodthirsty League itself has a very direct relationship with this Tianyu, so don't think about it."

"The Cold Abyss Alliance is extremely troublesome. Except for knowing that it is the Void Skyland behind it, almost everything else can't be found out."

"Except for the fact that I know that they are the forces cultivated by the Netherworld, almost everything else about this force is only in rumors."

"But you can rest assured that I will deal with these two forces."

Xiao Chenfeng looked at Xiao Yi seriously, "You are very strong, and your talent is better than me."

"From now on, I will take care of you and let you grow up safely."

"For my father..." Xiao Chenfeng slowly stretched out his hand and dropped it on Xiao Yi's shoulder.

This is the protection given by a father.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi's body was shaken, and Xiao Chenfeng's hand was shaken away, "No need."

Xiao Chenfeng frowned, looking at Xiao Yi with complicated expression.

No need to make him speechless.

It's because, that answer, this young man has already had it, and has been disappointed long ago, so is it unnecessary?

"Perhaps..." Xiao Chenfeng's tone was complicated, and at the end, he laughed at himself, "Yes."

"I never thought that you were the hoper."

"You, why do you need me to protect you."

"It is more than 80 million years since the last hoper. At that time, it was Lin Yin."

"The existence of the Yanlong League, in addition to guarding the Yanlong Region, guarding and nurturing hopefuls is also one of the responsibilities."

"That's why the Yanlong League is very special to Lin Yin, including treating you as before."

"If you revealed your identity earlier, you wouldn't..."

Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "Will you not be expelled from the Yanlong League? Will you not be targeted everywhere?"

"Lord Xiao is deceiving himself or others, or does he think I am a three-year-old child who can easily deceive?"

"What I have experienced in the Yanlong League will never change because of my identity..."

"Fine." Xiao Yi paused, "Qianchen old things, I am not interested in talking with you more today."

"If Leader Xiao is not interested in continuing to discuss her affairs with me, then you can just leave it alone today."

Xiao Chenfeng frowned, but nodded complicatedly.

After a long while, the complex colors on his face disappeared, and all his previous expressions were instantly restored.

"As you said, as long as you have the power to contend with the universe, you will naturally be fearless and solve this matter."

"You are talented, you should be able to grow better and faster."

"You are the hoper, the nine heavens, there is no one who dares to move you. You can rest assured, or even be absolutely sure of this."

"That one's anger, even if it's only once, no one can bear it."

"At the same time, you still have an identity."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Xiao Chenfeng said solemnly, "A member of the Bai family, the eldest grandson of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Whether you recognize it or not, whether the Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor recognizes you or not, this is a fact."

"The Nine Heavens, there has been a consensus since ancient times, and everyone with the blood of the Nine Heavens is above all living beings."

"Those who have the bloodline of the Nine Great Heavenly Emperors who dare to kill the bloodline are equivalent to provoking this Heavenly Territory, or even directly provoking this Heavenly Emperor.

"Bloodline is the most important thing the Emperor of Heaven, there is no one."

"Therefore, the protection given to the bloodline is also the absolute bottom line."

"If the blood of one side of the emperor is killed by the blood of the other nine emperors, there is nothing to say; but if it is a creature outside, it will be chased and killed by the universe."

Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed tighter, "You mean, my identity as the Bai family is enough for no one in the heavens and the world to dare to move me, only the people of the nine heavens can move me."

"But at the same time, I am the hoper. No one in the nine heavens dared to touch me."

"These two identities have become an absolute cycle."

"Smart." Xiao Chenfeng nodded.

"The identity of the hoper protects you among the nine heavens."

"The identity of a member of the Bai family is protected by all the heavens and all realms outside of your nine heavens."

Xiao Yi frowned, "I don't believe that there are absolute things in this world."

"Not bad." Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "Of course this will only be obvious."

"Who can guarantee something secretly?"

"Isn't it enough? You are always cautious, and you don't need to say anything when you want to come."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I understand."

Xiao Chenfeng's mouth grinned, "If you change someone else, even if these two identities are useful, I'm afraid they will look tasteless."

"But you are different, huh..."

Xiao Yi also grinned, "I understand what you mean."

Xiao Chenfeng continued, "As for the waves after this incident, you don't even need to pay attention to it."

"You made a big marry in the heavens and killed the emperor Ye Lin."

"The Emperor of Cold Realm is jealous and won't pursue you; if a marriage is ruined, it can be the second or third time, so he won't care too much."

"For the death of Emperor Yelin, Taiwu Palace may be furious, but Void Tianyu is also afraid of that person, so it will not pursue you either."

"Emperor Ye Lin is the grandson of the palace lord of the Supreme Palace, and one of the mighty arrogances, but he is far less important in the heart of Emperor Wuwu."

"At least, there won't be the absolute bottom line of you to that person and Shuang'er to the cold realm emperor."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "What's the matter with this imperial palace and emptiness?"

This is what Xiao Yi wanted to ask.

Xiao Chenfeng went through all the dangers and came to this endless void, and then drifted between the dangers and conspired, doing everything for his wife.

Therefore, everything he did was definitely aimed at Tianyu.

No one knows the nine heavens better than him.

Xiao Chenfeng replied, "Nine heavenly domains, each of the heavenly domains has three direct forces, do you know?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "The Heavenly Domain Guard, the Heavenly Emperor Family, and the Heavenly Emperor Academy."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded and continued, "The nine heavenly guards are the strongest guard force in this endless void, and the most outstanding elite are the martial powers directly under the Emperor of Heaven."

"Our former Tianwei in the Yanlong Continent is one of them, but it's declining."

"The Heavenly Emperor Family, don't say much."

"And the nine heavenly emperor's academic palaces, the heavenly source realm is actually one of them."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Chenfeng continued, "These three forces are actually forces under the command of the Emperor, and the Emperor himself hardly interferes in this matter."

"Just like our Yanlong Territory person, have you ever seen him pay more attention to the Tianyuan realm?"


The first is more.

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