Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4426: Nothingness

Xiao Yi frowned, "Isn't it because our Yanlong Domain is lazy?"

Xiao Chenfeng sneered, "Of course not."

"The level of the Emperor of Heaven has long been separated from the living beings and leveled the world."

"It is difficult for me to explain their level to you. I can only say that they have ignored almost everything in this world."

"They are more like the guardians of the entire universe, no, the guardian deity."

Xiao Chenfeng said solemnly, "The Void Emperor, I don't know how many years he hasn't appeared in front of people."

"And these three forces in the void universe are controlled by the three surnames."

"Xu, Ling, Ye, three families."

"The surname is the real emptiness of the Emperor Family."

"The surname Ling, in charge of the guards of the heavens, has the strongest and most powerful martial artist in the void of heaven."

"The surname Ye, in charge of the Emperor's Academy, that is, the Taiwu Palace."

"No." Xiao Yi frowned, "Ye's name is not where the Void Emperor Family is located. Where is the Emperor Ye Lin's bloodline?"

Xiao Chenfeng shook his head, "Xu's surname is the surname of Emperor Wuwu; and Ye's surname is from Tianmu."

"According to the rumors, in the endless and distant years, the ten thousand realms were not born, the heavens were not born, and there were only seven heavens."

"At that time, there were battles among the seven heavenly domains."

"The wife of the Void Emperor is a special creature. She didn't take part in the battle, but she gave Tianyu to train countless strong people."

"That's the origin of Taiwu Gong."

"Ye's name comes from his mother's family, but being able to become the wife of the Emperor of Heaven is naturally not general."

"Therefore, the people in the Ye family have a powerful bloodline second only to the bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven."

"And among the descendants of the Ye Family, there are also many people who combine with the Xu Family, and the blood of the emptiness will naturally spread in the Ye Family."

"And this emperor Yelin is indeed terrifyingly talented, and at the same time awakened the strongest Ye Family bloodline and Xu Family bloodline."

"He naturally became the most dazzling person in Taiwu Gong."

"I understand." Xiao Yi suddenly.

"In other words, there are three hopers in the emptiness of heaven, and this emperor Yelin is only one of them."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled, "You can understand it this way, but it's not all."

"The bloodline of the Emperor of the Void Realm has been multiplying in the second, third, and fourth generations long ago."

"The emptiness of heaven is not to the point where it needs'hopers', they themselves are extremely strong."

"It can only be said that there is the best Tianjiao in the three heavens."

"Emperor Ye Lin is one of them."

"By the way, Ling Jie is one of them. He is the best of the Ling family."

"But he has lived longer than Emperor Ye Lin."

Xiao Yi was surprised, but still frowned, "These celestial forces are complicated enough."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled lightly, "What's so complicated?"

"There are three forces under the command of the emperor from all sides."

"And these forces, in the long years of evolution and change, and so far, naturally have the most suitable way of existence for them."

"It is not necessary to control everything in the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven."

"They just can make this Tianyu stronger."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Chenfeng smiled and said, "Therefore, the Void Emperor will not come to trouble you just because of a Yelin Emperor."

"You killed the emperor Yelin, you can take it for granted, just ignore it."

Xiao Chenfeng looked at Xiao Yi seriously, "Leave everything aside, your two identities... huh."

"I'll wait and see, you are rampant in the endless void."

"I will wait and see how fast the unfettered Ziyan Yi Xiao and the unbridled Yi'er can grow."

Xiao Yi's expression returned to indifference, "My business, I will take care of it."

"If you are idle, you can go to the heaven to stroll around."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled, "I don't care."

"But if you are worried about your mother, you don't have to."

"If I didn't guess wrong, you made the judgment because of the birthday banquet in Qinghan Palace."

"You think people from the Bai family seem to target your mother."

"But your mother's status is far beyond your imagination."

"Since the day she was born, the Heavenly Emperor's strong brand mind was in the heavens and the earth, any power belonging to the cold world, if you dare to hurt her, even if you only have a thought in your heart, the heaven and the earth will instantly drop the power of destruction, and the creatures will instantly turn to ashes. fly."

"So, whether it's her trip back to Taihan Palace or the Deep Cold Guard who escorted her; after she returns, no one from the White family dares to offend her and harm her."

"Not to mention outsiders."

"You don't need to worry about her safety. She is in absolute shelter under the shelter of heaven and earth."

"And the Emperor of the Cold Realm has never punished her half a point. Even if she was imprisoned in the cold land, it was only for her to endure the suffering of loneliness and reincarnation in this hard land."

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "So, you never worry?"

Xiao Chenfeng's tone was stagnant, after all, it was difficult to hide the complexity, "I just want you not to worry."

Xiao Yi stood indifferently, but also indifferently silent.

Xiao Chenfeng's complexion was also silent.

The confrontation between father and son is silent.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi slowly opened his mouth, "Let's stop here, I have something to do, goodbye."

Xiao Yi turned around indifferently, and also left indifferently.

Xiao Chenfeng wanted to say something but stopped, and finally said, "You won't follow me back to the Yanlong League? And the Xiao family land..."

Xiao Yi paused.

Xiao Chenfeng smiled with joy.

Xiao Yi didn't look back, "I think, League Master Xiao seems to have misunderstood something."

"Now you and I... be regarded as cooperation."

"After the matter is resolved, the matter of your family of three will have nothing to do with me in the future."

Cooperation, yes, cooperation!

At least Xiao Yi thought so.

His figure is already drifting away.

Xiao Chenfeng stared blankly, watching complicatedly.

He didn't know whether this was an excuse given by the child or something else...

After all, the trajectories of the two slowly overlapped, and this time, it was in the name of Xiao Yi; even though, this exists because of a ‘cooperation’ reason.

Does the trajectory of the two of them lead to overlap with the other two trajectories in the future, or does it diverge? No one knows.


Yanlong domain, the main hall of the wind brake.

It didn't take long for Xiao Yi to return from the teleportation formation.

Inside the courtyard.

The lady waited quietly.

Xiao Yi's figure slowly appeared, slowly from behind, hugging the beautiful woman extremely tightly.

"The son." Yiyi showed a knowing smile, but it seemed that he was obviously relieved.

Her son, after all, is that monstrous son, even if he ventures into the universe alone, he can still return safely.

"Sorry." Xiao Yi said apologetically, "This month, I worry about you."

Yiyi shook his head, "I believe the son will return safely."

Yiyi turned around and smiled, "Is the son tired and hungry?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and chuckled, "None, I just miss you."

Yiyi blushed slightly and lowered his head.

"The son will sit for a while first." Yiyi took Xiao Yi to sit on the stone bench in the middle of the courtyard, and went busy on his own.

Xiao Yi smiled.

After a long while, Yiyi has soaked the fragrant tea, ready to have a snack.

Xiao Yi sipped his mouthful of tea and chuckled lightly, "Why, did you ask me something?"

Yiyi shook his head, "I want to know everything about the son."

Xiao Yi chuckled, it seems that Yiyi also felt his complicated mood this month.

"What happened to my mother and patron?" Yiyi said without asking, she couldn't help asking.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Going to Tianyu here is not satisfactory."

"I ruined the domain marriage that day."

"But she... returned to Taihan Palace after all."

A trace of unwillingness flashed across Xiao Yi's face.


The second is more.

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