Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4436: Challenge, the seven heavens

"Hahahaha." The palace lord of Taiwu Palace laughed loudly when he heard the words.

"Okay, what a villain Xiao Yi, brave."

This is obviously an angry face.

"Take the intelligence of our young Tianjiao in the void? A joke, a joke, a real joke."

"The Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank should know what this means, and should also know the anger of my Void World, they can't bear it."

"This Xiao Yi evil thief is simply taking his own humiliation."

The old man shook his head, "The meaning of Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank has already been sent to say."

"What they mean is that they can't afford to offend either side."

"So they came to ask, there is a solution for us in the void of heaven."

"If not, they can only agree to Xiao Yi's request."

"What?" Palace Master Taiwu Palace was shocked.

Next to him, the middle-aged man said coldly, "Asshole, really asshole, father, this Xiao Yi villain is simply deceiving people too much."

"He has already killed Lin'er, and now, is he still going to kill all of our three princes?"

Palace Master Taiwu shook his head.

The old man also shook his head, "He seems to be venting his anger."

"In fact, I just took the opportunity to go up, in order to protect the female emperor of the cold realm."

"He is provoking us in the Void Universe, but what he is really doing is calling the Heavenly Emperor of the Cold Realm."

The Palace Master of Taiwu Palace squinted his eyes, "It seems that the old man still underestimated this ant."

"He is warning me that I am too Wu Gong, and even my three families in the void of heaven, to be smarter."

The old man nodded, "In this matter, he went to Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Company. After passing through the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Company, he expected the matter to be passed on to the emptiness."

"He is telling everyone that he can kill in front of the Emperor of Heaven, and kill his grandson Emperor Yelin in front of the Palace Master of Taiwu Palace. He also has the ability to kill all the evil spirits of Tianjiao."

"Whoever is not afraid of death, be prepared to be targeted by this terrible assassin."

"Unknown death, unknown fear, is his greatest threat."

The middle-aged man's face was cold, and he looked at Palace Master Taiwu Palace, "Father, why should we be afraid of him?"

"It's a big deal, let's make Tai Wu Gong Shang Tian Jiao be cautious, and the strong in the palace will step up protection."

"Even, I personally guarded it day and night, and I see what his Xiao Yi villain has the ability to come to me to assassinate too."

The Palace Master of Taiwu Palace shook his head, "Unless we gather all the younger generations of Taiwu Palace, all under the supervision of the old man."

"Furthermore, there are no days and nights, endless years."

The old man sneered, "What's the difference between this and directly abolishing the entire Taiwu Palace?"

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and said, "We all have a bottom line in each universe."

"He dared to touch the foundation of our emptiness, threatening our bloodliner, and he has to be prepared to endure our anger."

The Palace Master of Taiwu Palace squinted, "The three of us are indeed from the bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven, which is also the bottom line, but..."

The old man said coldly, "But, is it possible to fight this madman to the end?"

"He is the hoper, how can we move him?"

"It's easy to kill him. Any one of our three companies will take action. Killing him is like squeezing an ant."

"But no one can bear that anger."

The middle-aged man said coldly, "There is an ancestor here, what are you afraid of?"

"The same as the Emperor of Heaven, that one is not much better than the ancestor."

"Yes." The old man nodded, "But the ancestor hasn't shown up for a long time, and I can't even see the ancestor. I don't know where the ancestor is."

"The ancestor is the Void Heavenly Emperor, and that one is the Yanlong Region Heavenly Emperor."

"But that one is more ancient."

"That person, he's going to die too old."

"At this time, do you have to fight his anger? In order to kill this Xiao Yi, to ruin our entire void universe?"

Palace Master Taiwu nodded, "Finally, intelligence, give it to him."

"The Yanlong Territory has been abolished long ago, just waiting for it to completely die out."

"That person is already dying."

"The hoper of Yanlong Domain? That's a joke."

"There is no need for them to survive these few years, for such an ant creature, to take our powerful Void Heaven Territory to die with this abolished Yanlong Territory."

The palace lord of Taiwu Palace sneered, "He just wants to protect the female emperor of the cold realm."

"It doesn't matter if I have no palace, or the other two, the big deal is that I won't have a marriage with the Emperor of Cold Realm."

"I see how long this Xiao Yi can be arrogant."

"Look at him crazy for a long time, and he will be ruined in the future."

"Yeah." The old man nodded, and the middle-aged man from Ten Thousand Worlds Trading Company just left.

The middle-aged man beside the palace lord of Taiwu Palace looked cold and ugly.

Everything is a foregone conclusion.

Whether he has no palace, or the other two in the void world, it is impossible for him to have a marriage with the Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor.

At the same time, Xiao Yi couldn't move either.

The palace lord of the Taiwu Palace jokingly smiled, "I see how long he can protect this cold empress."

"He really thought it was only our Void World's idea to fight the Cold Realm Empress?"

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, the old man frowned.

The palace lord of the Taiwu Palace sneered, "In the bloodline of the nine emperors, only the only protagonist of the emperor can inherit this bloodline perfectly."

"Among the Nine Heavenly Emperor bloodlines, in the second generation, only this cold realm female emperor is a young creature with the strongest and most perfect deep cold bloodline."

"The blood of the second generation of the remaining emperors has been passed down long ago."

"So, whoever gets her will get the strongest and most powerful blood of the deep cold."

"This is the reason why she truly honors all living beings except the nine heavenly emperors."

"Hehe, I won't make her idea in the void universe, but the other universe...hehe."

"The Emperor of Cold Realm will continue to hold marriages for her. This is her destiny."

After half an hour.

Wanjie Commercial Bank, come again.

The old man's face changed abruptly, "What did you say?"

"Has he changed his mind? All the young Tianjiao with the bloodline of the Heavenly Emperor in the Seven Great Realms, he wants it all?"

The palace lord of Taiwu Palace was startled, "Mad, crazy..."

Palace Master Taiwu Palace trembled a little, "He is warning the Seven Great Realms, and completely challenged the Heavenly Emperor of Cold Realm."

"Even if the Emperor of the Cold Realm intends to continue the marriage, I am afraid that there will be no one who will agree to it."

"The perfect deep-cold blood, or your own life, anyone can choose."

"What a quick action." The old man squinted, "Intelligence shows that it has been less than half a month since the female emperor of the cold realm returned to the Taihan Palace."

"And he has already started planning, no, he has already started."


The old man's face was ugly for a moment, "Well, this lunatic, would rather mess up the whole endless void."

"Either the endless void, as usual, calm down."

"Or, he will go out and stir up the seven heavens."

"We are in trouble."

Palace Master Taiwu Palace also nodded his head with an ugly expression, "He can't die, no matter how crazy he is."

"If he dies, whether he dies in the hands of our Netherworld or not, I am afraid he will be..."

The old man nodded coldly, "That person, in anger, in madness, will be the first to be counted on our Void World."

"Not only can we not move this Xiao Yi, I'm afraid we will have to protect him next time."

"That's bad." The Palace Master of Taiwu Palace suddenly remembered something.

"What?" The old man frowned.

The palace lord of Taiwu Palace suddenly changed his face, "Lin'er's funeral is only over today."

"Half a day ago, I..."

Half a day ago, he was so angry that he had sent someone to the blood inflammation world to take Xiao Yi's life.

Whether you see Xiao Yi or not, first destroy the blood inflammation world.


Endless void.

Blood inflammation world.

Outside the stars, at this time, a powerful Void Emperor is preparing to blast the entire star and all the creatures within it into powder.

But just at this moment, a misty but vigorous bell came through the void and blasted heavily on the void emperor.


Strong as the Emperor of the Void, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face instantly pale and shocked.

An old man in black appeared out of thin air.

"Gu... Gudi?" The Emperor Void's expression changed drastically.

The ancient emperor's face was cold.

"Go back and tell you that there is no palace. Next time, I will send a supreme to come. Otherwise, you may not even have the right to escape."

"get out."

The Emperor Void's complexion changed drastically, and his figure swiftly shuttled through the void.


Third more.

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