Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4437: Runaway Yuntu Emperor

Clouds over the heavens.

Wanjie Commercial Bank, in Yuntu branch.

Xiao Yi looked at the large pile of dossiers in Qiankun Ring and nodded in satisfaction.

Emperor Evergreen arched his hands and said, "Now, Master Xiao Yi is satisfied?"


The raging monstrous purple inflammation gradually subsided.

The awe-inspiring purple against the sky slowly faded.

Everything returned to normal.

It's just that this big Yuntu branch is already broken, with traces of anxiety.

"Not bad." Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "I will accept your apocalypse from Wanjie Commercial Bank."

"As for the third copy, I will pick another day when I have time, and then go to your head office to get it."

Emperor Evergreen nodded, "My Ten Thousand Realms Firm, I am always waiting for Master Xiao Yi to drive."

"That..." Emperor Evergreen asked tentatively, "We, Wanjie Commercial Bank, used to cooperate with Master Xiao Yi's blood inflammation world, I don't know..."

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled.

Emperor Evergreen looked at this smile and was startled, but fortunately, what he heard was the answer he was expecting.

"Business, you are in love with me." Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "Combining benefits both, why don't I do it?"

"I and you Wanjie Commercial Bank, after all, have formed an enmity. If you want to continue to cooperate, I don't care."

Emperor Evergreen smiled, "Master Xiao Yi is serious."

"These heavens and myriad worlds are ignored by the forces, and they have countless grievances. Which forces have only gratitude but no grievances?"

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. Everyone knows such a simple truth."

"My Wanjie Commercial Company is really short of **** power, so I couldn't wait to cooperate with Master Xiao Yi at the beginning."

"Now, it's naturally the same."

"Also, one more friend is always better than one more enemy."

"Not to mention, Master Xiao Yi is exactly the friend we desperately need from Wanjie Commercial."

Xiao Yi chuckled and nodded.

Wanjie Commercial Bank, after all, is just a neutral force, a force for doing business.

"I have one condition." Xiao Yi looked straight at Emperor Evergreen.

"If Wanjie Commercial Bank is not satisfied, there is no need to discuss cooperation."

Emperor Evergreen frowned instantly, cautiously.

This Master Xiao Yi either didn't speak, but when he spoke, it must be something extraordinary.

Just now opened his mouth to ask for the intelligence of all Tianjiao in the major heavens, and it was extremely embarrassing.

Next, what are the conditions?

Emperor Evergreen said solemnly, "Master Xiao Yi, please speak up."

Xiao Yi said, "My cooperation with your Ten Thousand Realms Firm, the only one in succession is the Seven-Eyed Monarch."

"In other words, for cooperation, I only talk to the Seven-Eyed Monarch."

"I can't believe in your other people in Wanjie Commercial Bank."

"This..." Emperor Evergreen was startled at first, and then he was relieved. "I think Lord Xiao Yi is what the conditions are, these trivial things, it's easy to talk about."

Emperor Evergreen looked at the Seven-Eyed Emperor, "Seven-Eyed Emperor, starting today, he will resume his position as the head of the firm and still sit in the Yuntu branch."

"At the same time, he was promoted to be in charge of the head office. Instead of working in the head office, he was involved in the affairs of the head office. He was specifically responsible for cooperation with the blood inflammation community under Master Xiao Yi.

The seven-eyed emperor heard the words, his face was pleasantly surprised, "Xie Changqing, emperor."

"The subordinates will do their best to live up to the high expectations of the head office."

"Yeah." Emperor Evergreen nodded.

"So, forget about the old man coming to Yuntu branch."

"The old man has to rush back to the head office to report."

"The next business matters with the Blood Flame Realm will be entirely up to the Seven-Eyed Monarch, no, Seven-Eyes Manager is in charge."

Emperor Evergreen looked at Xiao Yi and arched his hands, "My old man, say goodbye."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

Emperor Evergreen left.

The seven-eyed emperor looked at Xiao Yi, full of gratitude, and bowed heavily.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

The seven-eyed emperor smiled, "If it weren't for the love of Master Xiao Yi, how could the head office be able to value the old man and be promoted to the old man."

"As early as the beginning of the year, when I saw Master Xiao Yi acting as Yi Xiao, the old man had an intuition that you must be an old man in his life."

"Today, it seems so."

Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank has countless branches, all over the heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

How many branch managers are there?

Although the person in charge of the branch is already in power, the number is as large as the crucian carp that crosses the river.

And the head office is in charge, but that's it; although he is only in charge of the head office, he is already a position that countless people in charge envy.

The Seven-Eyed Emperor apologized, "On that day, if the old man hadn't tricked Master Xiao Yi to come to the heavens, there would be no..."

Xiao Yi chuckled and interrupted, "If the Seven-Eyed Emperor had not notified me of the elites to come to rescue in time that day, I would be really troubled."

"If it hadn't been for this to break the treasure seal of the clouds and the sky, I was dragged inside, and maybe I was actually succeeded by the Xuyuan Emperor."

"Furthermore, I was named Xiao Yi that day, and I had no power behind me, but the seven-eyed emperor was able to make friends sincerely and helped me many times."

"This friendship is enough to make you and me good friends."

"I still have something to do." Xiao Yi said, "For cooperation, what happened before, and what happened in the future."

"Others, just go to my blood flame world to talk to the one-eyed guy."

"Yes." The Seven-Eyed Emperor nodded.

Xiao Yi dashed away.

It is still the clouds in the sky.

In Yuntu Palace, in the palace of the emperor, Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Perception, instant coverage.

But the huge Yuntu Imperial Palace was almost empty.

A figure, with a look of horror, came forcibly calmly.

"The visitor is Master Xiao Yi?" The figure is the master Nie Ya under the command of the Yuntu Emperor, a well-known formation powerhouse in all heavens and all realms.

Xiao Yi looked at the figure with a cold face.

Master Nie Ya hurriedly bowed his hand, and said, "If Master Xiao Yi is here to find the emperor, it's not necessary."

"Since Master Xiao Yi made a riot in the Taihan Palace and the killing of Emperor Ye Lin came out, the emperor has already known that Master Xiao Yi, you who have a vengeful temper, will definitely come and train him to settle the accounts."

"So he had already left before Master Xiao Yi, you came to the Clouds and the World."

"As for where he is, even I don't know, so Master Xiao Yi would like to leave the villain a way out. It is unnecessary to embarrass the villain and try to get the whereabouts of the emperor Yuntu from the small population."

Xiao Yi looked at Master Nie Ya coldly, "It's a huge Yuntu Imperial Palace, but you are left alone when people go to the empty building?"

"You want to come, you are here specially by the order of the emperor Yuntu, and wait for me, Xiao Yi."

Master Nie Ya nodded, "Master Xiao Yi is smart."

"After all, looking at the heavens, no one is afraid of your endless pursuit of killing gods."

"The emperor Yuntu ordered me to wait for Master Xiao Yi here to see if Master Xiao Yi can be relieved."

"The last time I killed, after all, it was pressure from the universe, and we have nothing to do with Cloud Atlas."

"The emperor Yuntu said, this emperor's palace belongs to you, Master Xiao Yi, including the Yuntu firm."

"I just ask you to open the net and save the emperor's life."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "It runs fast enough."

"Sure enough, cunning."

"I haven't felt the breath of the heavenly treasures in this emperor's palace, I want to come, he will take that treasure away."

"It seems to give me Yuntu firm, but in fact, he took away all the real precious things in it."


The first is more.

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