Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4460: Six purple light source pots

This Fang Zhutian, Wanjie Commercial Bank branch.

Xiao Chenfeng's figure came quickly.

"Lord Xiao Meng." The person in charge of the firm greeted him eagerly.

"Can you sell spirit pots here?" Xiao Chenfeng asked directly.

"Of course." The person in charge of the firm laughed, "This firm happens to have two purple light source pots for sale."

"Leader Xiao, wait a moment."

When the words fell, the person in charge of the firm walked away with a smile on his face.

Of course he had known for a long time that the leader of Xiao League only bought two purple light source spirit pots in Amber Heavens a few days ago.

That's a whole two billion spiritual transactions.

Therefore, when Xiao Chenfeng arrived, he knew what Xiao Chenfeng wanted to buy.

He never expected that such happy events would fall on him today.

No wonder he was so ecstatic at the moment.

Just for a moment.

The person in charge of the firm has already returned with a Qiankun Ring, and respectfully handed it to Xiao Chenfeng, "Lord Xiao Meng, please have a look."

Xiao Chenfeng took it and felt it for a while. Inside were two spirit pots with purple light sources.

"Very good." Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "I want these two purple light source spirit pots."

The head of the firm smiled and rubbed his hands, "Leader Xiao, Shenghui has two billion spiritual veins."

"No." Xiao Chenfeng shook his head, "Be owed first."

"What?" The person in charge of the firm's smile instantly solidified, and his body was also taken aback.

"Wh...what...what did the leader of Xiao League say?" The person in charge of the firm seemed to have heard it wrong, and asked again.

Xiao Chenfeng said solemnly, "I said I want these two purple light source spirit pots, but I owe the spirit veins first."

"Why, I'm afraid that Xiao Chenfeng won't be able to repay the debt?"

"This..." the person in charge of the firm said bitterly, "Leader Xiao, you should know the rules of our Wanjie firm, so..."

Xiao Chenfeng's face instantly became cold, "Are you asking me to grab it?"

"Do you think that the guard of force in your business firm, that a great emperor, can stop me?"

"Don't dare." The person in charge of the firm changed his expression suddenly, "Lord Xiao Meng calmed down his anger."

"Little old man, I don't believe that the leader of Xiao League will fall back on the bill."

"Okay... OK." The person in charge of the firm shivered and said, "After all, the identity of the leader of Xiao League is here, and the little old man trusts himself."

"However, please ask League Master Xiao to make up this price as soon as possible..."

Xiao Chenfeng's figure has disappeared in place.


Some heavens.

Wanjie Commercial Bank, within a branch.

Xiao Chenfeng's figure came quickly.

"Lord Xiao Meng." The person in charge of the firm came here with a smile on his face.

"I don't know if Leader Xiao is coming here, he wants to..."

"Source Spirit Pot." Xiao Chenfeng interrupted softly, and directly explained his intentions.

The person in charge of the firm looked ecstatic, "Leader Xiao, wait a moment."

Obviously, the fact that Xiao Chenfeng spent two billion spiritual veins to buy two purple light source spiritual pots in Amber Heavens had spread throughout these large branches of the heavens.

The person in charge of the major branches is very envious of the person in charge of the Amber branch.

"Lord Xiao, wait a minute, and the little old man will come as soon as he goes." The person in charge of the firm walked away quickly.

In the same way, he returned in a moment, and he respectfully handed a Qiankun Ring with two purple light source spirit pots inside.

"Leader Xiao, Shenghui has two billion spiritual veins." The person in charge of the firm smiled.

But in the same way, his smile froze in an instant.

Xiao Chenfeng said exactly the same words.

"Lord Xiao, you... this is not in compliance..." The person in charge of the firm was shocked.

"Huh?" Xiao Chenfeng stared at the person in charge of the firm with a cold expression on his face.

The person in charge of the firm changed his face and said quickly, "Lord Xiao Meng calmed down his anger."

"All right, as the leader of the Xiao League, I will not fall back on my account."

"This firm, let's make an exception."

"But I also ask Leader Xiao to pay the price of this transaction as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Xiao Chenfeng nodded, and left without saying much.


It is also in the branch of Wanjie Commercial Bank within the heavens on one side.

Still smiling, complimenting the arrival of the person in charge of the firm.

The person in charge of the firm also walked away happily.

But this time, in addition to a Universe Ring in his hand, the person in charge of this firm... actually had a file.

"That..." The person in charge of the firm looked at Xiao Chenfeng with some uncertainty, and at the first emperor who was famous in the heavens and all realms, the general leader of the Yanlong League.

"Um...Leader Xiao, the records show that you owe two billion spirit veins in each of my two branches of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, a total of four billion spirit veins owed."

"So..." The person in charge of the firm is still a little uncertain, "but what's the misunderstanding in this, or is my firm's records wrong?"

Xiao Chenfeng said coldly, "There is no misunderstanding, and there is no mistake."

Xiao Chenfeng looked at the Universe Ring in the hands of the person in charge of the firm, "I want two purple light source spirit pots."

"Lingmai, I owe it first."

Hearing this, the person in charge of the firm took the lead in his face changed drastically, and then his figure retreated.

The person in charge of the firm looked at Xiao Chenfeng with great trepidation, "I'm sorry Meng Xiao, I am afraid I can't do this deal with you."

Xiao Chenfeng squinted his eyes, "I promise, I will return the spirit veins that I owe to Ten Thousand Realms as soon as possible."

The person in charge of the firm shook his head, "Let's not talk about such a large transaction."

"Let's say that Leader Xiao has already done this three times in a row. The little old man can't afford this risk."

Xiao Chenfeng's face became cold, "Then you want me to grab it?"

In fact, as early as he bought those two purple light source spirit pots at the Amber Branch, and spent two billion spiritual veins, he had already lost his fortune.

Two billion spiritual veins, this is an astronomical figure.

Rao is the total leader of the Yanlong League, the number one emperor of the void, and there is only this number of spiritual veins that can be drawn with all his strength.


At this moment, a figure came quickly from afar.

Here comes an old man.

The person in charge of the firm was a little surprised when he saw the old man's arrival, and was instantly overjoyed.

This character is here, so no matter what other accidents happen next, there is no need for him, the head of the small business, to come back.

The person in charge of the firm hurriedly bowed, "See General Manager."

"Wan Changqing." Xiao Chenfeng said coldly.

The person here is the head of Wanjie Commercial Bank, Wan Changqing.

Xiao Chenfeng knew this legendary businessman from all heavens and all realms.

"Do you think you can stop me?" Xiao Chenfeng's face was cold.

"Don't dare." Wan Changqing arched his hand, then looked serious and looked directly at Xiao Chenfeng, "I believe that people like League Master Xiao will not do stupid things, and I know what he is doing now."

"Counting this, Meng Xiao has already taken the sixth Purple Light Source Spirit Pot for the third time on credit."

"I know it." Xiao Chenfeng said coldly.

Wan Changqing nodded, "Well, if that's the case, I also recognize the pledge of Leader Xiao League."

"Thanks." Xiao Chenfeng arched his hands.

Wan Changqing took the Universe Ring from the person in charge of the firm and gave it to Xiao Chenfeng.

Xiao Chenfeng took it and left.


Xiao Yi's fifth heavens.

The ancient emperor secretly frowned as he sensed the weakening of the heaven and the earth, the fading origin of the heaven and the earth.

The heaven and earth origin of the heavens and earth on this side will soon be sucked up.

At this time, Xiao Chenfeng returned from Yukong.

"Chen Feng." Ancient Emperor called out.

"Yeah." Xiao Chenfeng nodded and handed the three Universe Rings to the ancient emperor.

In each of the three universe rings, there are two purple light source spirit pots, a total of six.

"Senior Lao." Xiao Chenfeng arched his hands.

"Don't worry." The ancient emperor nodded, caught Xiao Yi, and crossed away.


The second is more.

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