Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4461: Power of the Flame Dragon Alliance

In the void, two figures swiftly crossed.

Three hundred heavens, generally only around the powerful heavens like the twenty-two star shining heavens, there will be a few adjacent heavens.

The rest of the heavens are almost scattered in this vast endless void.

Therefore, in addition to the first heavens, the amber heavens, the second heavens, Kunli, are adjacent to the heavens, and the third and fourth heavens are also closer.

The fifth heavens are already far away.

The next sky after that is also a longer void distance.

The void is vast, even for the Emperor of the void and even the Supreme, it is huge.

If it is an ordinary distance, it is indeed possible to walk according to the ‘day’ by crossing the void.

But if it is too far away in the void, it also needs to be crossed by the ‘month’.

The two moved across the void.

Xiao Yi consumes a purple light source spirit pot almost every few days.

By reaching the sixth heavens.

Xiao Yi's six purple light source spirit pots, as well as the last Azure Origin spirit pot, were exhausted.

Fortunately, before that, I still arrived.

Xiao Yi once again began to fully absorb the origin of heaven and earth.

The ancient emperor first asked, "The sixth heaven, this time, are you sure?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm not sure."

"That would be bad." Gudi also shook his head.

"To be honest, the old man has lived to such a long time, and has gone through countless ancient surprises."

"But this is the first time I have seen a situation that requires so many heaven and earth origins to attack the emperor realm like you."

"If you knew this was your case, you shouldn't have gone to the Amber Heavens to absorb the origin of the heavens and the earth."

The ancient emperor said solemnly, "The Twenty-Two Stars Yao Family was born from the ancient Twenty-Two Stars Yao Law."

"And the original Twenty-Two Star Shining Law was recurring in the vast and endless void."

"Therefore, the Twenty-Two Star Yao Family, which itself is located in the heavens, is also scattered in the endless void."

"Except for the several heavens adjacent to them, after that, there will be no more heavens in a fairly remote area."

"Every sky in the future is extremely far away from each other."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect it to be in such a situation."

"I sucked up the sixth heavens, and even I began to suspect that I was a monster."

"Oh." The ancient emperor sighed slightly, "I knew that, you should tell us about your preparations for the imperial realm, and we will prepare it for you."

"If you were going to burn the moon and the heavens to break through before, it would be a big deal to absorb a part, and then rush to other heavens."

"The burning moon heavens are close to the center of the void. Although the heavens there are far apart from each other, they are far from the scattered and surprisingly long distances of the twenty-two stars."

Xiao Chenfeng looked at Xiao Yi and said complicatedly, "You should tell me."

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Chenfeng indifferently, but spit out, "Sorry."

Xiao Chenfeng's body trembled when he heard the words, but smiled slightly, "I'm sorry?"

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "It really doesn't work, I can give up this breakthrough."

"Even if it is rebuilt, it will only take a few more months for me."

"After this time, next time, I will make a perfect plan."

Xiao Chenfeng shook his head, "I should be sorry, but your useless father."

"Punch with peace of mind, leave the rest to me."

The same words, the same calm as a mountain.

Xiao Yi frowned, but nodded, stopped speaking, closed his eyes cross-legged, and practiced with all his strength.

Now, it is the sixth heaven.

It has just begun to absorb.

The ancient emperor had already had previous worries.

Xiao Chenfeng looked at the ancient emperor and chuckled, "I still ask senior to protect Yi'er."

When the words fell, Xiao Chenfeng turned around, and the moment he turned around, a trace of determination flashed across his face.

This time, even if he had exhausted everything, he would never see even the slightest disappointment on the child's face.

Xiao Chenfeng's figure disappeared instantly.


Yanlong League, the General League.

At this moment, in the chamber, the nine leaders gathered together, and all the predecessors of the famous leaders also arrived.

Everyone looked at the figure headed by the chamber with horror.

"Commander, are you kidding me?" Emperor Jinhuo frowned.

Xiao Chenfeng's face was cold, "Do you think I am joking?"

"Ling, I have already made it."

"The Yanlong League's three thousand divisions, each major turf, will transfer the spirit vein resources that can be transferred back to the general alliance at the fastest speed."

"In addition, the spirit vein savings of the Nine Legions also need to be sent here within three days."

Emperor Liuhe gritted his teeth and said, "Commander, you want to use the power of the entire Yanlong League?"

The ancient emperor said coldly, "Commander, don't think we don't know."

"A few days ago, Na Yi, the story of Xiao Yi's evil thief sucking the origin of the heavens and the earth in the Amber Heavens, and the matter of commanding you to make trouble in the Amber Heavens, has long been agitated.

"Of course, there is also the fact that you bought two purple light source spirit pots so generously."

"You are basically helping that Xiao Yi evil thief attack the emperor realm."

Emperor Qiongyu said angrily, "Why? Why use our entire Yanlong League to help this Xiao Yi evil thief?"

Emperor Bei Yin said solemnly, "Commander, wake up, that is our enemy."

"The son of Lin Yin's commander died tragically in the hands of this Xiao Yi evil thief; many of our bloodline clansmen also died tragically in his cruel methods."

"My Yanlong League should have pursued and killed this son with all my strength, and beheaded these monsters as soon as possible to avoid future troubles, but the commander has repeatedly stopped them."

"Now, is it necessary to consume our Yanlong League's spiritual veins to help him attack the emperor realm?"

"For my bluntness, how can the commander's move convince the public?"

A series of icy eyes fell on Xiao Chenfeng.

But at this moment, Xiao Chenfeng's eyes were colder than anyone present.

Xiao Chenfeng looked directly at Emperor Qiongyu with cold eyes, "Why should I tell you, he is my son."

Xiao Chenfeng looked at Emperor Bei Yin with cold eyes, "I correct you, he is your enemy, not my Yanlong League enemy."

"The son of Lin Yin died tragically?"

"When Yi'er was born, he drained his blood and robbed him of talent."

"When Yi'er grows up, I will seek revenge from him and kill him. Why not?"

"What about the son of Lin Yin? Why should I be higher than me?"

Emperor Bei Yin said angrily, "Does the commander know that he is talking nonsense?"

"80 million years ago, without Lin Yin's leadership to turn the tide, our Yanlong League would have died long ago."

"With her deeds, Fuze posthumously, why not? My Yanlong League should be her..."

Xiao Chenfeng interrupted angrily, "Decades ago, without me, the Yanlong League would have died now."

"She turned the tide? What kind of thing is she?"

"Just because of those holy puppets? Just because she saved the Yanlong League?"

"But I, Xiao Chenfeng, not only saved the Yanlong League, but also made the Yanlong League more powerful than ever, crushing the Second League and all the worlds."

"In front of me, what kind of thing is she?"

At this moment, Xiao Chenfeng changed from the elegance and calmness of the past, and now he is more like a mad lion.

That kind of anger filled the entire chamber in just an instant.

"Yi'er was right that day, Lin Yin, she died early. If she is not dead, I will kill her."

"On that day, Shuang'er Chuchu gave birth to Yi'er, who was extremely weak. They were the ancestors of your eight sects, and those eight heavenly monarchs forcibly snatched Yi'er." Xiao Chenfeng pointed at the leaders in angrily.

"Yi'er, just like that, the son of Lin Yin has drained his blood and robbed him of his talent."

"If Shuang'er hadn't thought that Yi'er was in danger that day, Batianjun would have died.

"Before I stepped into the void, if I didn't want to have more troubles, I should have killed the Eight Heavenly Monarchs, along with you eight clans."

"Now I understand why Yi'er refused to recognize me or even show his true face even though Yi'er came to me after all the hardships."

"I better understand why Yi'er is so murderous towards you."

"You targeted him, you harmed him, and your ancestors hurt his mother."


Xiao Chenfeng's fists cracked.

The expressions of all the people present changed drastically.

"The commander calms down his anger." Godless King hurried to his side.

"Patriarch." Xiao Yuan was equally shocked as he watched Xiao Chenfeng's undisguised killing intent exploding to the extreme.


Xiao Chenfeng's footsteps moved.

One step, one step, but everything seemed to be in the hearts of everyone, making everyone uncomfortable and horrified to the extreme.

When Xiao Chenfeng walked to the ancient realm emperor and the others, he stopped, "I will tell you one last time."

"Yi'er, is your enemy, but not my Yanlong League's enemy."

"Today I know better, I can still stay in the Yanlong League, and I can still get this last point of refuge."

"Otherwise, those who violate the order today will be expelled from the Yanlong League, and they will live and die in the future and have nothing to do with Xiao Chenfeng."


Third more.

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