Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4462: Commitment of Wanjie Commercial Bank

"Commander, you..."

The ancient emperor's face was angry.

Before you finish speaking, bang...

The huge conference table turned into a powder.

After everyone reacted, it was seen that Xiao Chenfeng pressed the ancient realm emperor to the ground with one hand.

While the discussion table turned into powder, the ancient emperor had also exploded in blood.




The expressions of the major leaders and the famous leaders changed drastically.

This is their commander in command, the first time he has attacked the strong of his own Yanlong League.

"Commander, you..." A fame commander began to look disappointed.

But for a moment, Xiao Chenfeng stared at each other coldly, "Do I seem to be asking for your opinion?"

"The Great Commander of the Ancient Realm violated the order and did not comply with the following offences. Even if I kill him on the spot, it is also the league rule."

"What is such a disappointed look on your face?"

"Do you think I did something wrong?"

The fame leader's face was startled, and the next moment, his face became straight, "Don't dare."

All the leaders present began to show their stern expressions.

Those disappointed colors have just risen, but they have disappeared.

Yes, they seem to have misunderstood something, this is the order of their commander.

In the entire league, no one has ever disobeyed his orders.

He has always been the faith of the entire Yanlong League, an absolutely convincing legend.

It was the same in the past, and it is the same today.

The order has been placed.

I am afraid that no one will violate the order in the entire league.

"Commander." At this time, Emperor Shengyue took a step.

Wow... the moonlight flashed in his hand, one by one, the ring of heaven and earth appeared out of thin air.

"This is all the spiritual veins of my Holy Moon Sect. Since it is the command of the commander, no matter what the reason is, just take it."

"Please also the commander-in-chief to wait a while." The Godless Lord saluted.

"Since it is the command of the commander-in-chief, my Supreme Sword Sect unconditionally fully supports it."

"I immediately returned to where the legion was stationed to mobilize all the spiritual heritage of my Supreme Sword Sect."

Emperor Liuhe arched his hands, "My Liuhezong is also."

"My Golden Fire Sect is too."

"My mad lion clan, too."



There, no one questioned anymore, only the Yanlong League powerhouses who took their orders away.

Perhaps Xiao Yi was wrong at the beginning.

The Yanlong League is not without faith, but this faith has never been regarded as a faith.


Wanjie Commercial Bank, a branch of Zhutian.

Wan Changqing looked at the densely packed universe ring, frowning, "Leader Xiao, so many spiritual veins, even if I haven't cleared it up, I know that at least the number is over tens of billions, you..."

Xiao Chenfeng said solemnly, "All are replaced with purple light source spirit pots."

"Besides, time is limited, the spirit veins from various Yanlong League sites can only be sent to the nearby Wanjie Commercial Bank branch."

"You are in charge of the head office of Wanjie Commercial Bank. With the intelligence capabilities of Wanjie Commercial Bank and its nearly perfect linkage management of various branches, it is not difficult to calculate an accurate spiritual vein."

"Yes." Wan Changqing nodded, "The old man has accurate numbers in his hands an hour ago."

"In just three days, including the spiritual veins that Leader Xiao has obtained here, there are nearly 20 billion spiritual veins in total."

"I'm just reminding that this move by the leader of Xiao League is equivalent to exhausting the entire Yanlong League."

"My Wanjie Commercial Bank has its own rules. Once the transaction is completed, there will be no regrets thereafter."

"Leader Xiao can think about it clearly, such a huge deal..."

Xiao Chenfeng only interrupted coldly, spit out four cold characters, "I'm in a hurry."

Wan Changqing frowned and nodded, "I understand."

Wan Changqing took out a Qiankun ring, "A purple light source spirit pot, priced at one billion spiritual veins."

"Leader Xiao, I count as 20 billion spiritual veins."

"After deducting the three previous credits from Meng Xiao, there are 14 purple light source spirit pots left."

Xiao Chenfeng took the Universe Ring and sensed it. Inside, there were 14 purple light source spirit pots.

Xiao Chenfeng frowned slightly, but turned around and left without saying a word.

"Lord Xiao, wait." Wan Changqing hurriedly called.

"What else?" Xiao Chenfeng glanced sideways without looking back.

Wan Changqing arched his hand, "I understand what Xiao Mengzhu means, I also sell the face of Xiao Mengzhu, my Wanjie Commercial Bank."

"Leader Xiao has exhausted everything, all for the Lord Xiao Yi."

"And Xiao Yi, the realm master, is a collaborator and a friend of my Wanjie Commercial Bank. I also sell this face to my Wanjie Commercial Bank."

"Others, my Wanjie Commercial Bank can't help much."

"But the old man promised that if the realm master Xiao Yi still lacks the purple light source spirit pot in the future, my Ten Thousand Realms Firm can unconditionally take credit until the realm master Xiao Yi successfully breaks through the emperor realm.

"Really?" Xiao Chenfeng's expression was startled.

Wan Changqing nodded, "This is my promise from Wanjie Commercial Bank."

"The purple light source spirit pot is a precious thing, and the head office can't take out too much at once."

"The old man will now go back to the head office and deploy the storage of the various branches of the heavens."

"Leader Xiao can rest assured."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "Thanks."

Of course he knows what this promise means.

In addition, it is almost impossible for Wanjie Commercial Bank to go back.

Things that money can solve, Wanjie Commercial Bank has never had to frown.


In the sixth heavens.

Xiao Yi was still fully absorbing the origin of heaven and earth.

The ancient emperor glanced at the sky and frowned, "The heavens in this area are also about to be sucked dry."

Whoosh... far away, a figure returns quickly.

It was Xiao Chenfeng.

"Chen Feng, what's the matter?" Ancient Emperor asked.

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "Don't worry."

The ancient emperor took the Universe Ring, felt the 14 purple light source spirit pots inside, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"The Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank is also considered this time." Ancient Emperor said solemnly.

"As far as I know, every purple light source spirit pot needs a special expert at the head office to refine and store the origin of the world, and each one takes a long time."

"This is the reason why the price of the Purple Light Source Spirit Pot is so expensive and so precious."

"Within the head office, there are no more than a hundred purple light source spirit pots."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded and looked at Xiao Yi with his knees closed, "I just hope that Yi'er can break through the emperor realm in one fell swoop."

The ancient emperor nodded, "Now, the purple light source spirit pot needed for the journey should be enough."

"If you need a lot of the source of heaven and earth, you can go to all parties and the heavens to absorb it. There is no need to worry about this.

"The rest, it all depends on this kid's own ability."

"It's not as simple as you imagined to hit the emperor realm."

"Now, he has only solved the impact power he needs. The real difficulties are all tied to him."

Xiao Chenfeng frowned and said, "Are you feeling after breaking through the barrier?"

"Yeah." Gudi nodded, "His small world barrier is so huge and strong."

"And all this is just preparation."

"The preparation for the impact alone is so difficult to be so terrible; the road he walks, I am afraid it will be extremely dangerous, and it will be extremely difficult for him to enter the imperial realm gate that is blocked on this road."

"This difficulty surpasses the Lin Yin of the year, and surpasses any Tianjiao evildoer the old man knows, even the old man can hardly imagine.


The first is more.

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