Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4463: Demon Emperor, Liu Feng

At this time, Xiao Yi slowly opened his eyes.

The ancient emperor asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "I haven't broken through yet, but I feel almost done."

It hasn't broken through yet, and the answer is exactly the same as before.

However, this is the best news that the ancient emperor has ever heard.

Because in the previous few days, even if the heavens were sucked dry, Xiao Yi showed no sign of breaking through, and he didn't even know how many heavens and earth's origins were needed.

Now, anyhow, it feels like it's almost there.

"Go, go to the next heaven." The ancient emperor caught Xiao Yi and crossed away.

In the void, the two quickly crossed.

Xiao Yi was also secretly horrified.

This is already the sixth heaven, and the seventh heaven is coming soon.

But now, he needs to support the origin of the world to break through the barrier of the small world, still not enough.

How big and strong should his little world be?

He also heard the conversation between Xiao Chenfeng and the ancient emperor.

For him to attack the emperor realm, the Yanlong League exhausted its spiritual veins, and the entire Ten Thousand Realm Commercial Bank moved.

How heavy and difficult is his martial arts road and the steps toward the imperial realm?


The seventh heaven.

It was a few days later.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes.

"How's it?" Ancient Emperor asked with squinting eyes.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Immediately."

"The next heaven must be the place where I can break through."

At the time of the Amber Heavens, he had already absorbed the origin of the heavens and the earth.

The next six heavens just made the origin of the heaven and the earth more and more increased, more and more compacted and condensed.

At this moment, he could already feel the incomparable nature of the heaven and earth in the small world, containing astonishing explosive power and impact.

"Okay." The ancient emperor finally showed joy, nodded, caught Xiao Yi, and crossed away.



The two crossed all the way, and the purple light source spirit pot in Xiao Yi's hand was exhausted one by one.

"The purple light source spirit pot, there are only the last eight left." The ancient emperor said solemnly.

"Should be strong enough to rush to the next heavens."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "The next heavens are far away."

"Yeah." The ancient emperor nodded, "The void is vast, and three hundred heavens are scattered among them."

"Except for a few of the heavens that are still adjacent to each other, you can imagine how far apart the other heavens are."

The ancient emperor frowned slightly, "The next heavens may be a little troublesome."

"The Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, ranked third among the three hundred heavens."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Is the emperor who controls the heavens very strong?"

The ancient emperor nodded, "In the heavens and in the world, the only terrible existence qualified to be called the Demon Emperor."

"Although he is only a Void Emperor, his strength is extremely strong."

The monster race is also an ancient race, and it was once the overlord race in the void.

The talent of the monster race is that powerful body.

This kind of power does not simply refer to the power of the physical body.

It's the strength of the entire body.

Including that powerful strength, powerful vitality, and the longevity given by the powerful body.

The monster race is definitely the top existence in all the creature races.

"But you have no way out." Ancient Emperor said solemnly.

"The closest heavens are the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens."

"You can only go there."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "I will absorb the origin of heaven and earth there, and I will recruit the demon emperor's obstruction."

"Senior has to protect me, it's very troublesome."

For any person who controls the heavens, the original power in the heavens and the earth is its absolute bottom line.

The ancient emperor nodded, "It will be very troublesome."

"But demons are not afraid of demons."


To the eighth heavens.

When Xiao Yi arrived, the last purple light source spirit pot on his body was only half of the source of heaven and earth.

"Fortunately, I finally arrived." Gu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Chenfeng has already been waiting here.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, and once again began to fully absorb the origin of heaven and earth.

"Hiss." Before a moment, Xiao Yi took a slight breath.

"It is worthy of being the third-ranked heavens. The amount and richness of the origin of the heavens and the earth far exceed the previous heavens, and even far exceed the amber heavens."

The heavens on this side are definitely enough for him to break through.

If there is no accident, it will also be the last heaven where he breaks through the emperor realm.

But it was only half an hour later...

Xiao Yi's astonishing speed of absorbing the origin of the heavens and the earth with such full strength, self-evidently alarmed the masters of the heavens.

In the distance, a white streamer came to and fro.

Behind him, a dense group of giants followed.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi's face changed drastically, and he opened his eyes abruptly, "Monstery, so strong."

That seems to be a huge monster energy sweeping the world.

When I opened my eyes, I saw in the distance, a white streamer shuttled through the sky, and behind, a group of demons danced wildly.

When the white streamer fell, a middle-aged man had appeared 100 meters away from Xiao Yi's trio.

And what shocked Xiao Yi even more was the behemoth that exuded a terrifying monster.

That is Yaozu, a powerful Yaozu.

But at the same time, they all exuded a powerful emperor realm aura.

Is this the third-ranked Ten Thousand Demon Heavens?

The group of demons is vast, densely covering the earth.

Before the group of demons, the middle-aged man stood as their king, standing with majesty.

He was a middle-aged man, dressed in white and beautiful clothes, and with such a glance, people felt the utmost dignity and dignity in his bones.

That body of evil spirit is huge and thick like an endless ocean of evil spirits.

Xiao Yi's face was shocked.

Xiao Chenfeng's face suddenly changed suddenly, as if facing an enemy, "Demon Emperor, Flowing Wind."

The ancient emperor had a solemn expression on his face for an instant, looking directly at the middle-aged man, "Bai Boy."

The middle-aged man glanced at Xiao Chenfeng, but after only this light glance, he moved his gaze away and fell on the ancient emperor.

"The ancient emperor." The middle-aged man's face was light, "It's been such a long time, I never thought, I still remember my name back then."

"You can count on you."

The ancient emperor chuckled slightly, "In the ancient years, the heavens are surging, there are not many creatures that I can remember."

"You Bai Boy count one."

"So, the white boy of the year, the Liufeng Demon Emperor of today, it is feasible to sell me, an old friend of the year, a face?"

"Old friend?" The middle-aged man sneered. "If I remember correctly, we only met for the first time that day."

"Today, after a long time, is the second side."

"The bond between two sides, dare to be called an old friend?"

The ancient emperor also sneered, "But there are people who are worthy of you and me in those years, but there are so many dead."

The middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at the sky, watching the endless flow of the origin of the heaven and the earth descend on Xiao Yi.

The middle-aged man retracted his gaze and shook his head, "The relationship between the two sides, dare to ask me to give up the origin of the heavens and earth?"

"Gudi, don't you think of yourself too highly?"

"I don't sell this face."

Upon hearing this, the ancient emperor squinted his eyes.

The eyes of the middle-aged man finally fell on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was surprised.

The eyes of the two pairs of eyes were a little subtle.

If he didn't feel it, the Flowing Wind Demon Emperor seemed to have no intention of killing him in his eyes.

The middle-aged man stared at Xiao Yi tightly and slowly opened his mouth, "After waiting for such a long time, I am waiting for it after all."

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Yi and nodded slightly.

After a long while, the middle-aged man opened his hands and drank coldly.

"The heavens on this side are yours. If you have the ability, you can take it away."


The second is more.

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