Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4472: Imperial Realm Limitation

The white light gradually dissipated.

Xiao Yi glanced at the vast and endless void and shook his head slightly.

"At my speed, I am afraid it will take a long time to return to the blood inflammation world."

"You are good at speed, can you go back with me?"

When the Liufeng Demon Emperor heard the words, the jealous face twitched, but he still said, "Since I have recognized you as the master, I should be driven by you."

"But my identity is sensitive, and you are the target of public criticism."

"You and I shouldn't have too much contact."

"I'm not afraid of anything, but you are the one who will cause trouble to the upper body."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "A person from Tianyu?"

"Yeah." Liufeng Demon Emperor nodded, "Those cats, dogs or little guys don't recognize me."

"But the old guys in the Nine Great Horizons all recognize me."

Xiao Yi nodded, "All right."

The Liufeng Demon Emperor bowed slightly, "When you need me, when you are ready, just call me."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.


The figure of the Liufeng Demon Emperor left instantly.

That white streamer almost instantly crossed to the end of the void that was hard to see with the naked eye.

"Fast speed." Xiao Yi was startled.

Regarding the speed of this crossing alone, the Liufeng Demon Emperor is probably much faster than the ancient Emperor.

No wonder he has been away from the Ten Thousand Demons and Heavens for a while, this guy still chased up from behind all of a sudden.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, jumped the stars again, and returned to the blood inflammation world.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi glanced at the darkness in the distance without a trace, grinning slightly at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that she had been there all the time and followed secretly.

In the void and darkness.

That is the darkest place between heaven and earth.

There is a forbidden area for creatures, and it is a range where countless strong people must be careful to enter.

There, there are many nests of the Spirit-Swallowing Race, like ferocious wolves, waiting for opportunities to attack and hunt the past creatures.

But at this time, there was a figure walking through the darkness unscrupulously, very fast.

Along the way, the Spirit Devourers were aware of it from a distance, and quickly retreated, not saying that they would attack, even if they were close to offend.

The figure is Dao Qianying, wearing a mask and can't see her face clearly; but judging from the smile on her mouth, she is very happy at the moment.

Under him is a giant beast that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, like a snake flying a snake, like a black torrent.

But this black torrent is obviously a fierce and dark behemoth.

That is actually a yin source beast.

The Yin-Evading Source Beast, like an invincible dragon in the dark, soars in the dark range, but there is no half ripples. It is extremely calm and unnoticeable.

The figure is Yiyi.

When the news of Xiao Yi breaking through the emperor realm spread, she was there, always there, riding the Yin-Eater Origin Beast watching her son in the darkness.

"The son, finally broke through the emperor realm." Yiyi Qiao smiled Yanran.

Originally, she decided to leave after confirming that Xiao Yi had broken through successfully and was safe.

However, she was still thinking about it, reluctant to leave, and still followed secretly.

Not long.

Yiyi panicked again. Of course she knew Xiao Yi's abilities, and she was afraid that Xiao Yi would discover it suddenly.

After thinking about it, the Yin-Eater Genesis Beast stopped, turned around, and left.

But she didn't know it.

At the moment when she chose to leave, the figure she had been secretly following began to stop at this moment, turned around in the same way, and went in the opposite direction.

Yes, now it was the figure's turn to follow her secretly, but she didn't notice it.

More than two months later.

Yude Yiyi returned to his territory and landed on the huge ship.

Xiao Yi just stopped, and quietly left in the darkness, returning to the blood inflammation world again.



Xiao Yi jumped among the stars at an astonishing speed.

"This Nizi, so fast." Xiao Yi was secretly horrified.

"The speed at which she shuttles through the dark area far exceeds the Emperor Void Lord, and even I can't catch up."

However, he was naturally able to determine Yiyi's location and his safety.

On the arm, the mark of reincarnation is a series of dots.

Whoosh whoosh...

Xiao Yi kept jumping.

"After breaking through the emperor realm, the strong resonance between the world and the earth made me even stronger with the stars near me."

"In the past, I could only perceive the nearest star nearby, so I could jump in space."

"Nowadays, the resonance completely crosses over, can feel the farther stars, and the method of star jumping is faster."

Before, he could only jump one star after another.

Now, he can jump across the stars.

Sometimes, he can span two or three stars, and sometimes, if some stars are close to each other, he can span five or six stars at once, thus jumping.

But even so, the journey back to the blood inflammation world is not short.


It took more than three months before he returned to the blood inflammation world.

"Hey." Xiao Yi sighed slightly.

"After breaking through the emperor realm, the restrictions are too big."

"Although I can jump stars, it is still far behind the sudden teleportation of the teleportation array."

Xiao Yi suddenly understood why some emperors and powerful people could clearly break through the emperor realm, but they were unwilling to break through.

Inside the Lord's Mansion.

"grown ups."

The one-eyed bald head respectfully called.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

The one-eyed bald head asked in confusion, "According to the information, your sir, you have successfully broken through the emperor realm and left the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens almost half a year ago."

"How come back now?"

Xiao Yi sat on the throne of the realm master, as before, with a one-eyed bald glance, "You also know that I have broken through the emperor realm, so I can't go to send a large array."

"Running back this way is tiring enough."

The one-eyed bald head smirked, "It's still possible to walk the teleportation formation, as long as the teleportation formation is strong enough and the spirit veins that support it are enough."

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded, "but I'm afraid that if I walk once, it won't be enough to sell the entire blood flame world."

In the emperor realm, it is not that the teleportation formation cannot be walked away, but the spiritual veins needed will be extremely large.

The emperor realm is like a star, and what is teleported by a large array will no longer be equivalent to a living being, but a real star.

How many spiritual veins do you need?

I'm afraid that if you walk around, when the blood flame world is rich and wealthy, your family will be ruined in an instant.

One-eyed bald head said, "The limitations of the adult will be terrible."

Xiao Yi nodded, "So, I can only rely on you."

The one-eyed bald head smiled, "This is our grown-up, who is in charge of a big power."

"If everything depends on you, your lord, what do you need this force to do?"

"From today onwards, adults will be like the leaders of other forces. It is difficult to go home after a long time."

"One mind, only for cultivation!"

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Even if I want to refuse, there is nothing I can do."

"So." The one-eyed bald face said earnestly, "We can only grow up quickly, to the point where we don't need to worry about adults, and we grow up to the point where we can protect ourselves and can completely share the worries for adults."

Xiao Yi grinned, "I believe you."

One-eyed bald head knelt down on one knee, "I will not let the adults down."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Go find the Seven-Eyed Monarch and tell him I want to see Wan Changqing."


The first is more.

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