Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4473: The third apologize, and now I want

Outsiders, there is almost no way to contact the head office of Wanjie Commercial Bank, unless they go directly to the head office.

Therefore, the only way to find this head office is through the branch of Wanjie Commercial Bank.

An hour later.

Evergreen arrives.

"Bloodflame realm master, Xiao Yi...the emperor!" Wan Changqing arched his hands and called out with a chuckle.

Although Wan Changqing is only an emperor, it represents the head office of Wanjie Commercial Bank.

Hugh said that facing a small new emperor, that is, in front of a void emperor, he also needs to nod slightly or even bow, without having to make another salute.

"I wonder if the realm master Xiao Yi is looking for an old man, what is the so-called?" Wan Changqing asked.

"I remember that the cooperation matters were handed over by Seven-Eyed Monarch and Master Xiao Yi..."

Xiao Yi said directly, "It's not a matter of cooperation."

"I'm looking for Emperor Evergreen for something."

"Emperor Evergreen, should I still remember that your Ten Thousand Realms Firm owed me a gift."

Wan Changqing smiled and nodded, "Of course."

"The first apologize is a hundred million souls; the second apologizes is a source spirit pot."

"And the third apologize is the promise of my Wanjie Commercial Bank that you can let Xiao Yi, the realm master, come to the head office of our Commercial Bank to choose the treasure you want."

"The first two apocalypses Xiao Yi's realm master have already taken, this last apologize, there is no time limit, Xiao Yi's realm master can go to my head office to choose it at any time."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, stood up from the throne of the realm master, and looked straight at Wan Changqing, "I want this apocalypse now."

"I wonder if Emperor Evergreen has any suggestions?"

"Suggestion?" Wan Changqing was stunned, and smiled, "This...all depends on the selection of the Lord Xiao Yi, the old man's suggestion..."

Xiao Yi interrupted softly, "I heard that your Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank contains countless treasures in the void."

"There are only things that we can't think of, and nothing that you Wanjie Commercial Bank did not sell."

"Of course." Wan Changqing nodded, full of confidence.

Xiao Yi smiled, "You should have the most respectful treasures."

"But what about higher-level ones? For example...Treasure of the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Uh..." Wan Changqing's expression changed.

Xiao Yi took his hand and walked slowly in front of Wan Changqing, "The Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, its existence has been extremely long."

"In ancient times, even earlier, you existed."

"I'm not talking about the treasure, but you must have some secrets at the level of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Of course." Xiao Yi's mouth grinned, "Even if I want these things, I would not easily give them if I want to come to you, Wanjie Commercial."

Wan Changqing hurriedly got up, arched his hands and said, "Xiao Yijie's main remarks are serious, since I have promised to Wanjie Commercial Bank, we will definitely keep our promise."


Xiao Yi sneered, "But whether I can get it depends on my ability?"

Wan Changqing nodded solemnly, "There are some things that even if I want to give it to Wanjie Commercial, I can't give it."

"It depends on Xiao Yi's own ability."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded, "then take a trip, I'll go to your head office."

"I also want to see if I, Xiao, has this ability."

"This..." Wan Changqing's face was momentarily stagnant.

No one knows that this **** flame world master, although his cultivation level is limited, he has great abilities.

In the past, it was even more heard that it was called a "little thief".

Wan Changqing was a legendary businessman, and his keen intuition told him that as long as the realm master Xiao Yi wanted something, he would definitely get it by any means he could.

It happened that Wanjie Commercial Bank also gave a promise.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I just said, let Emperor Evergreen give me a suggestion. If you don't give it, I can only choose it myself."

"Uh, this..." Wan Changqing frowned, reacting, it seemed that the realm master Xiao Yi came here today for another purpose.

Xiao Yi shook his head and muttered to himself, "I don't seem to lack the supreme holy artifacts, supreme exercises, and martial skills."

"Forget it, I'll go to you for a walk in person."

Wan Changqing hurriedly said, "Well, Xiao Yi, the realm master, should speak bluntly."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded, "then there is Emperor Lao Changqing, help me recommend a more precious business item."

"It doesn't need to be special, as long as it is valuable."

"It doesn't need to be too valuable, it can be worth 20 billion spiritual veins."

When Wan Changqing heard the words, he suddenly stunned and smiled bitterly, "Okay, what the realm master Xiao Yi meant, I understand."

"The spirit veins of the Yanlong League, as well as the spirit veins of the leader of Xiao League, I will order all of them to be returned after I return to the head office."

"This is a good suggestion." Xiao Yi nodded, smiled, and patted Wan Changqing on the shoulder.

"As expected to be a legendary merchant, he will consider customers like me."

"After all, the head office of your firm is still relatively far away from my blood flame world, which saves me the trouble of crossing the long void."

"Hehe." Wan Changqing gave a wry smile, "It's fine if the realm master Xiao Yi is satisfied."

"Then this third apologize..."

Xiao Yi interrupted with a chuckle, "Forget it."

"Good." Wan Changqing nodded.

Things that can be solved with money have never been a problem for his Wanjie Commercial Company.

Wan Changqing arched his hands, "Then, the realm master Xiao Yi has nothing else to say, let's say goodbye."

Xiao Yi arched his hands and said with a smile, "Go, I will send it off to Emperor Evergreen."

When he sent Wan Changqing away, Xiao Yi returned to the Lord's Mansion, pondered for a moment, and once again called One-Eyed.

"One-eyed." Xiao Yi asked suspiciously, "Although you are only an emperor, but you have a lot of knowledge and know this endless void better than I do."

"You know, after normal Tianjiao breaks through the emperor realm, how big is their small world?"

"Also, after breaking through the new emperor, how did they walk on this road to the emperor realm?"

The one-eyed bald head thought for a while, and replied, "Don't hide it from your lord, in the past, when I was in the Red Desert, I actually saw the birth of the new emperor."

"Therefore, I still understand the new emperor category."

"Endless void, countless race creatures, different races will have different creature talents."

"But no matter how they have different talents, if they enter the martial arts and become a martial artist, they will definitely open up a small world in their own body."

"The power in the small world is almost the source of power that supports the explosive power of all warriors."

Xiao Yi nodded, "This is common sense, I know."

The one-eyed bald head nodded and continued, "If the warrior is fortunate to break through the emperor realm, the size of the world after the breakthrough is almost ninety-nine factors due to the strength of this own small world."

"Emperor Realm, as the last realm on the road of martial arts, if a creature breaks through, it would be the biggest qualitative change in history."

"Even the ordinary Tianjiao, its small world will be enlarged a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times."

"And even better, the arrogance of heaven like Emperor Lan Ying, I am afraid that its small world can be one-tenth the size of a normal star."

"And the most terrifying thing is that in the Tianjiao I know, after breaking through the emperor realm, the world in its body is as large as half a star."

"Only half?" Xiao Yi frowned.


The second is more.

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