Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4478: Three-year retreat

The ancient emperor has left.

Xiao Yi was alone and continued to practice.

He had no doubts about the cultivation on the road to the Emperor Realm.

As always, it is necessary to enlighten the martial arts of heaven.

The power required for cultivation has changed from the previous spiritual energy, spiritual stone, etc., to the only source of heaven and earth.

The improvement in cultivation is actually the perfection of this small world in the body.

Now, he is just a new emperor, and he only holds 10% of the power of the world.

But this power of heaven and earth comes from this heaven and earth in oneself.

This is the source of his strength to fight in the future.

The emperor Xiaocheng holds fifty percent of the power of heaven and earth; and the emperor reaches the highest level, which is completely comparable to a real world of stars and ten percent.

Although the small world in his body is now the size of eight stars.

But just like the previous practice, every time the Yuan Li accumulates 10% of the height, the small realm rises by one.

But today's power of heaven and earth will no longer be as pure as the rising of water.

In the past, every time the elemental power in the qi spring rises by 10%, the small realm rises by one level; while the complete martial arts quietly exist in the small world.

Now, each complete martial art has become the framework of one's own small world world, and the source of the absorbed world will also be hidden in the small world world and become the power of these frameworks.

Now, the origin of heaven and earth in his body is only 10% strong, so he is just a new emperor.

When the huge heaven and earth in his body, the ‘quantity’ and intensity of the heaven and earth’s origin reach 50%, he will step into Xiaocheng.

However, simply possessing the origin of heaven and earth is not enough, and it still needs the restraint of martial arts.

Xiao Yi thought slightly.

"It turns out that the words of that person at the beginning are already a pointer to me."

"Heaven and earth are built with martial arts and power."

"Budo is the framework and strength is the support."

"Without the support of strength, no matter how powerful the laws and martial arts are, they are just a piece of white paper, fragile and weak."

"But without the constraints of laws and martial arts, powerful forces will get out of control."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "My current practice in the emperor realm is the same."

"On the one hand, we need to absorb the huge source of heaven and earth, so that the power of this heaven and earth in the body will increase."

"On the one hand, you still need to learn about martial arts, control more and more complete martial arts, mark martial arts, and control and restrain the ever-increasing power."

"Budo and power have always been independent and separate, but the two are indispensable."

Xiao Yi raised his head and stared at the sky, "I don't worry about the martial arts insights. I have enough time to study them carefully."

"What I lack is strength, and the giant elephant tribesmen from all over the territory will provide it to me."

"So, I can practice with peace of mind."

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and practiced again with all his strength.

As for the blood inflammation world, he didn't need to pay much attention.

Unless it is the calamity that endangers the blood inflammation world, or even extinction.

Otherwise, even if he wants to deal with ordinary and cumbersome matters, including disputes in various places, he will be powerless.

After breaking through the emperor realm, he couldn't take the teleportation formation, and it took too long for him to jump the stars and drive on his way.

Since he didn't know much about the blood inflammation world, then naturally, only peace of mind was left to practice.


The sun rises and the moon rises, the years in this void always flow so quietly that people don't feel it.

Three years later.

"Huh." Xiao Yi breathed out a foul breath and stopped practicing.

Xiao Yi looked up at the sky.

He felt that his blood inflammation world was stronger than before.

Of course, the world of the small world in his own body is also stronger.

And this is due to the giant elephant family.

In the center of the blood inflammation world, the giant elephant king is located. This largest giant elephant statue is stronger than before.

Through this statue, he could feel the giant elephant tribe people scattered in various star territories in the void.

Also based on this, the power of the people from various places can be mobilized.

Three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three giant elephants are scattered in various star territories under his command.

Black fierce is the sky, white horse is the earth.

He can even directly and clearly perceive everything that is happening in the territories of various stars.

He could perceive and see that a small black statue of Dharma is constantly absorbing the power of the void; a small statue of Dharma with a pure white body is always transforming the power of the void into the source of heaven and earth.

Those who are in the world, there is no heaven.

There is no sky in one side of the star field; but the black and white mammoths, these statues, these giant elephants, are replacing the sky and the earth.

In three years, the giant elephant tribesmen in various territories under his command have continuously gathered the original power of heaven and earth back to him from all directions, turning them into his cultivation power.

"It's been three years in the blink of an eye." Xiao Yi's tone was a little sad.

Are these years of emptiness really fast becoming "worthless"?

"Heh." Xiao Yi slightly laughed at himself, "I have also become an emperor, and I am also in the last great state on this long road to martial arts. I am also an existence that billions of creatures need to look up to.

"So..." Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "One day, I will be like those old monsters, retreat without years, for thousands of years?"

"One day, I will also lament that these long years are fleeting."

The next moment.

Xiao Yi clenched his fists abruptly, "It has been three years, and I have reached the small stage, and I am only one step away from the big stage."

At first, he had been in this void for nine years, but he eventually stopped the emperor.

But at that time, he eventually had countless matters to deal with, all kinds of complicated things, all kinds of battles, all kinds of crises, endless.

He is a warrior, his original intention has not changed.

He also thought about how great it would be if he could calm down, live peacefully, do nothing to disturb, practice hard, and explore the mystery of this vast martial art.

In the past three years, he finally had a chance.

He calmed down and only practiced.

He is terrible, but no one knows.

In three years, he had perfected the ten percent of the world in his body to nearly ten percent of the complete world of stars.

In three years, no one knew how much complete martial arts he had realized and controlled.

But the world of the small world in his body is now extremely powerful, just like the real world, with huge martial arts.

If this pure martial artist can really be unrestrained and can really wander in the ocean of martial arts with peace of mind, perhaps, within a few decades, he can become a world-shattering supreme.

For decades, other powerful creatures have gone through hundreds of millions of years of painstaking practice.

This may be his terrifying ability, that unparalleled ability to comprehend.

Xiao Yi was still communicating with the Giant Elephant King, still sucking in the endless source of heaven and earth.

The origin of heaven and earth, only the heavens have it.

But the giant elephant clansman, actually exerts the ability exactly the same as the heavens and stars.

"It's no wonder that such a defying talent for creatures will cause the disaster of extinction." Xiao Yi secretly shook his head.

In the past three years, the giant elephant tribe has absorbed the void power and transformed it into the source of heaven and earth for his cultivation.

At the same time, the giant elephant tribe will also absorb a part of their power and continue to recover from it.

"If you just want a quiet world, you want to exist quietly."

"Then, after I become stronger, Xiao Yi will give you this world." Xiao Yi muttered to himself earnestly.


Outside the stars of the blood inflammation world, in the void, there seemed to be a mammoth giant, and it uttered a cheer of joy.


The first is more.

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