Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4479: The growth of the blood inflammation world

Xiao Yi stood up slowly.

For three years, he has wondered whether he will practice for a long time like an old monster in the future.

But now, he is still a young creature after all.

He is not interested in retreating and meditating forever, day and night.


On this day, the barrier restriction on the Mansion of the Blood Flame Realm Realm was dissipated.

At this moment, the face of the one-eyed bald head in a certain star in the void changed, and then smiled.


The one-eyed bald figure disappeared instantly.

The blood inflammation world, in the mansion of the master.

The one-eyed bald head returned quickly.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head bowed and bowed.

In three years, it was the first time that he rebuilt and stepped into this world lord's mansion.

Looking at Xiao Yi on the throne of the world master, he clearly felt that today's adults are stronger than ever.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

One-eyed bald head smiled and asked, "Why did you leave the gate so quickly?"

"I thought that once an adult has entered the emperor, it is impossible to leave the customs easily within ten or eight years."

"Now, it's only three years."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "I'm still young after all, and I can't help being lonely for too long."

One-eyed bald head waved his hand, "Come on, my lord, you are not the warrior who can't stand loneliness."

"I'm afraid, the adults have something else to do, right?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I want to see what happened to the Blood Flame Realm in the past three years, what happened to the heavens and all realms, and what happened to this endless void."

"Sir, don't worry." One-eyed bald head patted his chest and said, "With the little ones, the blood flame world forces are safe."

With that, a large pile of intelligence files in Universe Ring in the hands of the one-eyed bald head flew out.

"I thought, the lord must ask these things after he leaves the customs."

"So at every moment, I am sorting out these large amounts of information, so that adults can leave customs at any time and can review them at any time."

Xiao Yi took a copy of the dossier, flipped through it, and said, "You can report it directly."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "In general, in the past three years, our blood inflammation world has become more powerful."

"On the one hand, it is our cooperation with Wanjie Commercial Bank."

"On the one hand, it is the hunting missions around the chassis, etc."

"On the one hand, it will continue to fight and expand the territory."

"Under your command, there are now eight hundred stars in the land."

"This is just to do it steadily according to the adult's previous instructions, not to be rushed or impatient, and to expand slowly."

"Furthermore, this is only the eight-hundred-star turf under our absolute control. If we count the turf of the stars where our subordinate's combat power has entered, it is already over a thousand."

"Haha." The one-eyed bald head suddenly smiled, "We still have a surprise for adults."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi smiled.

One-eyed bald head crushed a jade pendant in his hand and said, "My lord waits for dozens of breaths."

After a long while.

Whoosh whoosh...

Outside the Lord's Mansion, dazzling rays of light leap forward.

In an instant, the light gathered outside.

"See my lord, congratulations to my lord for leaving the customs." A neat and loud congratulation came from outside.

Xiao Yi felt it slightly, "I have 400 followers under my command, not bad, much stronger."

One-eyed bald head smiled and said, "It's much stronger."

"Now, these four hundred followers under the command of the adult are the real Blood Yan Guard. The Blood Yan Guard who exists only for you is also the strongest warrior power in the hands of the adult."

"Today, each of them is the absolute strongest among the emperors, and the all-in-one commander of the three leagues."

"I dare not say that they can defeat the big leaders of the Yanlong League alone, but if the three of them form a team or gather, they will be a terrifying force that can run across the heavens and all realms."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Ming Wang Dan, it's really amazing."

"As long as they have sufficient training resources to support them, they can grow rapidly."

"It's no wonder that the Ming Dynasty inheritance will be the secret treasure of the void coveted by countless forces, and it is also known as the most dazzling secret treasure in the void."

One-eyed bald head smiled, "This is also thanks to the cultivation of adults."

"Because of the existence of the blood inflammation world, we have enough spiritual vein support."

Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction and chuckled lightly.

Three years ago, no, it should have been even earlier, before he entered the emperor, the four hundred followers were already all powerhouses at the commanding level of the Three Leagues.

In the past three years, the Blood Flame Realm, which has grown steadily, has long been the hegemonic power of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and in terms of the accumulation of spiritual veins, it has far surpassed the major powers.

With such a steady stream of spiritual support, 400 followers can naturally grow rapidly.

In his perception, four hundred followers, and now indeed everyone is no weaker than the leader of the Yanlong League.

But if it's alone, it should still be worse.

After all, the Ming Wang inheritance is aimed at the overall growth and strengthening of the power.

At the same time, it itself is used to cultivate a large number of guards to become a legion.

In addition, the great leader of the Yanlong League is not Xiao Yuan. The other eight great leaders are the direct successors of the eight sects, and the true successors of the eight emperors of the Yanlong League.

The eight emperors of the Yanlong Dragon were proud of the heavens.

Xiao Yi is now absolutely convinced that in the ancient times, as the direct force under his command, the Eight Emperors of the Yanlong Dragon were absolutely supreme.

It is even possible that it is the terrifying existence of the eight people second only to the emperor of heaven, who have reached the limit of their bloodlines.

Therefore, the inheritance of the eight sects is absolutely strong.

The Bazong Grand Commander, over the long years, has always specifically refrained from breaking through the emperor realm, otherwise, he will definitely be the emperor of one side.

Therefore, when it comes to fighting alone, his followers, who grew up with the inheritance of the Ming Dynasty, are not as good as it is, and it is normal.

But if the three are in a team, or even become a legion, then it is not the same. The strongest legion in the hands of the three leagues is probably just a joke in front of them.

The one-eyed bald head continued, "Now the four hundred followers are the Blood Flame Guards who belong only to the adults. They no longer support all circles, but only exist in the Blood Flame Realm to protect the adults."

"And the iron rules have been set, even if it is me, I can't dispatch all their combat power."

"Four hundred blood Yan guards, only adults can mobilize them in an instant."

Xiao Yi smiled and asked, "What else?"

The one-eyed bald head continued to report, "Although the 20,000 followers under the command of the adult are not among the blood flame guards, they are also one of the strongest fighters under the command of the adult."

"Twenty thousand followers, all emperors, many of them top emperors."

"This is a strong man who was cultivated personally by the adults in those years, and they are capable of achieving success today, and if they take out any of them, they can all stand on their own and hold on to one side."

"Except for the direct power of these adults, our 800-star turf, and the combat power recruited from all the turf, are all over 100,000."

"Although compared to the territories of the Three Leagues, one line of defense can easily exceed one million or even nearly tens of millions of warriors; but as the adults said at the beginning, our blood inflammation world is more refined but not much."

"Although most of the lands are only one hundred thousand warriors, all of them are elite and extraordinary."

Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction, "In the past three years, the blood inflammation world has developed faster than I thought."

"Where are the major forces?"

"Our blood flame world forces, there should have been a lot of disputes over the past three years."

"Yeah." The one-eyed bald head nodded, "There is a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"


The second is more.

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