Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4480: Parties, mysterious forces

Xiao Yi smiled, "Tell me the mystery?"

"Okay, then I just guess."

"The first one, good news, the money owed by those big forces that attacked the blood flame world back then is almost going to be repaid."

"After that, there is bad news. Another group of big forces are still secretly dealing with us, and it is getting worse."

Hearing the words, the one-eyed bald head looked shocked, "My lord, how did you guess it?"

"No, it should be, you all know your lord?"

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded, "Know part of it."

Through the Colossus King, he can clearly perceive everything in the territories of stars where the Colossus tribe is located.

It's just obvious that he didn't always perceive.

His mind is not here.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on in detail." Xiao Yi said.

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Three years ago, there were two groups of big forces that could not get through with our blood inflammation world."

"One group is the great force that attacked our blood inflammation world by the Ethereal Realm Law."

"Includes a large number of heavenly emperors, hegemonic forces."

"This group of forces ceased afterwards."

"Three years ago, the adults made a breakthrough, and the news of entering the emperor spread like wildfire."

"These big forces have been torn apart before, and if they refuse to compensate, they will force them to pay back a little."

"That's great, your lord, the most powerful emperor in the void, has joined the emperor, and can't walk the teleportation array anymore. They danced more joyously."

"All of us treat our blood inflammation world as paper tigers."

"It's just that they never expected that the **** flame guards under the command of the adults, there are 20,000 followers, and even our entire **** flame world force, grow so fast."

"Although your lord has never shown up again, the deterrence of our blood inflammation world is stronger than ever."

"A year ago, these big forces began to show more and more good things, and in turn made friends with us in the blood inflammation world. Although there is no way to pay off all the compensation owed, it is getting more and more back."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I see."

"A total of 20,000 emperors, and many of them are top emperors. This kind of deterrence is enough."

"Our Blood Flame Realm is now considered the top overlord power in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Yes."

"After that is the second group of forces." The one-eyed bald head suddenly cold his eyes, "My lord, your former enemy."

"To be more precise, it is the forces supporting Lin Yin."

"Led by Tian Luomen and Promise Miao Yinzong."

"These forces began chasing and killing adults since the adults left the Yanlong League. Later, when the Heavenly Territory slaying order came down, these forces also followed the forces of the heavens to encircle and suppress all the major areas of our blood flame world."

"Later, the forces of the heavens wisely protected themselves one by one, and all ceased. Only these forces are still secretly dealing with us and targeting our blood inflammation world."

"Furthermore, three years ago, the forces headed by the Wuji Miao Yinzong suddenly erupted; since the adult entered the emperor and after retreat, these shards have almost become the biggest enemy of all parties in our blood inflammation world."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

One-eyed bald head said, "We don't know the specific reason."

"But according to the rumors, three years ago, after the lord of the Ten Thousand Demons and Heavens attacked the emperor realm, Lei Yin Zhizun and his entourage were suddenly ambushed when they returned to the sect."

"Lei Yin Zhizun and his party, except for Lei Yin Zhizun, the whole army was annihilated, only Lei Yin Zhizun was seriously injured and fled back to Promise Miao Yinzong."

"Since then, Promise Miao Yinzong frantically retaliates against our blood inflammation world."

"But this rumor can't be verified by the small ones. After all, adults don't have the ability to seriously hurt Leiyin Supreme."

"I have the right to be a rumor."

"Anyway, these scumbags are aimed at our blood inflammation world, regardless of the rumors or these scumbags as an excuse for revenge, once they commit a crime, we will destroy them once."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Kill well."

Xiao Yi knew about this.

Three years ago, it was the Demon Emperor Liufeng who wiped out the entire army of De Lei Yin Zhi Zun and his party, and severely injured Lei Yin Zhi Zun.

Although the relationship between him and Demon Emperor Liufeng is unknown, Wu Ji Miao Yinzong dared not find the troubles of the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, so naturally he could only vent all his anger on Xiao Yi and the Blood Flame Realm.

The one-eyed bald head continued, "Thanks to the fact that our blood inflammation world is now stable and strong, otherwise, it would be really troublesome."

"My lord back then, I'm afraid I underestimated the power of Lin Yin's legacy."

"Lei Yinzhi respected the injury, and the Promise and Wonderful Yinzong broke out completely, bringing out a large number of old monsters who have been in retreat for many years and have not been seen for a long time."

"These old monsters are almost all consummated above the emperor, all of them are martial arts seniors who have been known to the heavens a long time ago."

"Although they are all solitary casual cultivators, their support is enough for these big forces to have great confidence."

Xiao Yi's face became cold, "Do you need me to take a trip?"

The one-eyed bald head shook his head and smiled, "My lord is the master of our blood inflammation world."

"This trivial matter, how do we need the master of the blood inflammation world to personally take action."

"In today's situation, it seems that our blood inflammation realm forces themselves can deal with it, and they have the upper hand."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

This is what happened in the blood inflammation world in the past three years.

"Where is it outside?" Xiao Yi asked.

The one-eyed bald head frowned slightly and reported, "The heavens and the world have always been like this. The disputes continue, and there is no end."

"Hmph, those slanderous scumbags used to say that you are a scourge, sir, and stir up blood and blood everywhere."

"In the past three years, my lord hasn't been out, and the heavens and the realms are still in chaos? There are countless fights?"

"In the past three years, there have been many mysterious forces, which have risen rapidly, and have caused even greater killings of the heavens and the world."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised, "what are they?"

The one-eyed bald head replied, "The most murderous of them is the Killing Empress."

"Void, east, within an endlessly distant dark area."

"There is an extremely large range of death and silence there. Even if it is based on the information I knew in the Red Desert, it is not known how long years no creatures have appeared and passed."

"That is an endless range of absolute silence."

"And outside of this area, there are a thousand spider heavens, nine ape heavens and so on."

"Nowadays, it has already changed hands completely, and it is all under the control of this slaughter empress."

"In three years, the Slaughter Empress centered on this area, expanding to both sides and outside, and at an almost astonishing speed, she laid down eighteen heavens and more than eight hundred small world stars."

"In short, with the original Thousand Spider Heavens as the center, the huge area of ​​nearly a hundred star regions around is the absolute territory of this Slaughter Empress."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi smiled.

The one-eyed bald head continued, "This force is extremely mysterious."

"So far, no one knows the true face of this slaughter empress, and under her command, there are many strong people."

"The deepest part of this site is now known as another forbidden place for creatures, one of the mysterious and dangerous places in the void."

"The eighteen heavens, with the guarding force, made the deepest area of ​​this piece of land even more mysterious."

"Even the intelligence of our blood inflammation world, including the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, is temporarily unable to find out what's going on."

"Okay." Xiao Yi raised his hand slightly and stopped the words of the one-eyed bald head.

"Talk about other forces."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Void, east, close to the north, also extremely far away, there is a new mysterious power."

"The strange thing is that I still don't know who the leader is."

"This force shot, and almost passed along the way, and everything was dead, and all lives were slaughtered."

"Such harsh methods and styles are relatively rare."

"Similarly, this power has risen rapidly in almost a short period of time. There are countless strong insiders, and all of them are terrifying."

"Within the area where this force is located, it's a vast void, and no one dares to provoke it."

"We originally had a branch there, but half a year ago, it was also slaughtered."

"In the branch, apart from the few followers under your command who escaped, the rest of the fighting force is elite, and there is no one to survive."


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