Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1004: Not your fault (2)

"There are also various weapons such as pistols. They are studied to maintain world peace. But in this world, there has never been a lack of bad guys. They use those weapons to kill and set people everywhere. Could you say that the people who develop pistols, have Wrong?!"

"So, Yugui, it's not your fault."

it's not your fault.

Fei Nancheng's loud words made Shen Yugui's tears finally flow out.

Ever since Thanos started sabotage on the Internet, she has been guilty and regretful.

I always feel that it was my wrong decision that caused all this disaster.

But now, there is such a person standing in front of her and telling her that all this is not her fault.

Her throat is choking and her nose is sour.

Fei Nancheng continued: "Those ordinary people are also innocent, and they are right, but now, someone must stand up and pay for their losses. We are willing to buy this order for the time being, but it does not mean that this order It should be us to buy. Yugui, the one who really should pay is Qijia."

"Don't have psychological pressure. I will only pay for this money temporarily for Qi's family. Don't worry, I will let them pay back the accounts one day!"

When he said the last sentence, his voice fell in vain, with a strange sonorous aura, like a general about to fight on the battlefield!

At this time, Yu Manyu took the computer and walked down.

Immediately, he rubbed her head again, "And what you should do now is to do your best to maintain network security. Not because of making up, because of guilt, but because of protection!"

Shen Yugui nodded.

Just now, her heart was desolate.

But at this moment, it was full of fighting spirit.

Fei Nancheng, he really has the ability, and a few words, it makes people full of hope.

She turned her head and was about to pick up the computer. When she started to work, Feinan City grabbed her hand again, pulled her to the restaurant next to her, pressed her shoulder, let her sit down, and said: " Eat first. If you don't eat, how can you have the strength to fight?"

The steaming food on the table was made by Yu Manyu just after he knew they were coming back.

Shen Yugui nodded, picked up the chopsticks, and ate.

After she finished eating, she lay down on the sofa and turned on the computer.

Yu Manyu sat opposite her, poured a cup of tea for her, watched her fingers tap on the keyboard quickly, and asked: "Yu Gui, how can you resist a robotic brain by yourself?"

Thanos is now at a time when the damage is serious. While she was talking, she had already intercepted the two destruction programs of Thanos. Upon hearing Yu Manyu's words, she said: "One can be restored, it is one."

Moreover, she is not only resisting Thanos.

She also hacked into the network of s city, and then looked for Fei Xiaogui.

Fei Xiaogui left her since he was spotted by the police last time, and now he doesn't know her situation here.

Shen Yugui didn’t know where Fei Xiaogui was, let alone whether Fei Xiaogui was willing to help, and she had no right to ask it to help them like this... , Has nothing to do with her.

As she searched carefully, a voice suddenly came from the door: "Besides, she is not alone."

A word fell, Shen Yugui raised his head in surprise, and saw...

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