Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1005: Not your fault (3)

At the door, Du Ruofei, Chen Zifan, Wang Qingguo, Yang Ming, Li Peng, and the group of people from the Nanchuang Science and Technology Department, one by one, walked in through the door with their own computers.

Shen Yugui was taken aback.

Du Ruofei smiled slightly and said, "How can we be missing if we want to protect network security?"

In a word, let Shen Yugui feel warmer.

She stood up: "Why are you here?"

Chen Zifan curled his mouth and still looked ugly, but it was obvious that after Zhang Qianqian left, he was a little gloomier than before, but the tone of his speech still made him want to beat him: "Don't be moved. , I’m not for you, I’m for my brother. I’ll do a favor. If one less family is attacked, my brother can pay one less family.”

After finishing speaking, his eyes swayed on Shen Yugui and Fei Nancheng, and he opened his mouth again: "My brother doesn't even want the Fei Group for you. In the future, you can't disappoint my brother!"

Then, instead of waiting for the rest of the people to speak, they said eagerly: "Don't beep, let's get started!"

Shen Yugui:? ?

Public:? ? ?

From beginning to end, you are talking, OK? !

Everyone twitched their mouths, and then looked towards the living room.

Fortunately, the Shen family was big enough. The people who couldn't sit on the sofa went to the connected dining room and sat there. Soon, a dozen people all found their places.

For a while, the computer in the living room made a "pop" keyboard knock.

Shen Congxin, who was resting upstairs, stood up listening to the voice downstairs.

Even if the body is still weak, but also busy with Yu Manyu, pour tea for this group of people, help clean up...

Shen Yugui looked for the attacked place, and let the group of people mend it when he found it, so the room recalled her clear, low, but clear and confident voice.



Attack name: jknkn remote control sweeping robot

Stage: Attempt.

Du Ruofei, deal with it! "

Shen Yugui accurately reported the IP address, and Du Ruofei directly said: "Received."

Shen Yugui continued to report the next address: "...Chen Zifan, deal with it!"

"Roger that!"


The orderly busyness prevented Thanos from attacking again and again. At least for now, the entire city of s, the attack has been blocked.

Someone couldn't help but opened his mouth: "This Thanos is really powerful. It is not comparable to manpower to handle so many things at the same time. If Fei Xiaogui is good?"

A word made Shen Yugui's expression sinking.

Everyone looked at her one after another.

Chen Zifan's eyes flickered a few times, and then he opened his mouth: "Why? Are you scared? It's just an intelligent AI. We alone can't match it, and ten people can't match it. Could it be that our billions of human beings are still Can't you beat him?"

In one sentence, everyone was full of passion: "Yes! With so many of us, I am afraid that he is a bird! Go!"

Shen Yugui laughed.

Because she discovered that besides them on the Internet, there are already technicians from all over the world who began to spontaneously resist its attacks.

Manpower cannot defeat machines, but when people unite, it will be an irresistible force! ! Like now...

Perhaps it was human resistance that angered and angered Thanos.

Next, Shen Yugui found out! Thanos launched an extremely frequent attack! !

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