Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1008: Who is this person (3)

Zhang Qianqian never thought that he would see Chen Zifan here.

His face still has that kind of invincible look, as if no one can enter his eyes, his chin is slightly raised, just like when he was in school...

But after seeing her, his voice stopped, his eyes shrank suddenly, and the whole person was stunned.

His eyes were facing each other, and for a while, there was an awkward atmosphere in the air.

Zhang Qianqian only felt that her heart was gripped by something. Depressed, she was a little out of breath. She knocked on the door and was still in the air. At this moment, her fingertips were also slightly rolled up, and she swallowed. , Her finger paused in the air, and then she took it back. She lowered her head, afraid to look at his eyes, and then asked, "Is it from the heart?"

Chen Zifan stared at her.

Since she left, he has always made himself try to forget her.

Recently, there are a lot of things at home. My father is in poor health. The people in the company are ready to seize power. He is learning to manage the company and is very busy. Sometimes when he is free, he will also help Shen Yugui and Shen Congxin to take his own The time is full, and when I return home, I am too tired to fall asleep.

He thought he didn't care anymore.

But when he saw Zhang Qianqian at this moment, he was still hit in the heart by something.

Look at her if nothing happened again, it seems that she and she are just strangers...

He suppressed the throbbing in his heart, lowered his eyes faintly, and let his body open: "Yes."

Zhang Qianqian swallowed and glanced into the room. Although he couldn't see what was happening in the living room, he could hear many people in the room.

She paused, and then said: "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I'll come back and find Congxin another day!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Unfortunately, just turning around, Chen Zifan's wrist was suddenly grabbed.

Zhang Qianqian's whole body stiffened, and a Ji Ling came back to his senses.

She looked at Chen Zifan in astonishment, but saw Chen Zifan open his mouth: "Now they are the most in need of help, don't you come in?"

Zhang Qianqian bit his lip.

She touched her backpack, which was her laptop.

She looked at Chen Zifan again.

Finally nodded: "I'm coming in."

Chen Zifan stepped aside, and Zhang Qianqian walked in.

Shen Yugui didn't have many surprises when he saw her. He just stood up, found a special place for her to sit down, and patted her on the shoulder.

At this time, he was busy, and Shen Yugui did not say any more, but returned to his computer.

Zhang Qianqian turned on the computer and looked at Wang Qingguo next to him.

Wang Qingguo's expression was very bad, but he didn't say anything. After giving directions to Zhang Qianqian what they were doing, Zhang Qianqian nodded.

She looked at her computer and suddenly felt like she was back in school again, back to the time when she was an intern at the Fei Group...

She hung her head, covered the soreness in her eyes, and devoted herself to work seriously.

She did not see, not far away, Chen Zifan was looking at her with a cup of coffee...


On the other side, after Shen Yugui comforted Zhang Qianqian, he returned to his position and continued to chat with Feinan City on the topic just now.

She said, "Did you think of the purpose of the Qi family?"

Fei Nancheng laughed: "Is it so obvious?"

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