Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1009: Who is this person (4)

Seeing his relaxed look, Shen Yugui was even more certain. This profiteer must have thought of something. She directly asked, "What are they going to do?"

Fei Nancheng thought for a while and said: "What is the purpose of Qi family for so many years, dedicated to researching technology?"

Shen Yugui quickly gave the answer: "Money!"

They will never do it for the development of society.

As a businessman, the goal is of course to make money!

Fei Nancheng spoke again: "Then, you put yourself in your place and think about it, you got Thanos, why don't you use Thanos to do your own scientific research, what are they doing, or what they want to sell, will they let it be destroyed? Do you wreak havoc like this?!"

What to sell?

Shen Yugui was taken aback.

The next moment, she suddenly figured out something, turned her head directly, and looked at her computer.

There, a firewall overwhelmingly covered all the attacked areas, blocking Thanos’ crazy attacks...

Her pupils shrank.

Could it be that……

As soon as he thought of it, I heard Du Ruofei speak calmly: "It seems that things are not what we imagined."

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him.

Du Ruofei raised his head: "The firewall that saved the network is not Fei Xiaogui, but... from abroad! They just announced that they have invented a firewall specifically for ai attacks!! Just put it into use, it can prove , There is no problem blocking ai! And now, for the world, start selling! The price is... five thousand."

As soon as this was said, everyone in the room took a breath.

Li Peng even cursed: "Fuck, why didn't he grab it?!"

A small piece of software, the most expensive is sold for more than 100, I didn't expect this firewall to cost five thousand? !

If you want to ensure the security of your own network, you must buy the five thousand dollars if you don't buy it! ! It is simply mandatory consumption!

Du Ruofei stared at the message on the Internet: "The firewall is indeed useful, and the firewall they put in for free will be automatically locked after 24 hours. Only after purchasing the right to use and getting the activation code can they continue to use it."

"What now?"

Yang Ming couldn't help asking.

Du Ruofei stared at the computer without speaking.

Everyone looked at Shen Yugui.

Shen Yugui frowned.

However, Fei Nancheng opened his mouth: "There is good news in this, that is, Thanos will no longer do damage in these 24 hours. At least, you can rest for 24 hours."

The bad news is that after 24 hours, there will be even more crazy attacks.

There was silence in the room.

Shen Yugui simply stood up and said, "Everyone first take a good rest. After 24 hours, it will be a more intense battle. Now, we need to eat and drink, and then sleep!"

Everyone nodded.

Shen Yugui stood up too, she moved her shoulders, and then walked to the balcony.

After a while, Fei Nancheng also followed.

The sky is already dark, and the moon outside shines in the sky, shining bright moonlight.

Fenan City stretched out a big hand and pressed her thin shoulder.

"do you know?"

Shen Yugui slowly opened his mouth: "I have sent a lot of messages to Fei Xiaogui on the Internet. However, it has never responded."

She turned her head and looked at Feinan City: "Last time, I drove him away, so many people wanted to kill him, isn't it, disappointed?"

Otherwise, why hasn't it come back?

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