Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1076: Main text finale (2)

Shen Yugui nodded.

Fan Fan followed the two people, thinking in his heart, if you want to lie, you must say it to the end. You can't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the marriage procedures in men's clothing?

So he drove the car very obediently and brought two people to the mall.

When entering the mall, Fan Fan looked at home and thought to himself that it would be difficult for a man to wear women's clothing and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Unexpectedly, in order to marry Mr. Fei, Mr. Shen would take it all out.

Admire and admire!

He waited for a while, watching Mr. Shen's joke.


Think about it, what if a man wants to laugh while wearing women's clothing?

When Fan Fan thought this way, Fei Nancheng walked to a dress. The dress was knitted and the fabric looked very shiny.

It's just... the skirt is a little waisted!

In fact, the most difficult thing for a man to dress up as a woman is the chest and waist. After all, the body structure of a man is different from that of a woman. Such clothes are not suitable, right?

He was about to give a tactful reminder when he saw Shen Yugui smile and turned to enter the fitting room.

Fan Fan:...

Fan Fan twitched his mouth.

Forget it, wait and see.

He stood next to him in time, and after a while, he heard the sound of the fitting room opening. When he turned his head to look over, Fan Fan was stunned!

The girl in front of her looked extraordinarily slender and calm in her youthful appearance. She felt handsome and free, but she didn't expect that she was wearing women's clothing.

Especially the breasts, there is something...

How can a man have breasts? !

Fan Fan was stunned!

He looked at Shen Yugui incredulously.

Seeing Shen Yugui coming to Fei Nancheng, Feng's eyes picked up and the skirt was lifted, then turned around, and finally asked in a clear voice: "Does it look good?"

The voice is so clear that it is impossible to distinguish male and female.

The surrounding waiter and Fan Fan were stunned.

Only Fei Nancheng, whose eyes were slightly deeper, swept his gaze over her bumpy figure, and then slowly opened his mouth: "It looks good."

Shen Yugui raised his chin and laughed: "That is, fortunately, I usually pass on men's clothing. If I change to women's clothing, I'm really afraid that other women will have nowhere to survive."

All:......! !

Fan Fan also twitched his mouth. At this moment, he finally understood something. He swallowed and stammered out, "Shen, Shen, Shen... Mr. Shen?"

In a word, Shen Yugui looked at him, "What?"

Fan Fan hurriedly changed his words: "Miss Shen?"

Shen Yugui nodded.

Fan Fan felt that his brain was not enough, he said, "You, you, how did you become a female?"

Shen Yugui:? ?

"I was originally a woman."

Fan Fan suddenly said, "Are you Shen Congxin?!"

Shen Yugui:...

Shen Yugui smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and opened his mouth: "My child, your brain is a good thing, you have to take it with you!"

Fan Fan:...

Knowing that Fei Nancheng had paid, Fan Fan was still blindfolded when the three of them arrived at the underground parking lot.

He drove the car and walked out.

I felt dizzy all the way, until they came to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the two got out of the car, and Shen Yugui took Feinan City's arm, and the two went inside to go through the formalities. Fan Fan looked at their backs, and then completely reacted: "My Cao!! Shen Yugui, she turned out to be a woman?!"

No wonder! ! ! No wonder the boss gave up on this sister Shen Congxin so directly...! !

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