Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1077: Main text finale (3)

Holding a red notebook, when he walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Shen Yugui stared at what was in his hand, and suddenly smiled: "So, from now on, I am a married person?"

Fenan City nodded: "Yes."

Shen Yugui raised her eyebrows and looked at Feinan City: "Then, I have something to say in advance~"

Philadelphia asked: "What?"

Shen Yugui raised his lips and opened his mouth: "If you are not obedient in the future, don't blame me for divorcing you!"

As soon as the word "divorce" came out, Fei Nancheng suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He lowered his eyes, laughed, and opened his mouth softly: "Okay."

Shen Yugui nodded and continued to move forward.

Seeing that there is no shyness of a newlywed wife, it seems that he is still eager to try this marriage?

Fenan City laughed.

His Xiaowu is like this, always full of enthusiasm for life, working hard, and full of hope.

She is like a little sun, every day like the owner's endless passion.

Feinan lowered his head thinking of this.

He looked at the marriage certificate in his hand again, then picked up the phone and took a photo.


Fei Nancheng had to go to the company, so Shen Yugui was sent to Nanchuang Technology by Fan Fan.

On the way, I suddenly received a call from Liu Daiyu: "Although, I have amnesia, but should you notify me of such a major event as your marriage?"

Shen Yugui:? ? ?

Shen Yugui was puzzled: "Huh?"

Liu Daiyu opened his mouth: "Happy wedding!"

Shen Yugui:? ?

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yugui found out that his WeChat had exploded.

Many people sent messages to her.

Chen Zifan: [Sister-in-law, happy wedding! I hope you will be more merciful to my brother in the future. 】

Shen Yugui:...

Wang Qingguo@杨明: [Happy wedding! 】

Qi Xuyao: [Don't tell me when you get married? Are you afraid of me going to grab your relatives? 】

Shen Yugui:? ?

Miss Shen (Shen Congxin): [Get the certificate? too fast? Why don't you tell the family? 】

Shen Yugui:? ? ?

Why do so many people know that she is married? !

She asked Shen Congxin: [How did you know that I got the certificate? 】

Miss Shen: [Look at Weibo, Mr. Fei looks like, I want to tell the world! 】

Shen Yugui:?

She picked up the phone and opened Weibo.

As soon as I opened it, I saw a piece of Weibo content that just squeezed into the top search rankings.

Fenan City v: [This time, I won't go away again. Attachment.jpg]

Attached is the marriage certificate they just got.

Shen Yugui's eyes were slightly red after seeing this Weibo.

She squeezed her chin, and only after a long time did she lift her lips.

Then, she reposted this Weibo with her Weibo account:

Shen Yugui: [Go away again, you are a puppy. //Feinan City v: This time, I won't go away again. Attachment.jpg]

After retweeting the Weibo, she put her phone aside, and touched her finger to the ring with the signal.

After recognizing each other, Shen Yugui modified the pair of rings so that he could feel the miss of each other without being within one kilometer.

At this moment, the ring is ringing.

She smiled.

that's nice.

Six years.

They are still the same.


The car quickly arrived at the Shen's villa.

Fan Fan opened the car door for Shen Yugui, and watched Shen Yugui, who was still walking out of the man's footsteps, even though she was wearing women's clothing, still a little uncomfortable.

Is she really female?

Thinking like this, she saw that Shen Yugui's face suddenly changed. Immediately, she leaned on the side and threw up...


PS: After the update, it is not possible to get pregnant first without marriage. Get the certificate first and get pregnant again, right? Haha~ This month's monthly pass is a bit weak~ After the ranking has dropped to five, do babies still have guaranteed monthly pass? Ask for a monthly pass! !

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