Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1196: Later I just liked you (1)

When Liu Daiyu turned around, he saw Xu Chenmo with his hands in his pockets, walking lazily towards this side.

Hearing Weiwei's words, his expressionless face still remained unchanged, but those dark eyes glanced at Liu Daiyu, and immediately said: "My honor."

Vivi:? ? ?

She felt that everything today was beyond her cognition! !

Do rich people play like this?

She was stunned in place, and then just watched Liu Daiyu and Xu Chenmo get into the limited edition car, and then started to leave.


In the car.

When Liu Daiyu drove, Xu Chenmo sat lazily in the passenger seat.

Her gaze glanced at him from time to time, and she felt a little funny when she thought of what he said just now.

my honor……

She raised her lips.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, the sky was getting dark, and the neon lights on both sides of the roads in city s flickered. In this small car, Liu Daiyu felt a sense of tranquility that had been long-lost.

It seems that the two of them were like this before.

She looked ahead, and thought that Xu Chenmo came here today, then she must know that she was the anchor, and this matter still needs to be explained to him.

She coughed, and then spoke: "That..."

Xu Chenmo turned his head, his swarthy eyes locked on her body, and the deep eyes gave people a glimpse before sinking into it, as if to figure out what he was thinking.

Liu Daiyu's words paused, and then he opened his mouth: "You know I'm doing the anchor's thing, right?"


The answer to her is always such a short voice.

Liu Daiyu already knew that this person was not talkative, but after getting used to it, he felt quite at ease.

This word at least means that he doesn't mind.

Otherwise, he should have been angry long ago.

Liu Daiyu retracted his gaze, looked forward, and said, "If you care, I won't broadcast it. I..."


Two simple words came out of his mouth, and the words behind Liu Daiyu suddenly stopped.

Although he did not say clearly, Liu Daiyu still understood what he meant.

He doesn't mind!

Liu Daiyu laughed, eyebrows curled, and her joy was reflected in the autumn-cut eyes.

She lowered her voice and said, "Thank you."

The man beside him didn't respond, and I don't know if he heard it.

At a fork in the road ahead, Liu Daiyu was about to turn to the left. This was the way home, and he heard Xu Chenmo's voice: "Right."

Liu Daiyu first subconsciously made a right turn, and the car got on the road on the right.

This was a puzzled question: "What's the matter?"

Xu Chen said lightly, "Go back to the old house."

Back to the old house?

Liu Daiyu was taken aback for a moment. The next moment she thought of something, and asked: "The in-laws are back?"


Liu Daiyu suddenly looked down at his clothes.

Because at the party, I wore a dress, but when I go back to the old house, there is no need to dress like this! What is it like to go back like this!

This man, why didn't you say it earlier? !

I was spitting out, and I still had to drive back to the old house obediently.

The Xu family’s old house is said to be a house. In fact, it is more appropriate to call it a manor. It covers an area of ​​3,000 square meters. The surrounding area is surrounded by a magnificent wall, which strictly protects the privacy inside.

There are no high-levels in the surrounding area.

The car enters through the gate, and it will take a few minutes to drive to the front of the villa.

Although Liu Daiyu had amnesia, he seemed to remember how to go when he walked in, as if he had been here to play since he was a child, and he was very familiar with this maze-like mansion.

Parked the car, she hadn't got off yet, Xu Chenmo had gotten out of the car and walked in front.

Liu Daiyu had to get out of the car and follow him closely.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I heard two people talking in the living room. One of them was a female voice: "Xixi, you haven't talked about your boyfriend yet?"

The voice was very sweet, and there was no sense of age at all, but the familiar feeling told Liu Daiyu that this was her mother-in-law Xu quietly.

She and Xu Chenmo walked into the room and saw a middle-aged woman sitting on the sofa. She was wearing a comfortable silk dress, covering her graceful body. Even if she gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix babies, her figure was still perfect, with her cheeks on her cheeks. I can't see any sense of being casual, but the young girl's youthfulness has faded, and it is very charming.

Opposite her, Xu Chenxi was sitting there, eating an apple in her hand, which looked like a woman carved out of a mold, but his face was full of collagen, and she was innocent.

If you don't speak out, these two people look more like sisters than mother and daughter.

Liu Daiyu was amazed at her mother-in-law’s care, and she was amazed, and saw my sister-in-law Xu Chenxi sitting upright: "Stop, sister Qiao, we won’t talk about this issue. If you care about my relationship, you might as well care about my brother and my sister-in-law. Yeah!"

Xu quietly stunned: "What happened to them?"

Xu Chenxi's eyes rolled, "They have been married for so many years, why don't they have children? Don't you want to hold grandchildren?"

A word fell, Xu quietly didn't speak, and a nice baritone came upstairs: "I don't want to."

Several people looked up and saw Xu Mushen walking downstairs. He should have just finished taking a shower, wearing pajamas, wiping his hair, a calm man, every step is very attractive.

When he went downstairs, he saw Liu Daiyu and Xu Chenmo standing at the door, so he opened his mouth in front of them: "It's best to have no children. If we have, we can pay, but there is no time to help."

Liu Daiyu:? ? ?

In the rich family, the heirs are very anxious.

Like Xu Chenmo, who is about 30 years old and has no children, the family has already urged him.

However, the Xu family's in-laws have never urged!

because! !

Two people prefer the two-person world.

Xu Mu's dark eyes looked at Xu Chenmo and sneered.

Stinky boy, he stuck to Quietly when he was a child, so that he was caught between Quiet and Quiet for five or six years. Later, when he grew up, he was thrown into the army for training, and then he could finally live in the two-person world.

Want to have a grandson and throw it at them?

Want to be beautiful!

Xu Chenmo raised his eyebrows, as if deliberately mad at him, one step ahead of Xu Mushen, went straight to Xu quietly's side, and sat down directly.

Xu Mushen:? ?

Xu Chenxi, who was sitting next to him, sighed silently.


The game of father and son grabbing mother has started again.

She moved her body aside to avoid accidentally being injured for a while.

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