Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1197: Later I just liked you (2)

Standing in place, Liu Daiyu didn't move, he saw Xu Chenxi wave his hand at her and let her sit over.

Liu Daiyu walked over and sat next to Xu Chenxi. Immediately, Xu Chenxi grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the table and handed it to her, then "clicked" and took a bite of the apple with an expression of watching the show.

Liu Daiyu:...

The two girls looked at each other, then looked at the three people over there.

Xu quietly sat on the very edge of the sofa, there was no place to do it on the left side, but Xu Chenmo sat on the right side.

At this time, Xu Mushen stood in front of Xu Chenmo and raised his eyebrows: sitting next to your own wife.

Xu Chenmo gave him a faint glance: No.

Xu Mushen:...

Xu Mushen simply stood there, without sitting down, he slowly opened his mouth: "Tomorrow, let's go to Southwest Asia for a round."

This is another way to dislike his son.

Xu Quieti just came back today, and was actually planning to contact the two children for a relationship. Hearing this, he was slightly taken aback: "I will leave tomorrow? Will it be too hasty."

Xu Mushen said, "No, we are playing outside anyway."

Xu quietly thought about it, "Let's do it."

Xu Mushen glanced at Xu Chenmo after hearing this, the meaning was obvious.

Xu Chenmo seemed to have not seen it, turned his head to look at Xu quiet, and asked: "Mom, have you gotten a little tan recently?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu quietly sat upright in surprise, stretched out his hand and touched his face: "Really?"

Xu Chenmo's face was not red and he continued to lie: "Yes, I think you should whiten it at home. What if you go out to play again at this time and come back to get some spots!"

Xu quietly nodded: "Yes, I am not young anymore. You will get age spots after sunburning. Husband, let's stay at home for ten and a half months before setting off."

Xu Mushen:? ?

Xu Chenmo gave Xu Mushen a triumphant glance.

Xu Mushen made a "hum" in his nose.

Xu quietly realized that he was still standing, so he said, "Husband, sit down!"

Xu Mushen glanced at Xu Chenmo, "I just stand."

Xu quietly:...

Xu quietly knew that it was the father and son who were beginning to be more real.

But in fact, she has been with him over the years, and finally went home once, and it was no problem to get close to her son and daughter.

So Xu quietly nodded: "Yes, standing for a while is good for your health."

Xu Mushen:? ?

Xu Chenmo raised his eyebrows suddenly.

Xu Mushen walked to the side angrily and sat down.

Xu quietly looked at Liu Daiyu, "Are you coming back from a banquet?"

What Liu Daiyu wanted to say, Xu Chenmo answered her in advance: "Well, yes."

Liu Daiyu:...

This guy talks a lot when facing his mother!

Xu quietly nodded: "That's also exhausting, don't go back tonight, live here in the old house!"


Several people chatted for a while.

Most of them were Xu Chenxi and Xu Quietly talking. Xu Mushen and Xu Chenmo were listening. They looked at a few women on the same cheeks, and they all looked spoiled.

At ten o'clock in the evening, they went back to their rooms to sleep.

At the door of the bedroom, I quietly bid farewell to Xu. Liu Daiyu was about to enter the bedroom, but he heard Xu quietly speak: "Daiyu, come, let me say a few words to you."

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