Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1198: Later I just liked you (3)

Liu Daiyu was taken aback.

Say a few words?

What does the mother-in-law want to tell herself?

Is it, hurry up and have a baby? Or let her take good care of Xu Chenmo?

Liu Daiyu looked at Xu Chenmo in a panic, but saw that this guy wasn't anxious at all, instead he stepped aside and let her pass.

Does Xu Chenmo trust her mother to not embarrass herself? Still feel that even if you embarrass yourself, it doesn't matter?

Liu Daiyu curled his lips and walked out.

With the door closed, Liu Daiyu looked at Xu quietly, still a little nervous, and said, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Xu quietly smiled, and said, "Are you conflicting with the king again?"

King, is Xu Chenmo's nickname.

It is said that in the past, the family of the mother-in-law’s family did not agree that she was with her father-in-law. Later, she became pregnant, and they were two at once. The landlord who fought against the landlord produced a king bomb, and then they got married quickly.

Therefore, Brother Xu Chenmo is the king.

Sister Xu Chenxi is Xiao Wang.

When Liu Daiyu heard this, he wanted to explain something, but he didn't know how to say it. In the end, he lowered his head, and Nuonuo said, "It doesn't count."

In the next second, is she going to educate herself and give her son more?

Thinking of this, Xu quietly said, "Daiyu, tell you, the king, this kid is owed and always looks like a scumbag. I always want to hit him and let him try to feel frustrated. Unfortunately, this kid is a genius. I have never embarrassed him since he was a child. I told you this to tell you that if you want to beat him in other ways, it’s a bit difficult. So, if he bullies you, You're welcome, just hit it!"

Liu Daiyu:? ? ?

After Xu quietly finished speaking, he stuck out his tongue: "Is there a genius husband, is he under a lot of pressure? No way, I am such a smart person. From childhood to his father, he and his father have been a fool, alas. !"

Liu Daiyu:...

Liu Daiyu couldn't answer this topic a bit! !

When she was thinking about how to respond, she saw Xu quietly speaking again: "I have watched your live broadcast."

In a word, Liu Daiyu's heart was raised.

To be honest, although she studied the Department of Management abroad, she was in charge of such a large company after she came back. She is indeed a domineering president in the market, but when faced with a reserved person like Xu Jiqi, she Still lacks experience and training.

Therefore, Liu Daiyu never dared to underestimate his in-laws.

Now, the mother-in-law suddenly talked about the live broadcast. She was telling herself not to continue?

When she was thinking about it, she saw Xu quietly speaking: "Very great! Much better than Weiwei on your website!"

Liu Daiyu:? ?

She was surprised and asked: "Are you still watching the live broadcast?"

"Yeah, I saw it." Xu quietly smiled shyly, "but I see a lot of younger brothers and younger sisters. I occasionally saw you that day, and then someone has been brushing Weiwei's barrage under you, so I am curious. He glanced at him, it’s more **** than you! Hey, by the way, I heard that you are quite familiar with Peng Han, right? That little fresh meat is very hot recently, is he handsome himself?"

Liu Daiyu:...

The topic, I really want to go too far, mother-in-law! !

"Hurry up and answer me!"

Xu quietly urged again to speak.

Liu Daiyu twitched his mouth, "Handsome! But there must be no father-in-law or husband as handsome!~"

When Xu quietly heard this, he suddenly curled his lips: "Cut~ They are so handsome, they are tired after watching them for so many years, well, I really want to see Peng Han!"

"Who do you want to meet?"

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