Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1200: use force? (2)

Liu Daiyu:? ?

use force?

How can she use force? Can beat him up!

Besides, just talk, why stay so close? !

She swallowed, took a step back, and then nodded quietly.

Xu Chenmo took another step and asked: "Then how do you plan to use force?"

Liu Daiyu:? ? ?

She blinked, then took a step back, keeping a distance from him, and then said: "I have learned taekwondo."


Xu Chenmo replied, still looking at her.

What does this mean?

Liu Daiyu coughed again: "I also learned Muay Thai."


He replied with another word.

Liu Daiyu thought about it again, "I also learned Taijiquan."


Liu Daiyu struggled for a while, and then asked tentatively: "So, which one do you plan to let me use to use force against you?"

Xu Chenmo:...

This time, he was speechless.

However, the little girl knows quite a lot.

Xu Chenmo sighed looking at her vigilant and ignorant appearance.

Although he wanted to use force with her, he still suppressed his thoughts when he thought of agreeing to her on the day the two married.

He withdrew his eyes staring at Liu Daiyu, then turned around, "I'm going to take a bath, you can go to bed first."

"Oh, good."


This night, nothing happened.

Early the next morning, Liu Daiyu was still asleep, and was awakened by a knock on the door.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Xu Chenmo, who had ran back in the morning and took a shower, came out of the bathroom and opened the door.

Before he could speak, Xu Chenxi's voice came in from outside: "Brother, parents ran away again!!"

Liu Daiyu:...

This pair of parents-in-laws is really, for fear that their son and daughter will disturb them, thinking about getting rid of them all the time! !

Xu Chenmo frowned, looked back and saw that Liu Daiyu had already sat up, simply picked up the phone and called Xu quietly.

The phone was dialed soon, and Xu Quietly’s voice was slightly vacant: "My lord, I’m sorry, that, your father really wants to go here to play, after a whole night of thinking, I thought about it. Your father and I are both old, and there will be no time for walking around..."

Xu Chenmo interrupted her: "Mom, you have been playing for seven or eight years... and I remember you went there the year before..."

Xu quietly: "..."

"Moreover, you are less than fifty this year, and retired at the age of forty..."

"...I am not, I want to turn the earth all over again!"

"Then do you want to go for a stroll on the moon?"

"Okay, is this technology available? If you can travel in space, it would be great!..."

Xu Chenmo: "..."

So, didn't my mother understand his mockery at all?

However, I am afraid that if I can travel in space, my dad will definitely go, so I can get rid of myself and my sister directly! !

Xu Chenmo wanted to say something, and Xu quietly spoke over there: "The plane will take off soon, I'm going to fly mode~ If you have anything to say, wait for me to come back, for nothing!"

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

Xu Chenmo:...

Therefore, Jiang is still old and spicy, and Xu Mushen simply ate Xu quietly!

Xu Chenmo sighed, put the phone down, and then saw Xu Chenxi's expression of excitement.

She opened her mouth: "My parents are gone, I can go to work again, brother, let me go one step ahead!"

After speaking, he turned his head and ran out.

It's a pity that Xu Chenmo grabbed the collar as soon as she turned around, and her feet swayed underneath for a long time and didn't get it.

Xu Chenxi had no choice but to turn around, "Brother, let go."

Only then did Xu Chenmo put her finger down, Xu Chenxi's feet landed, but she was still controlled by Xu Chenmo, she sighed, "What are you doing?"

Xu Chenmo asked: "Where to go to work?"

Xu Chenxi's eyes rolled: "Isn't this Ning Xiaopang here? I'm going to help him?"

Xu Chenmo did not speak, looking at her with dark eyes.

Xu Chenxi's eyes kept floating.

In the end, she looked into the room with a look of lovelessness and asked for help: "Sister-in-law, do you care about my brother! I am such a big person, and I am not a child!!"

Hearing Xu Chenxi’s words, Liu Daiyu could no longer pretend to be dead. He simply got off the bed and walked to the door. Seeing Xu Chenmo’s stinky face, she coughed and said, “Actually, Chen Xi is the same as you. The same-year-old is no longer a child. She knows what she is doing... and Chen Xi's IQ is so high that she won't suffer."

Xu Chenxi suddenly looked at Xu Chenmo pitifully: "Yes, brother, you see my sister-in-law said so...even if you don't give me face, you always want to give my sister-in-law a face, right?"

Liu Daiyu:? ?

She wanted to say, don’t give me face, because I don’t have face at all with your brother!

But I didn't expect Xu Chenmo to let go of his hand before speaking.

Xu Chenxi was released and ran out like a happy one, shouting as he ran: "Sister-in-law, thank you! I love you~mua~!"

Liu Daiyu:...

After Xu Chenxi left, Liu Daiyu went into the bathroom to wash up. When he was finished, he changed his clothes and walked out. When he went downstairs, he saw an evil voice coming from the restaurant: "Lord, little Where did he go?"

Liu Daiyu was taken aback and looked at the babysitter at home in a puzzled way. The babysitter smiled, "It's Ning Xiaopang who is here."

Ning Fatty?

Liu Daiyu has heard of this person.

He grew up with the pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses like King Xiao Wang, and he is considered an older brother.

And I heard that Ning Xiaopang has been committed to marry Xu Chenxi home since he was a child.

They all call him chubby at home, and Liu Daiyu still doesn't know his real name.

But listening to this name, I thought he was a cute white fat man, but when he walked to the restaurant, he found...

Xu Chenmo was sitting in the restaurant for dinner, and beside Xu Chenmo, a slender, thin boy was stepping on a chair, one foot on the ground, one hand on his knee, and one hand on Xu Chenmo. On the back.

He has a pair of peach eyes, thin lips, a tall nose, and handsome, with curvy eyebrows and fascination when he speaks, he looks like an old fox. There are two words like chubby. A little relationship?

At this moment, he was looking at Xu Chenmo with a smile, "I know I'm coming to see her today, and I'm not at home, this is too unreliable! King, you tell me quickly!"

He is half a year older than the king, and it stands to reason that both Xu Chenmo and Xu Chenxi should call his brother.

Xu Chenmo raised his eyebrows: "Why should I tell you?"

Xiaopang Ning suddenly laughed: "Tell me, you are my brother!"

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