Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1201: Wife Guardian Mad Demon~(1)

Liu Daiyu:...

Xu Chenmo was about to say something more, turned his head and saw Liu Daiyu, and immediately closed his mouth.

After seeing his changes, Ning Xiaopang followed his eyes and looked at him. After seeing Liu Daiyu, he immediately reduced his frivolity and smiled directly: "Hey, is this a sister-in-law?"

Xu Chenmo:...

This guy is obviously older than him, so in order to chase Xu Chenxi, he really has no face!

However, compared with Du Ruofei, the person he would rather be with Xu Chenxi now is Ning Xiaopang!

Thinking of this, he made up his mind.

Liu Daiyu was stunned by Ning Xiaopang's unfamiliar intimacy. She pondered for a while and said, "Yes, hello."

"Hello, hello, sister-in-law, I have long heard that my elder brother is married, and I have never had a chance to see you. Now it is too late to give the wedding gift. You will have a baby in the future. I will give the baby a big red envelope!"

When Ning Xiaopang spoke, his eyes seemed to be smiling, and his tone was slightly frivolous, giving people a feeling of yuppie.

Liu Daiyu had a slight affection for him and nodded.

Ning Xiaopang wanted to say something, Xu Chenmo, who was eating next to him, couldn't stand it anymore, and said directly: "If I guessed correctly, Chen Xi should work at Nanchuang Technology."

Ning Xiaopang suddenly changed his enthusiasm for Liu Daiyu, and raised his eyebrows: "She went to work?"

Suddenly he wondered: "Nanchuang Technology is an electronic technology company. What does she do there alone to study art?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly said, "Is Du Ruofei working over there?"

Ning Xiaopang knows Xu Chenmo very well, and if he keeps not speaking, it means he guessed right.

Suddenly he became anxious: "That idiot, why is chasing Du Ruofei's ass? I'll go see her!"

After finishing talking, he ran out in a hurry: "Sister-in-law, goodbye, next time I meet, I will bring you a present!"

Liu Daiyu:...

After hearing the sound of the vehicles starting outside, Liu Daiyu recovered. She looked at Xu Chenmo again. How did she feel that this man was afraid that the world would not be chaotic?

However, she couldn't understand the relationship between several people. She could only pick up the phone and sent a message to Shen Yugui: [Your company must be lively today. 】

After a reminder, she put down the phone.


There are usually no people living in the old house.

Unless Xu quietly and Xu Mushen come back, they will go home and live for two days. They usually live outside.

Therefore, after eating breakfast, Liu Daiyu drove, first sent Xu Chenmo to the company, and then returned to the small villa where he lived.

The live broadcast will continue today.

Now that we plan to do this business well, we must have an industry plan.

She took paper and pen and wrote a lot of densely in the notebook.

Thinking about the future development direction, the phone rang suddenly.

She picked it up and found that the word on the phone was: Mom.

Liu Daiyu was stunned. From amnesia to the present, no one in the family has ever called her. It has been more than half a month. Why is she calling again now?

Liu Daiyu was stunned, but still answered.

As soon as the phone was answered, a cold voice came from the other side: "You go home tonight, I have something to tell you."

Going home tonight?

Liu Daiyu thought for a while, because the relationship with the family is not very good, so the previous things are not at all impressive.

But no matter what, I should go back and have a look.

So she responded: "Okay, you send me the address of your home."

There was a pause on the other side of the phone, and then he sneered, and then he said, "Okay."

This strange voice made Liu Daiyu feel a little uncomfortable.

But the live broadcast time was approaching, so she didn't think about it. After putting on a light makeup, she opened the live broadcast room.

The moment she opened the live broadcast room, she saw that the account "I'm not Baoyu" was hanging high on the fan list, which showed that he was in the live broadcast room.

Liu Daiyu greeted: "Sister Baoyu, hello~"

Xu Chenmo, who was waiting for her live broadcast:...

After saying hello to "I'm not Baoyu", she entered today's live broadcast theme: "Yesterday I saw a lot of people in the comment area asking how fat girls should dress, let's talk about this today... …"

What she said was very fast, a lot.

Xu Chenmo couldn't understand most of them.

But this did not prevent him from listening. The phone was placed next to her, and Xu Chenmo processed the content of the contract at hand, listening to her voice.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

When Xu Chenmo picked up the next file, he heard the woman on the phone say: "Let’s live it here today, I'm going to download it."

An hour?

Xu Chenmo's movements paused, and he looked at the time for only half an hour, why did he get off?

Everyone has the same question, please leave a message under the comment section to ask.

Daiyu smiled and opened her mouth: "I'm going home tonight, so I'll end early~ Okay, for nothing."

After speaking, I closed the live broadcast room.

But Xu Chenmo leaned back, his eyes a little dazed.

The woman just said that she would go home. This family refers to the Liu family, right?

But she just broke up with the Liu family, and she will definitely be troubled when she goes back now.

Thinking about this, he felt a little anxious in his heart.

He simply put the file on the table, people stood up and walked directly outside, the special assistant followed him, and said: "Mr. Xu, wait for nine o'clock in the evening, there is a meeting abroad..."

"Postponed until eleven o'clock."


Xu Chenmo left these words, went to the underground parking lot and started the car.


After the broadcast, Liu Daiyu changed into a casual outfit, then drove to WeChat, and walked over to the address her mother sent her.

About half an hour later, she arrived at Liu's house.

By this time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

The security guard saw her car and let her go, and she drove into the yard.

The car whistle sound should have been heard by the family, but no one came out to greet her.

Liu Daiyu parked the car at will in the yard, opened the door and walked out.

The surrounding environment is a bit familiar, but it seems that I was not very happy here before.

She came to the living room familiarly, and heard a middle-aged male voice: "Daiyu will come in a while, wait for her to eat together."

"Heh! What are you waiting for?" This is a sharp voice, and the words are a little bit mean, "This is her family, she loves it!! And it's so late, maybe I'll have dinner. I think her mind is not in this house at all, raising her so big, I didn't expect that she would end up with a white-eyed wolf!"

Liu Daiyu:? ?

She felt uncomfortable and pushed the door to enter.

Hearing the sound from here, someone at the restaurant put down his chopsticks and walked over here immediately.

Then, a middle-aged woman appeared in front of her.

It's her mother.

As soon as the thought came out, the middle-aged woman rushed in front of her and slapped her face with a "slap!" slap: "Say, are you going to do a messy live broadcast?! Who allows you to do it? Yes, you are not ashamed!"


Although it is 2 chapters, it is 4,000 words. Let’s make these more today~ The cervical spine is beginning to hurt again. I’m going out for a massage treatment. Oh, see you tomorrow! Keep asking for monthly tickets! ! !

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