Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1211: The goddess is really Bai Fumei (3)

Someone also spoke for her:

——No, Baoyu has already rewarded her with tens of millions. If she is herself, there is no need to be like this. Is there no place to spend money? You know, Miss Daiyu is an ordinary family~

As soon as these words came out, the "Truth Emperor" replied: [Say you are stupid, don't believe it. Do you know that the first live broadcast attracted her a million fans? This one million fans brings far more than ten million in revenue. They are ordinary families, but they will settle the accounts. Just ask you, if this is the case, would you not do it? 】

Everyone didn't know how to answer the words.

Only some of Daiyu’s diehard fans left a message below:

——I believe in Daiyu.

——I also believe in Daiyu! Miss Daiyu has been popular for two years. If she wants to collect money, she can do it two years ago. There is no need to be like this now.

——Yes, I feel that Miss Daiyu’s live broadcast is forced to open!

——Yes, yes, I believe Miss Daiyu anyway. Besides, even if it is really an operation, it doesn't affect my liking for her!

Although the barrage was fast, Liu Daiyu still saw it because the Emperor of Truth had been repeating it.

She curled her lips, thought about it, but didn't respond.

If you respond by yourself, you will have a guilty conscience, and you will make things worse.

She didn't intend to pay attention, and continued to talk about the knowledge of dressing.

Unfortunately, fans stopped to help her clarify:

——Our little sister Daiyu wouldn’t do it like this. She has a lot of money in her family and doesn’t care about the money for live broadcasting at all!

——Yes! Our Miss Daiyu is not from an ordinary family, her family is very rich!

In the WeChat group, fans who knew the truth began to clarify for her.


Weiwei, who was guarding the live broadcast room, sneered when she saw this.


Is it a mistress, money from a lover?

Where can I be rich!

Even if Mr. Xu took her to shop, it would not be the same as last time. When he took Mrs. Xu to shop, he would just clear the market! !

Later, I heard that Mrs. Xu almost moved the mall to the house.

The difference between the main room and the mistress is highlighted here!

She thought of this, looked at the live broadcast room on the computer again, started typing, clicked send, and the comment went out:

Emperor of Truth: Rich? You guys are too funny too! Is money to drive a luxury car? Even if you have money to buy some light luxury brand clothes? Then your money is too superficial! !

Yes, the Emperor of Truth is her trumpet! !

Weiwei has figured out now that any limited-edition sports car is nothing but Mr. Xu's. If she lent it to Daiyu and opened it, she really calmed herself.

Just a junior, what money can I have!

Unfortunately, when these words came out, Daiyu’s fans became angry:

——The light luxury brand clothes, our family Daiyu bought it to suit us! Do you really think we Daiyu usually use these? We Daiyu are also people who buy luxury goods!


——Strongly request Daiyu to show us what she bought today! ! Ask for a shopping list, ask for Daiyu's collection!

This barrage was brushed up by everyone.

Liu Daiyu smiled after seeing it, "Forget it."

She is not a dazzling demon, she just wears clothes. What is this for everyone?

Unfortunately, as soon as these words came out, the black powder came out and jumped: [Look, don't you dare to show it? 】

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