Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1212: The goddess is really white and rich (4)

The Emperor of Truth: [A person can say a lot of things with one mouth and the touch of the upper and lower lips. I also said that I bought a yacht! 】

——Hahaha, I also said that I bought an island!

——To tell you the truth, I am Mr. Fei, and the economic lifeline of the entire s city must listen to me.

——Actually, I am the President of Country M.


Emperor of Truth: [You don’t have to whitewash Daiyu. Marketing is marketing. What if you admit it? Anyway, it's a way to get fans! However, after making money and getting rid of poverty, remember to give some benefits to the fans! 】

When the mocking words were finished, Weiwei lifted her lips.

This sentence is detrimental enough.

Daiyu's fans were filled with outrage.

Taunting words abound on the barrage:

——Just admit that you are poor, and it’s okay to be poor.

——I'm still here to let fans lie for you. Those fans who just said that they use luxury goods are all small navy, right? Otherwise, how could it be so consistent?

Among the various opinions, Daiyu’s fans were furious:

——I am not a trumpet, what I said is true, I saw the goddess shopping with my own eyes today! Why don't you believe me?

——Yes, we have photos as proof, just for the privacy of the goddess, not letting it out!

——Don’t quarrel, everyone. Those who support Daiyu will always support. The goddess does not need to prove anything to everyone. The goddess has always been low-key and doesn't like showing off wealth. Don't force the goddess!

Looking at these, Liu Daiyu was deeply moved.

She did not expect that her fans would be so caring.

I'd rather be said to be a navy army, and get angry than embarrass her.

Liu Daiyu's heart softened.

Don’t you just show them your wardrobe?

She took her mobile phone and stood up, "Since everyone wants to see it, let's show you the things I bought this afternoon. However, the packaging and other items that I bought have not had time to open, so I will show you live. Something!"

After Liu Daiyu finished speaking, the barrage below was crazy!

She didn't look at those, but walked to the cloakroom.

The cabinets in the cloakroom are all closed, and there are a group of small bags on the floor that have not been sorted yet.

It looks roughly, lv, Chanel, miumiu, etc., all kinds of brands, she bought back today.

After seeing those, the doubting fans suddenly closed their mouths.

Each one was surprised.

Liu Daiyu opened his mouth: "This year the lv designer opened up, and many pink small bags are super beautiful! They blow up their styles this year. I like them all, so I bought three small bags."

While speaking, he opened the package.

White, pink, and light green appeared in front of everyone.

Then she began to dismantle Chanel's again. After dismantling, the camera focused on a lot of luxury goods on the ground. The barrage was already quiet, and everyone was stunned.

When Daiyu saw this situation, she looked at the live broadcast room: "I think it is nothing to buy these things. I am not showing off my wealth. I am not renminbi. I will not win everyone’s love. You can question I don’t need to like me, but the purpose of my live broadcast is to tell everyone about dressing. I didn’t intend to clarify some things, but you can question me, but I don’t allow others to question my fans. Thank you."

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