Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1215: The goddess is really Bai Fumei (7)

Kay official: Today, the treasure of my store in Kdy Town, the Golden Classic branch, has been purchased by the anchor Daiyu. It is not a fake. This statement is hereby issued, thank you.

Liu Daiyu is lazy and doesn't have a Weibo account, otherwise, just this wave of operations will attract millions of followers!

But the officials all ran out and issued a statement. At the moment, those doubtful words disappeared instantly! ! !

This time, no one dared to question Liu Daiyu's Bai Fumei identity! !

There are only some trumpets, saying sourly that she shows off her wealth.

But this post was directly sprayed into a sieve by Daiyu's fans.

Everyone didn't scold others, they just clarified the identity of Liu Daiyu by clarifying the live broadcast event.


In front of the computer, Weiwei slammed her fist on the keyboard.

Mr. Xu is too smart! !

A junior, how can this be? !

Moreover, this incident went out of the circle, making Daiyu's reputation so popular, and it also added countless fans to her! ! Now on the pineapple app, Daiyu’s fans have exceeded 4 million! ! The data is still rising!

She has surpassed herself and has become a fashion sister. This is not enough. Is she planning to become the anchor sister of the Pineapple app? !

No, you can't make her so arrogant! !

Thinking of this, Weiwei clenched her fist.


Liu Daiyu didn't know the disturbance on the Internet.

She was holding the bracelet at the moment, sitting downstairs in the living room, waiting for Xu Chenmo to return home.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, Xu Chenmo came back.

After seeing her, I had a slight pause.

Liu Daiyu stood up, raised his hand chain and asked, "When did you buy it?"

Xu Chenmo thought for a while, and replied, "Six months ago."

half year ago?

Is that for yourself?

Half a year ago, the relationship between their husband and wife was not harmonious, and no one cares about it. He bought it for others, right?

Liu Daiyu was disappointed and returned the bracelet to him: "Thank you!"

Xu Chenmo stared at the bracelet for a while, then handed it to her, and replied: "Send you."

Liu Daiyu:? ?

Did you give this bracelet to her?

Why give it to her?

She looked at Xu Chenmo, her big eyes showed a sense of unwillingness, she simply asked: "Who did you buy it at that time?"

Xu Chenmo was sometimes stunned when he heard this.

I saw this bracelet at that time, thinking it would look good on her hand, so I bought it.

Of course it was for her.

What does she mean by asking this now?

The boy's desire for survival made him ponder for a while, and he understood what it meant in the next moment, and answered straightforwardly: "Send you."

Liu Daiyu instantly smiled.

She then took the bracelet, feeling happy, thinking that she was fortunate to have asked. If, like the rest of the young lovers, any misunderstandings are held in her heart, then it must be another contradiction.

Between husband and wife, we still have to be honest!

Liu Daiyu took the bracelet and went upstairs, found the box, and found a place to put it in his cloakroom. Then he turned around and saw that Xu Chenmo had gone to the study and started a foreign conference call again.

She went back to the bedroom, took off her makeup, took a shower, and put body lotion on her body to protect her skin. Then she went to bed, picked up her mobile phone, and found that Weiwei sent her a message on WeChat: [Mrs. Xu, do you know that Mr. Xu bought a Kdy diamond bracelet? Worth ten million! He gave it to the female anchor! ! 】

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