Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1216: The goddess is really white and rich (8)

Weiwei was really angry, but she didn't dare to stand on the opposite side of Mr. Xu directly. The only thing she could do was to ask Mrs. Xu to take the initiative to fix this Daiyu.

Therefore, Weiwei sent a message to Mrs. Xu again.

She felt that as long as she was a woman, she would definitely be very angry.

However, after the news was sent, the other party did not reply for a long time, so she held her mobile phone and waited and waited. After waiting for more than an hour, the phone finally rang.

She immediately picked up the phone and saw the message from Mrs. Xu: [I understand what you mean. 】

Vivi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and she edited a sentence: [Mrs. Xu, I know you must be very angry now, but men always tempt too much outside, that little third anchor...]

I was typing, planning to let Mrs. Xu come forward, but I didn’t expect the words to be written here, and the other party replied with a message: [We will give it to hundreds of millions next time. 】

Vivi:? ?

Weiwei felt that Mrs. Xu's mind was simply flooded! !

Is she not interfering with Mr. Xu? !

Weiwei smashed the phone directly on the wall angrily.


After replying to Weiwei with a message, Liu Daiyu imagined the other party's frustration, and laughed happily. She put her mobile phone next to her, practiced yoga for a while, and stretched her body before lying down and sleeping beautifully. A nap.

When Xu Chenmo woke up the next day, she had already gone to work, so she stretched her body.

Wait until 8pm to start the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, Liu Daiyu was shocked by the number of his fans.

In one day, it has increased by 2 million fans!

There are six million fans! ! !

This is definitely a magical existence in the live broadcast industry.

You know, she has only been broadcasting for a few days, and she is still a niche fashion anchor! !

Liu Daiyu calmed down and opened the live broadcast room.

Just opened, the popularity has broken through tens of millions.

"I'm not Baoyu" brushed some gifts.

Of course, this time, no one sprayed Baoyu as her trumpet anymore, and there was a row below:

——Sure enough, the boss will only be friends with the boss!

——Sure enough, the boss will only be friends with the boss! +1

——Sure enough, the boss will only be friends with the boss! +ID number

Liu Daiyu smiled.

Today's sunspots have come less.

Liu Daiyu’s live broadcast was also very happy. After telling everyone about some fashionable outfits, he looked at the bullet screen and found that someone was particularly curious and asked: "Daiyu, I’m really curious about the life of the top giants, you Can you tell us something?"

Liu Daiyu:? ?

Liu Daiyu couldn't help but smiled: "It's just eating and sleeping. It's not as magical as you think."

Others asked:

——Goddess, will you go to the bathroom?

Liu Daiyu:...

These people are really...

She twitched her lips, and saw another question:

——Do you always go to the mall for shopping? I heard that the people in the wealthy, those people will take the initiative to come to serve.

Seeing this, Liu Daiyu explained: “Most of the time, I still go out by myself. But basically, those shops have news of me. If there are new products, he will first send photos to see. Just stay..."

Real luxury stores are indeed like this.

Many new models have already been booked before they arrive in the store.

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