Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1092: Fighting array (continued)

"The map of the three veins!"

"How can the roots of this faction be in the hands of outsiders, and Red Flame is simply messing around!"

"Chi flames brothers atmosphere, actually trust an outsider!"

For this secret contest of the three-matrix masters, the existence of the road to the top of the burning gate has almost given all the attention, but when everyone thinks that Yang Junshan will be defeated by the suppression of the two-legged masters. The appearance of the three-pulse map is almost the same, and all the borders have been blown up.

With the help of partial complete arrays, at least in this tripartite battle, Yang Junshan is already in an invincible position. Zhang Yuyu and Miao Xuan can only return without success.

However, things are definitely not so simple. Everyone is a master of the tactics. Even if there is a gap between them, the gap is very small. Moreover, the two squad masters not only occupy the first-hand advantage, but also are strong. joint.

Under this circumstance, if Yang Junshan wants to fight against the two-legged masters, he can only shrink to the domain of the land. With the advantage of the geographical advantage, he can barely protect himself. However, don’t forget that there are three veins in the hands of Yang Junshan. Zhangdi cards, it can be said that when Yang Junshan showed it out, even the Red Flames would have to bear great pressure inside the burning gate. Such a controversial card was sacrificed, and Yang Junshan could only take one. The power of dividing the road?

At the moment when the two tactical masters retired, Yang Junshan finally got a good opportunity to plan for a long time. He suddenly screamed: "Little girl?"

I don’t know when Yang Junxin, who was coming to burn Tianmen, suddenly appeared behind Yang Junshan. His face seemed to be sweaty and smelled: “It’s ready!”

Yang Junshan slightly nodded, and his face suddenly showed a smile. Lang said: "The two predecessors are also in a hurry. How can they go and rush, so don't you think Yang doesn't know how many?"

Yang Junshan’s voice just fell, and within the scope of the three-volume array, a brand-new treasure order was formed, and the boundless aura rose to the sky, forming a majestic aura in the night sky. Waves, the spirit of the domain within the scope of the domain was blocked in a short period of time, the three veins of the array itself actually in the instant from the three talents of the Taoist array of the entire array of law system, and can actually carry out temporary self-operation.

This is not only to shock the existence of all the roads that concern this war, but also to make the whole burning Tianmen panic. The Chigong real people sitting in the town’s total pool are pale and like paper, and then they are angry and growl. .

"This is impossible. How can there be a big order in the domain of the land?"

"The two treasures of the big array, what is the red palace to eat, people do not know under the eyelids to lay such a big array?"

"What is this big battle, how can we coexist with the three veins in the domain of the land? Oh!"

"This is simply incredible. This new treasure array can not only coexist with the three veins, but it is also perfectly integrated into the system of the system of the three talents. This, this is a miracle!"

"Is this what the Master of the Faculty can do?"

"This treasure array seems to be the same as the three talents. It can actually mobilize the spirit of the entire territory and temporarily close the connection with the entire Taoist system. This Junshan Taoist is a god!"

"This time, Zhang Yuyu and Miao Xuan are afraid to eat a big loss!"

Yang Junshan suddenly made a difficult attack. Not only did he alarm the existence of almost all the Taoist temples, but he also frightened the two masters of Zhang Yuyu and Miao Xuan who were fighting in the dark with Yang Junshan.

After Yang Junshan closed the veins of the entire land, and temporarily separated himself from the entire system of the Taoist system, the source of the law of the two invaders who had invaded the land lost the support of the domain of heaven and the domain of man. , suddenly became a passive water without roots.

At this time, the spirit of the whole land was used by Yang Junshan. He naturally was free to dispatch. At this time, the offensive and defensive situation was reversed. Yang Junshan steadily took the upper hand in the contest with the two divisions. The array was reversed again, and the force of the array controlled by Miao Xuandao was suddenly stripped.

"What is your order?"

Miaoxuandao roared, he was already struggling, and after losing the source of the human domain, he was not the opponent of Yang Junshan. All he could do was delay the time when his power was stripped, waiting for other The rescue of the people.

Yang Junshan certainly knows that temporarily trapping the two sects of the squad does not mean to sit back and relax, but he has prepared everything, but he does not mind talking to the two sects of the squad, even though they are fighting. It is fierce, but after all, under the eyes of the burning Tianmen, the power of the battle array has always been controlled within an acceptable range, far from the point where you live and die, not to mention that Yang Junshan has an advantage at present. With the gradual clarification, the communication between the three strategists will become more and more frank.

"Miao Xuan's predecessors should not be annoyed, Zhang wants to come to the Zifeng faction should have income!" Yang Junshan said with a smile.

I have to say that Zhang Yuyu’s martyrdom is a subtle anomaly. Yang Junshan is confident that some of the squadrons currently controlled by Zhang Yuyu have been trapped in the domain of the land. However, Zhang Yuyu can hide this part of the martial art and let Yang There are also a few differences between the two traces of Junshan. He is now trying to provoke Zhang Yuyu to talk to see if he can find his exact position.

A sigh came through the veins of the road: "It is the three-in-one control of the faction, but I did not think that Yang Daoyou has promoted it to Baozhen. It is amazing! Luoxia Xia was shocked by the formation of the law, but unfortunately In the days when the sun is not a fake, Yang Daoyou can inherit her clothes, and the blue is better than the blue, so people know how to be happy!"

"Got you!"

Yang Junshan sighed low, and the big squad rang out. In the position he sensed, he immediately laid off 27 bans, completely blocked the space there, and then the power of the three veins was swept, and he really got a sneak source. force.

However, at this time, Yang Junshan’s face did not have the excitement in his imagination. Instead, his face changed. The power of this sub-source was not obtained from Zhang Yuyu’s control, but a source that was separately stored here. In other words, this is the bait that Zhang Yuyu deliberately throws here to attract him!

If it is true, when Yang Junshan took out more than half of the force of the array to surround it, in the opposite direction, most of the remaining power of Zhang Yuyu’s control suddenly rushed into the group that Miao Xuan was in control. The power of the source of the human domain, the two successfully merged.

Although Zhang Yuyu’s move seems to have been cast out of the net, Yang Junshan was able to encircle the two forces and then encircle it, but actually let him lose every chance to break.

If it is in peacetime, Yang Junshan can digest the power of these two groups a little bit, just to spend more time, but now he is missing time, he seems to have completely blocked the domain of the land, In fact, it has already caused an uproar in the interior of the burning gate. In fact, Yang Junshan could not last forever in the case of maintaining the complete system of the three.

Although the two masters of the tactics were accidentally affected by Yang Junshan, they actually saw it transparently. Therefore, the two men joined hands and seemed to be the fish on the chopping board. Yang Junshan could not swallow it.

Yang Junshan has gone all out, but the two-legged masters are not fuel-efficient lamps. Even in the case of severing the origin of the squad, it still brings great trouble to him. In the hands of the masters, they stripped off the power of the array. The array system of the entire land was suddenly shaken, and some people were already interfering with Yang Junshan’s actions.

Yang Junshan was so angry that he could interfere with Yang Junshan’s actions at the cost of igniting the whole system of the Taoist system. The whole of the burning gates was the one that was the easiest to start, and the people were in charge of the Red Palace. Real people, and the place is naturally the total square.

When the power of the domain of the land was jointly stolen by the domain of the heavens and the domain of the human beings, this Chigong was not heard, even if the power of the source of his control was stripped by these two domains. After a picture, there is still no temper in this person. At this time, Yang Junshan himself robbed the power of the source from the two domains, but he could not sit still, urging the entire circuit to destroy the self-enclosed land. The domain, summoning the three veins to return to the Taoist system, this **** is not a bit awkward, but brazen has been flattering to the other two domains.

However, Yang Junshan was helpless at this time. He undoubtedly confronted the entire burning Tianmen. After all, the real people of Chigong on the surface also represented the burning of Tianmen, and he could not do too much.

However, Zhang Yuyu’s Taoist people were quick to see the opportunity. When they noticed that the land of the land was shaken, they chose to break through with the hesitation of Yang Junshan, and did not even inform the Miaoxuandao who had just joined forces.

Zhang Yuyu slipped abnormally, and Yang Junshan was accidentally slipped away by the person who saw the stitches. He suddenly smothered a smoldering fire on the power of this source controlled by Miaoxuandao.

The reaction of Miaoxuandao is already unpleasant, and even forced to attack the domain of the land against the siege of Yang Junshan. However, Yang Junshan is like a dog skin plaster at this time, and it is hard to tear off the force of this source. The power of a point source, if it is not the domain of jealous people, it is in front of you, Miaoxuan people may calculate their own at any time, and there are still erratic Zhang Yuyu hiding aside, maybe Yang Junshan will chase the Miaoxuan people to enter The field of people's domain is a big fight.

Yang Junshan Ming Jin’s retreat, the battle between the three squadrons that made the entire Burning Gate and the inner and outer states of Yanzhou feel like a singularity, and finally ended up with Yang Junshan’s own efforts. The master ended up taking away the power of five points. If you add a bit of power from the field of heaven, Yang Junshan is rare in this practice for hundreds or even thousands of years. The fight was a big win.

Prior to this, Yang Junshan’s ability to dominate the domain of the land was only one in six. After this battle, he snatched the three-point source from the field of heaven, and from the human domain. Stripped the three-point source, the power of the entire area can control the power of the array to reach 22%, although it is still inferior to the domain of the heavens and the domain of human beings, but now it is nowhere I dare to look down on this great master of the law that has only been in the rise of Yuzhou for more than a hundred years.

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