Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1093: Side

Regarding the title of the great master of the martial arts, there is a customary rule in the practice world, that is, it is possible to create a system of Taoism alone, or to defeat the two masters in the process of fighting with the masters who are the same masters. Any one of these two can be called the Grand Master!

The Grand Master is only an honorary title, and does not represent the realm of the Master.

Just like a guru who has developed a new system of dojos, his own rumors are not necessarily higher than those of his predecessors, and he is a master of the masters, but his contribution to the martial arts is definitely greater than the latter!

By the same token, it is naturally very high to be able to compete against the two masters and defeat the two masters in the process of fighting. It does not mean that this person can arrange a set of fairy tales. Beyond all the tactical masters.

However, when Yang Junshan created the five elements of the Raytheon Road in Yuzhou, even if he used the two people to experience the thunder of the thunder, among the monks, he was surprised by the unbelievers, and the admirers also had the same, but for the title. A monk who has been practicing for more than a hundred years is a great master. Almost all the mages have different reservations.

The array method is the most important skill in comprehending the essence. In the cultivation of the true art, the tactician may not be as popular as the alchemy or the refiner. Even the number of tacticians is very small, perhaps not as good as the alchemy or refining. The teacher is closely related to the monk's cultivation career, but the high and proud of the Master, and the omnipotence and omnipotence that they show in the formation of the law are recognized by the practice world.

In other words, if the sentence is more understandable, it is that the Master has the highest force in the cultivation of the true art!

In the world of Masters, most of the Masters may recognize Yang Junshan's talent, but he may not respect his achievements!

Some of the tacticians even questioned whether the five elements of Raytheon was his original creation. After all, after understanding the relationship between Yang Junshan, Luoxia, and the Purple Wind, these tacticians were more willing to admit the purple wind hundreds of years ago. The genius sect of the genius is more willing to believe that the five elements of Raytheon has been successfully promoted by her and not known to the world. Yang Junshan is at best a normal sect of the sect who follows the path of his predecessors.

However, I don’t know if they have evaluated Yang Junshan in this way. Have you ever thought that more than 80% of the practitioners in the practice circle are walking the path of their predecessors? Strictly speaking, these marshals are not picking peaches, only However, the fruit trees where the peaches they picked are already owned.

There are still some squadrons who even admit that Yang Junshan has completed the five lines of Raytheon, which he has never seen before in the cultivation world, but he only praises his genius from the five elements of Leiguang Baozhen to the realm of Taoism. They are more willing to put more The credit was pushed to the Niigata faction where she was born and she was born. She believed that the Hatoyama real person had already completed the preparation of the five elements of the Rays of Light in the front of the achievement of the road with the help of the purple style.

These two views represent the view of Yang Junshan, the new master of the vast majority of practitioners in the practice world, that is, at best, it is a somewhat talented, misunderstood and good luck to complete the last leap of the road. "young people".

They always think that the accumulation of the front line is not fake. It needs a little bit of understanding. It can be improved quickly through the magic bullet. The strength can be quickly enhanced through magic weapons and magical powers. Even if it is Shouyuan, it can pass. The Tianmudi treasures will increase, but the practice of the law and the law can only rely on learning, accumulation and comprehension, but this is a small point that can not be faked and can not take shortcuts.

Because of this, although the law circles have praised the five elements of the Raytheon Road, the positioning of Yang Junshan is always a talented good luck master, with some irony and derogatory, of course, there is no shortage of power. The meaning is that it is always human nature. At least the Chigong master who burns Tianmen does not have much to see Yang Junshan.

However, all of this was overthrown overnight!

The burning of Tianmen was on the scene. Under the witness of the existence of more than two digits, the three foreign aid strategists launched a wonderful battlefield that was rare in the practice world for hundreds of years.

The lord Yang Junshan, who had great controversy in the field of law, was defeated by two enemies under the eyes of the enemy, and defeated the two masters of the ruling in the practice world.

Some people may accuse Yang Junshan of relying on the advantages of the map, relying on the geographical advantages of the domain, relying on conspiracy calculations, Yang Junshan is undeniable, but also don’t forget that a big master needs to do It is only the two masters of "power enemies", but Yang Junshan is actually "beating" the two masters of the law!

People are all face-to-face, and the existence of the realm of the face is equivalent to their own dignity!

The original creation of the five elements of Raytheon can be said to be the old road of picking peaches, but the road itself is not succeeded by Yang Junshan, but it is a real existence. His position as a master is unquestionable.

The battle with the two-legged masters can also be criticized for using external forces and conspiracy calculations, but the result of defeating the two-legged masters to win the battle can not reverse black and white!

Ordinary tactical masters are honored as masters in both of these successes, but Yang Junshan has done both. These achievements are enough to make the whole cultivation community look at it, if there are others who are squatting. Conscience does not want to call a "big master", but it is really not to be skinned.

On the second day, the Red Flame Taoist personally visited Yang Junshan. On the spot, Yang Junshan was honored as the "Junshan Grand Master". After expressing his gratitude for the success of the power of the guardian sect, he patted his chest to ensure that he was fighting against last night. If there is any blame, Zongmen will be able to pick it up and have nothing to do with Yang Junshan.

In fact, at this time, even the other two factions of the burning Tianmen are no longer willing to go to Yang Junshan’s troubles. Even if some people are worried that Yang Junshan can quietly lay a treasure in the field, but also It is only euphemistically proposed, there is no blame and blame.

After Yang Junshan explained that the three talents were the same as the three talents, and the "inset" secrets that he controlled in his hands, the rest only sounded a sincere admiration.

However, Yang Junshan still maintains a minimum of calmness. At this time, the Zhang Yuyu Taoist in the Tianzhi domain still controls the power of the entire road array of 30%, and the human domain also loses the power of the three-point source. The power of the source of control in the hands of Miaoxuandao still reaches 30%. In comparison, the strength of the two-for-two source in the hands of Yang Junshan is still in a weak position, not to mention the total in the hands of Chikiya. In the map, Yang Junshan will not expect that the last glimpse of the source of the moment will be on Yang Junshan himself.

However, in any case, when Yang Junshan had only one-sixth of the power of the array, he was able to save a little bit of power. Now that the power of the source is more abundant, there is no reason to treat himself. It is.

After completing the protection of the low-ranking monks and the cover of the high-ranking monks in the daily life, reserve a few points in the pool to prepare for the possible road wars. The remaining two or three points I will leave it to myself to control.

This kind of power that has been refined through the layers of the big array itself is extremely pure and natural. It is suitable for Yang Junshan to use for cultivation, not to mention that the domain itself has a relatively sufficient supply of aura. At least it can reach the level above the Xishan Mountain, which means that Yang Junshan's cultivation efficiency here is at least doubled compared with Xishan.

Of course, the so-called advantages and disadvantages, although the power of the array provides Yang Junshan nearly double the cultivation efficiency, but also shortens the cultivation time of Yang Junshan, do not forget, and the extraterritorial forces in the fire The killing is always going on, which means that Yang Junshan must be vigilant against the situation in the fire.

However, Yang Junshan did not have any countermeasures for this. It is necessary to know that there is not only Yang Junshan’s squad in the squad of the Three Arrays, but the former frustrated by the Chikan real people and the two sects. The master of the array, Guan Zhenren, was back, and after seeing Yang Junshan, he immediately invested in the work of assisting Yang Junshan to control the pool.

Yang Junshan is dumb and laughs. He knows the truth about Guan Zhenren’s mind. Guan Shiren is the force that is available to him in his hands.

However, being able to have a master of the tactics as a helper can indeed save Yang Junshan's great energy and allow him to spend more time on cultivation.

Yang Junshan divided the power of the source in his hand to supply the half-sister Yang Junxin to the impact of the gathering, and the remaining half was given to Guanzhen, while Yang Junshan himself had to retain at least one point of source for cultivation. This is the distribution of the most basic two-point source.

If there is a time to separate the power of the three-point line, Yang Junshan will be divided into the remaining few in the pool, and the remaining half will still be in their pockets.

Although Yang Junshan is already trying to improve his cultivation speed, he is still difficult to satisfy himself, and as time goes on, the war in the fire of the fire is becoming more and more fierce, and the consumption of the power of the source is also Gradually, even if Yang Junshan, who is so accurate in the use of the Taoist array, feels less and less capable of supporting the array, he even has more difficulty in maintaining the most basic efficiency. .

However, after all, Yang Junshan only controls the two-thirds of the entire Taoist system. Don't forget that there are still six or seven percent in control of the other two domains. Since the power of the source in your hands is once again stretched, it can only be said again. I figured out that I had touched some of the other two domains.

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