Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1117: Out of control (continued)

The domain of the people burned Tianmen in the ancestors of the ancestors. The faint fire on the lanterns suddenly blew up a lantern, and a smoky smoke floated out of the flames. When it was touched to the ground, it was solidified. A virtual and real person. 〔network[(

But seeing this figure reaching out, the long light in the hall suddenly fell into his hands, and then the shadow of the person floated out of the hall.

The temple is one of the three bases of the "Three Graves" of the human domain. The three bases are surrounded by the array of "goods" in the circle of the big array. Miaoxuandao is sitting here and controlling. The array system of the whole person's domain, and at this time, the sudden screaming strong light in the domain of the sky is what makes Miaoxuandao realize it early.

"No, you must inform the idiot of Akiya as soon as possible, and Yang Junshan, who is also in the domain of the land, must reunite, and the entire squad will maintain the whole, and it is possible to deal with all the sudden events!"

Miaoxuandao’s dream turned around and directed a group of mage to the burning gate: “Go, tell Zhang Yuyu, Chigong and Yang Junshan, tell them that the deity is Yang Junshan’s temporary total pool, Chikaku is now The general map should be handed over to Yang Junshan for the time being. For the reason, I believe that the three are not stupid."

Seeing the surprised expression of the Burning Gates Master, Miao Xuandao’s face sank and said: “Why, I didn’t understand what the deity said? The Elder Road, the deity will explain.”

The Master hurriedly took a ritual and walked outside the pool. Miao Xuandao turned his head and said to the other strategists in the pool: "Adjust the three graves and the array of people." The power of the source is injected into the domain of the earth, fast!"

A master of the 霄 霄 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 跟随 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙 妙

Without this master of the martial arts, Miaoxuandao already perceives everything that was born, but his brow is only wrinkled, at this time, the light of the heavenly field is already blazing like a big sunset, Miaoxuandao Looking in the direction of the Tianzhi domain, he did not hesitate: "Come back!"

In the huge three graves, after the force of the array was mobilized, it began to slowly penetrate into the domain of the land. At this time, the domain of the land finally passed back and forth, and the entire three veins suddenly appeared. All the blockades were opened, and the power of the human domain was allowed to flow in, and the two treasures began to slowly link together if there was a tacit understanding.

Miaoxuandao people sighed with a sigh of relief, as long as the two domains can join hands, even if the sudden changes, I believe that the two-legged masters can also control the situation, at least can maintain the overall situation will not be shattered in a short time.

However, at the same time, among the thoughts raised by Miao Xuandao people, there is also appreciation for Yang Junshan and the sympathy for this young opponent.

Miaoxuandao turned his head and looked at the several mages in the pool. He opened his mouth and wanted to tell something, but suddenly saw that several assistants looked at him with fear.

Miao Xuan Dao’s heart was “squeaky”, but it seemed to sink into the bottomless abyss, but before the consciousness was annihilated, the eyes that had begun to blur seemed to see a skull rolling in front of him, and it seemed that he and he The Burning Gates Master who was sent out earlier is similar.

"In the next Ghosts 6 ban, I have seen the Terran Guards!" A slightly sharp voice tried to be as polite as possible.


The master of the singer's squad has just screamed, and a black mang, which is hard to see with his naked eyes, passed away. His head flew high.

Just waiting for the mysterious ghost monk to take away the lives of the remaining few masters, the light group that had converged to the extreme in the sky over the sky suddenly exploded. Qingyue’s long sounds shook the world. : "The little girl Zhu Lingguang is polite!"

Like the light of the scorching sun, a layer of thickening on the ground of the burning Tianmen Dojo, including the pool of the Three Graves, was swept by the blazing light, even if it was banned as the existence of the ten core blood of the ghost family. It is also not stimulated by this piece of light.

The body that was originally light and smoked suddenly became a lot more solid, but it also became a lot heavier. The "squeaky" double-footed landing, while delaying the pace of his pursuit, several in the pool The tactician at least escaped from the general.

6 The shackles of the shackles began to whisper and cursed: "I hate to play with the sleek beasts who play with the fire!"

In the field of the land, looking at the "Guanzhen people" who are constantly struggling on the ground but can never stand up, Yang Junyi proudly said with three points: "Four brothers, how, if I am not right, this guy is going to Sneak attack on you, they can't think of my "Hua Lian's Eye" is also able to present their disguise."

Yang Junyi smiled and said: "I am curious about how you mixed into the burning dojo and is not known."

This is naturally asked to the "Guanzhen people" who were suppressed by the Three Pulses in the pool.

Before Yang Junshan was completely immersed in the process of refining and refining the gas of the refining and refining, after losing the most basic vigilance, the counterfeit "Guanzhen" entered the pool and planned to stab, but unexpectedly Yang Junyi At that time, he was awake, and the "Hua Lian's Eye" that he had just trained was not able to completely see the disguise of "Guanzhen", but it was enough to make him have already achieved the path of cultivation.

After listening to Yang Junshan’s inquiry, the “Guanzhen people” who were suppressed by the invisible array of forces in the middle of the pool raised their heads and suddenly appeared a strange smile. “The burning of the Taoist field has already penetrated us. Yang Junshan, if you know each other, you'd better put me out, maybe you can get a chance to live, otherwise you will wait for me to enter the world in a big way, you can't stop it."

Yang Junxi said ironically: "The existence of the ten thunder and robbery, and the dojos that my brother and other three masters are guarding, can't stop your invasion. Is it difficult for people outside your domain to have immortals to enter this world?"

“Off-the-Shiren” heard a low-sounding laugh and said: “Ten thundering people, where are they now?”

When Yang Jun’s face changed, he turned to look at Yang Junshan, but he saw Yang Junshan’s gaze gazing toward the direction of the heavenly domain. After Yang Junyi saw the group of heavenly sky, it was like a hot day. Hearing that Yang Junshan has turned his head and said: "What happened to you in the domain of the sky?"

"Guanzhen people" smiled proudly, said: "Even a simple tune of the tiger from the mountain can not be broken, ten people of the great supernatural powers ran to the depths of the fire, it is difficult for them to think that we dare to destroy the whole Infernal space is not enough?"

"Junshan Daozu, there is a change in the domain of the people!" The master of the field in the field of the land was quickly reported.

Yang Junshan nodded and said: "Let the peripheral blockade be released, we have to join hands with the domain of people!"

After all, Yang Junshan slammed his mouth toward the "Guanzhen people" on the ground and said: "Old Thirteen, handed it to you, first smash the skin on his body and say it."

"Ah?" Yang Junyi slammed.

"Meizu's painting secrets, I remember telling you!"

Yang Junshan said that he has stopped paying attention. He has already noticed that there is a large-scale source of force from the human domain to pour into the domain of the land. After the initial injection, the whole person The power of the domain's source suddenly began to become scattered, and the three graves seemed to be unable to restrain the power of the chaos. It was as if the array system of the entire human domain had completely lost control.

Reminiscent of the assassination that I have just encountered, and the strange changes in the sky over the sky, Yang Junshan knows that people outside the domain have come in, at least the domain of the people may have fallen!

The long sound over the Tianzhi domain confirms the speculation in Yang Junshan’s heart. The gorgeous big bird flashes its wings in the sky above the sky. After the tail, the unparalleled long scorpion sprinkles a little bit of fire, and at the moment of landing Turning into a burning sea of ​​fire, the entire heavenly domain has fallen into chaos -

Over the sky, the beautiful and fearful bird destroys everything in the sky. Zhang Yuming struggles to converge on the body outside the pool of Sanguangbao, like a puppy. Under a doorway, the flame that was afraid of falling from the sky and hard to extinguish would engulf him.

As for the fire yuan card?

The big bird in the sky that soars in a graceful posture, but the existence of the above-mentioned thunder and robbery!

Under the catastrophe of this catastrophe, let's save your life first.

But fate is often so funny, even Zhang Yiming is no longer imagining the fire yuan card at this time, the door to enter and exit the sky of the lake is so easy to open in front of him!

The wind swayed, even if the flame that was almost impossible to extinguish, like the sky, slid down under the wind, and then the wind slammed.

However, Zhang Yuming saw it clearly. The man in the wind was Zhang Yuyu. He chose to abandon and flee in the first time!

And this also means that at this time the Tianzhi domain Sanguangbao array has no one to host!

Zhang Yuming knows that he has entered the pool of Sanguangbao. Once the monk who was burned in Tianmen is now, he will only hesitate in the spot. Zhang Yuming resolutely rises and flies toward the pool. Going to go -

"Who dares to burn the sky in my sky!"

A burst of screaming screams suddenly came, and four rounds of light returned from the fire of the infernal, and the red feathers took the lead, and the four ray of light rushed to the siege of the demon king.

The beautiful big bird suddenly suspended in the air, and the wings suddenly opened, just like a totem floating in the sky, a ring of fire that spread to the extreme, and the dawn of the four thundering monks When he was not close to the big bird, he was broken.

"Nanming is away from the fire, Huang Ting demon king!" The screams of the Chi Yu Dao people echoed over the entire burning sky. 8

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