Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1118: Out of control (continued)

"Junshan Daozu, the news of the people's domain, the Miao Xuan master was assassinated by the ghost monk!" A monk sent by the Red Flames came to inform the news.

Yang Junshan nodded and his face was gloomy and terrible: "Is the red road ancestor already returned to the domain of people?"

The monk nodded and said: "Exactly, Chilu Shibo is already in a stable situation, and the array system of the human domain is also being restored."

After the monk reported to Yang Junshan, he left.

On the side of Yang Jun said: "Weird, the Red Road Taoist did not mention the origin of the law, so for a while, the human domain has already been injected into the domain of the land?"

Yang Junshan nodded. When he was about to say something, there was a sudden violent roaring shock at his feet. Several of the strategists who helped Yang Junshan in the pool were suddenly shaken, and even Yang Junyi followed. After a few steps, only Yang Junshan was rooted like a pair of feet, standing there and not moving.

However, the underground roaring giant earthquake was far from over. Yang Junshan reached out and pressed down. The entire pool suddenly recovered calmly. Although the deafening roar was still coming from the underground, the original giant earthquake disappeared.

"What is going on here?" Yang Junyi asked quickly.

Yang Junshan sighed: "It is a foreigner who has just returned to the depths of the great supernatural powers. These extraterrestrial monks have followed up and are attacking the Burning Dojo in the following."

Yang Junxi was shocked and said: "What should I do? If this continues, the entire dojo will be broken by them."

Yang Junshan did not answer directly, but suddenly suspended the mountain monk's sacrifice in the sky above the pool. Under his dispatch, the array system of the whole land continued to increase. The original violent tremors even began to shake off the boulder. The ground gradually stabilized.

Now the strength of the source of control in the hands of Yang Junshan has once again been improved, and the control of the entire domain array system has become more and more handy.

"It seems that the great supernaturals above the thunderbolt have played some role in the depths of the earth. These extraterrestrial monks who attacked the dojo seem to have a lot of appearances, but it is rare to cultivate them above the Tao."

With the help of the array system of the land, Yang Junshan has a clear understanding of the scene of the fire of the fire, at least for the area near the burning road.

It’s hard to stabilize for a while. Yang Jun’s eyes flashed with red awns, saying: “The gas here is getting stronger and stronger, but we don’t have time to absorb refining!”

Yang Junshan repeatedly dispatched the power of the array, and suppressed the ground turbulence in the domain of the land. It has been unable to concentrate on refining the gas of the land, and it is still in the depths of the earth. At this time, the large array of the Tianzhi domain and the human domain all slowed down the absorption of the gas of the earth, which directly led to the speed of the land in the domain of the land almost doubled.

Under the current circumstances, whoever has the mind to continue to absorb the temperament of the earth to improve, even the Red Flames do not mention the diversion of the levy of the land, which makes the land in the pool The concentration of gas continued to rise, and a large amount of gas in the eyes even began to dissipate from the pool, eventually turning into aura between the heavens and the earth.

Yang Junshan smiled at this time and said: "I have to say that the power of the current domain is very good, follow the plan."

Yang Junyi gave a slight look and looked around. He whispered: "Are you ahead?"

"Be prepared early, things may be worse than we think."

Yang Junshan glanced at the ongoing battle in the direction of the Tianzhi domain. Although the distance was far away, there was a layered array of weakening barriers. However, the ongoing war there still made all the presence in the dojo feel guilty.

The big array was once again being operated. Under the control of Yang Junshan, the gas of the earth extracted from the fire of the ground was no longer gathered in the pool, but under the precise assistance of the three talents. Junshan is continuously forcibly injected into the spar vein.

At this time, Yang Junshan perceives the direction of the Tianzhi domain, and the array system of Sanguangbao is also becoming slack. The only difference between the three graves of the human domain is that the domain of the heavens should still be there. Presided over by the Master of the Array, is it because the former Huang Ting demon king who claimed to be "Zhu Ling Guang" destroyed the big squad, or was it another person who presided over the big squad?

The only thing that Yang Junshan can be sure of is that if Zhang Yuyu is in the middle of the pool, he will not ruin a large-scale formation to such a degree.

"Zhang Yuyu escaped!"

Soon after, the Red Flames really brought him the exact news about the domain of the sky.

Yang Junshan’s eyes narrowed and said: “Just because of the war that is taking place in the sky?”

The monk who came to report to Yang Junshan whispered: "There are six thunderings that have joined forces to besiege a Huangting demon king."

"The demon king is definitely not easy!"

Yang Junshan whispered a sentence, and then he sent the person to the road, saying: "Who is sitting in the town of today's domain?"

The monk whispered: "It is said to be the uncle of Akiya!"

"Not bad!" Yang Junshan praised.

The monk has a saying: "But the teacher said that Chih-tzu will not persist for too long. He has asked to evacuate the dojo several times, but Akabane Shibo, Chi Lu Shibo and the teacher do not agree."

Yang Junshan shrugged and said that he was not interested in the things inside the burning gate. Instead, he asked some unexpectedly: "You are also a disciple of the predecessor of Chi Yan? I don't know what to call?"

The monk was a little embarrassed to say: "In the next red Luo, it is the disciple who is the most incompetent teacher."

Yang Junshan’s “Ha” sounded: “The most discouraged disciples of the Red Flame predecessors are already too embarrassing. Is it not only the Red Brothers, but also one or two disciples of the Red Flame predecessors?”

"Amount, this, this is..."

Yang Junshan saw a "haha" smile, said: "What else should the Red Flame predecessors command?"

Red Luo real people heard the words quickly: "The teacher and the Red Army brothers are blocking the impact of the extraterritorial forces on the edge of the fire, but in addition to the domain of the land, the situation of the domain of the sky and the domain of the people is not optimistic, two domains The guardian of the big array of power can not save three, the teacher hopes that you can help."

Yang Junshan seriously thought about it and said: "I need a total map!"

In addition to the Miaoxuandao people who took the initiative to seek linkage with the domain system of the land before the death, so that Yang Junshan got the power of the array, after the escape of Zhang Yuyu, before the death of the real people in the palace, Yang Junshan again Tianzhiyu took away the power of the five-point source. That is to say, the power of the source of Yang Junshan’s land has reached as high as 4%, which has even exceeded the peak of Zhang Yuyu’s control during peak hours. The amount of force of the source.

With so many sources of power in hand, the great supernatural powers above the thunder and robbery do not intervene, and the strength of Yang Junshan alone is enough to maintain the security of the array system of the land.

In the absence of a total map, the linkage of the array system between the two domains can only rely on the tacit agreement between the masters. This is not always true for the three-phase battles. What is difficult, but now Miaoxuandao is dead, Zhang Yuyu runs, and the other remaining cats are only qualified to join Yang Junshan, only to drag his hind legs.

At this time, Yang Junshan only obtained the total map. Although the total map can only directly mobilize the power of the array, the total map is a key, and one can be used to link the entire three-way system. The key key, with it, Yang Junshan will be able to use the domain of the land as the total pool, and control the entire system of the road system in his hands -

The domain of man, the Burning Gate, which was stationed here, and even the monks of other sects, seemed to be very confusing at this time, and the loss of the power of the source led to the decline of the defense power of the Three Tombs. Going down, the domain of the people will not be able to stand for a long time under the siege of the extraterritorial monks.

"It is because of the existence of the ghost king, brother."

The Chi Gang Dao reported to the Red Road Taoist who had just returned: "It is possible to sneak into the pool of the Three Tombs and kill a Taoist sect of the Tao. This is not something that ordinary ghost kings can do. Someone It is suspected that the ghost king above the thunderbolt sneaked into the domain of human beings. He was able to assassinate a sect of the sect of the sect under the guardianship of the squad, so that the existence of the territory below the Huagai will be the prey of its assassination. In the fire of the land, there is a clear and killing of the monks outside the domain. Everyone is not afraid. But this kind of unidentified assassination behind death is not acceptable to everyone...."

The red road people calmed their faces and suddenly said: "Tell them, the old man will personally guard their backs, let them rest assured that they are strangled with people outside the domain. There are old men, even if the ghost king is still hidden in the human domain, and will not shoot again. ""

The Chi Gang Dao people heard a word and said: "But, brother, like today’s domain, Akabane brother..."

The gloomy face of the Red Road Road has not changed at all. Even the direction of the Tianzhi domain has never been glanced at him. He said directly: "There are already six thunders in the siege of the Suzaku blood, and there are not many old people. There is one less and a lot less."

The Chi Gang Dao nodded silently and was about to turn and leave, but he heard the voice of the Red Roadman coming from behind him: "Let Chiyuan go, you bring the potential disciples who have been selected in advance to leave, don't be alarmed. others."

The Chi Gang Dao looked back at the Red Road Taoist, nodded silently and then left.

Behind him, the Red Road Tao suddenly opened his hands, and the whole person rose out of nowhere. As the **** behind him turned into a huge **** burning with green flames, the whole human domain seemed to have an inexplicable power. He was inspired by him.

The graves that bury the bones in various places in the human domain, whether they are sitting still, or dead or fallen, or just the remaining gods in the ancestral hall, at this moment along with the red road people The beating of the green flame in the eyes of the gods of the Yuan Dynasty also changed.

A little phosphorescence began to flash above the graves and tablets, and it was getting bigger and bigger, and followed the beating of the green flame of the Yuanyuan god. At this moment, the red road people seemed to dominate the domain of the whole person, the whole three The graves were all motivated by him.

The Red Road Taoist is actually a Mars. Although he is not even a master of the Masters, he can take initial control of the Three Graves by virtue of his powerful repairs.

In the end, cultivation and strength are the real foundation of the monk.

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