Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1233: Pseudo-array (continued for subscription)

The two roads are gathered together on a small Ziyun Peak, and it is not that they can survive. The key is what one of the Sanqing Halls or a few extravagant mages want to do?

Is it necessary to build a large order on the Ziyun Peak?

No reason, from the heart of Yang Junshan, there is a burst of unreal feelings. Is it true that there is a hidden mage in the Sanqing Hall?

Or do you want to open a passage from the Leijing Passage that can freely enter and exit the world of Zhou, and you need a large array of fairy steps to do it?

So now it’s already been discovered by the other side, and the other party is now looking at the self-smart and turning around on Ziyunfeng, or simply dismissing himself. ?

There are more thoughts, and even Yang Junshan can be suspicious of his own rumors. He even feels that if he wants to think like this again, his entire self-confidence will be hit.

To know that this is the Longtan Tiger Cave, who will give you time to blame yourself?

When Yang Junshan sinks his heart and observes the two roads again, he also has a lot of knowledge about the bottom of these two roads.

Perhaps because Yang Junshan is in the middle of a large array, he is able to contact more of the interiors of the two roads than the wonderful masters and martyrdoms outside the Ziyun Peak, so that they can collect enough The array of nodes is deduced by the circuit.

Through deduction, he soon discovered that on the outskirts of the Ziyunfeng array, the two roads have actually begun to merge, although there may still be some ambiguity in the combination of the two large arrays, but in general It can be seen that it is integrated into one.

It may be because the internal two systems of the Taoist system have not yet been clarified. Within the Ziyunfeng, the integration of the two systems has not yet been completed, and the combination of the two roads still has a weak link. The gap, and this gap, in the view of Yang Junshan, should be the weakness of the Ziyunfeng Taoist system.

This situation is also normal in Yang Junshan. After all, the extraterritorial forces stationed in Ziyunfeng cannot prevent the Zhoutian world from destroying the Leijing channel. In this case, first consolidate the outer defense and then slowly organize the interior. The operation of the array system is the normal thinking logic.

I just don’t know if the three squadrons in Zhou Tian’s world around Ziyun Peak have already noticed this weakness, but if they want to come to each other, there are three people. If they really join hands, even if they are not as sneaked into it, they can observe from the inside, but It should not be a problem to find out this weak link.

Oh, it doesn't seem to be completely right. If Ziyunfeng is completely covered by these two roads, then if the two roads are not fully integrated into a unified system, then there should be two joints and two weak links. That's right.

But what is the real position of the Leijing channel?

Yang Junshan could not help but look at the weak passage formed by the combination of the two roads.

If the Leijing channel is the top priority of the Ziyunfeng field, then it should be among the arches of the two roads. So, if you sneak along the channel of the joint, Isn't the Leijing passage in the center of this joint?

However, such obvious flaws, the extraterritorial forces and the extraterrestrial tactics in the Sanqing Hall really did not plan ahead and make some necessary defenses?

Yang Junshan's suspicious eyes glanced at the direction of the peak, and finally decided to venture along this joint to explore.

Of course, he will not really go to the joint channel to conduct on-the-spot investigation. Since he can determine the direction of the joint through the circuit, he can naturally move away from the channel. Observed.

Because Yang Junshan is convinced that when he used to spread the mountain and shattered the mine to bury the mine in the ground, it caused changes in the surrounding terrain. As long as he approached this area, he would be able to accurately determine the specific location of the mine channel through the surrounding terrain. .

However, the following findings have made Yang Junshan fall into a jaw-dropping situation.

He found the third new road order on Ziyunfeng!

However, the stunned but not necessarily shocked, even after the stunned at the beginning, Yang Junshan was somewhat relieved and laughed.

A small purple cloud peak gathers three complete and independent road system, Yang Junshan will haha, don't tease, really want to have such a realm of the presence of the mage, blowing the tone directly to destroy them is not better, In the province, they are like flies, and they are turning around Ziyunfeng all day long.

When Yang Junshan sneaked into Ziyunfeng and found a complete system of Taoism, he felt that he should be treated with caution. When there are two complete systems of Taoism on Ziyunfeng, and there is a trend of integration, he will be surprised. It was shocking and even fearful; however, when he discovered the third complete Taoist system on Ziyunfeng, all the doubts and fears in Yang Junshan’s mind had been dissipated.

The only thing he is curious about now is how these three so-called "daodao", how did the other party do it, and where are their real flaws?

In fact, if the other party puts three "roads" on the small Ziyun Peak, it is too far behind. Yang Junshan has not even had any evidence to prove the authenticity of these formations.

Even the road can be pretending to be impersonated. Even his great master of the road is almost awkward. I have to say that the people behind the arrangement of these formations really let Yang Junshan know what is called a person outside. .

The three so-called "daodao" are crowded on the small Ziyun Peak. If they are in contact with each other without integration, then naturally there will be three weak links in the so-called "combination department".

After the field trip with the previous two pseudo-arrays, Yang Junshan quickly made a debut of the third pseudo-array, and quickly calculated the position of the weak link of the third "combination department".

Later, Yang Junshan finally found out from the direction of the three "combination departments" that the three were actually in a mountain that eventually gathered in a branch of the west side of Ziyunfeng.

Although these three pseudo-arrays are full of various doubts, and even this so-called convergence point, the signs that have been mastered by Yang Junshan now indicate that there should be no good place to go, but Yang Junshan decided to sneak a look. Look.

Like a ghost, Yang Junshan walked through the Tianluo network laid out by Ziyunfeng in the form of the law and the ban, and finally approached the place where the mountain was located without disturbing anyone.

At this time, Yang Junshan did not even enter the mountain, but he already has a full ten can confirm that the Leijing channel is inside because there has been a large range of landslides and mudslides around. Almost half of the mountains are filled, and this is the masterpiece of Yang Junshan.

But when Yang Junshan finally determines the location of the Leijing Passage, the heart is full of doubts and crises!

According to the missions of the 12th National People’s Palace on Sunday, the biggest reason for them to destroy the Leijing Passage is to prevent the extraterritorial forces from opening up more space channels through the Leijing Passage, thus causing the cultivation community to fall into Similar to the crisis of the third extraterritorial invasion.

However, at this time, there is no movement in the foothills where the Leijing passage is located. It is calm and even confusing!

Is it necessary to open up more space channels, is it that the surrounding of the Leijing passage should not be a large-scale construction, various arrays of bans and great supernaturals take turns to locate the exact location of the world, tearing space, solid passage, etc. Wait, but the scenes that should have existed in the imagination are nothing but a trace.

The secrets of the extraterritorial forces that kept the Leijing channel in Ziyunfeng were not leaked. Isn’t it just to open up the space channel and enter the world of Zhoutian?

If not, then what is the purpose of their arrangement on Ziyunfeng?

In particular, the three disguised roads were big, but even Yang Junshan was almost deceived by the pseudo-array. What is the arrangement of these seemingly deceiving arrays?

Yang Junshan’s heart jumped and placed himself in the foothills where the Leijing Passway was located. Then he suddenly turned around and went to see the three pseudo-arrays, but he suddenly discovered that the three so-called used to defend the Leijing channel. The pseudo-array is really awkward.

Just as three people want to protect a goal, then the three must be facing away from the target and facing outward, so that they can resist any attack from the outside.

However, at this time, the Leijing channel, which should have been the target of the arched guard, is still at the center, but the three bodyguards that should have been used to defend him are facing each other and facing outward. These three pseudo-arrays are not like To guard the Leijing channel, it seems to be in the face of the Leijing channel, a pair of people choose to look like.

This is strange. Is it to prevent the monks of the Sunday world from coming to the outside of the domain through the Leijing channel, which has laid the three arrays to ambush each other?


Yang Junshan’s heart is bright, yes, it is ambush!

His gaze once again looked at the three so-called "combination departments" that converge on the foothills of the Leijing Passage. This is simply not a weakness or a weak link left under the rush of arranging, but the external forces are carefully The traps were set up so that the masters of the Zhoutian world thought they found the best way to find the flaws, and finally rushed to the mountain along this so-called weak link.

There is indeed a Leijing channel in it, but the extraterritorial forces may not have opened the channel from the beginning to resist the destruction of the monks in the world. Instead, they will use the Leijing channel as a bait, which will destroy the Leijing channel. Twelve great supernaturals in the world of Zhou Tian have been exhausted!

Yang Junshan’s cold sweat suddenly wets his clothes. No, he must notify the other eleven people as soon as possible. Although Yang Junshan does not care much about their lives and deaths, this does not mean that Yang Junshan will watch them. Come to die.

What's more, Yang Junshan knows that once these people are all broken out of the domain, even if they are only more than half of the fall, then the high-level combat power of the world in Zhoutian will be greatly weakened. Under the circumstance, the local world of Zhoutian The forces will surely usher in a disaster.

Just when Yang Junshan thought about how to inform the other eleven people outside of Ziyunfeng as soon as possible, the whole world suddenly shocked, and the sky was suddenly colorful by the three-dimensional bursting of the sky. Others have already launched an offensive force to break through the outer guardianship of Ziyunfeng, and all the way to the Ziyunfeng rushed to come, and they are actually three divisions!


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