Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1234: see through

Although Yang Junshan determined that the Leijing Passage was actually a bait to lure them into the trap, in fact, Yang Junshan’s doubts remained unfinished.

For example, what is the actual meaning of these three pseudo-arrays?

Is it just to cover the eyes and ears, just to "plan out" three "passes" for the monks of the world to kill the Leijing channel?

You know, although it’s just three disguised roads, in Yang Junshan’s view, even if it’s the layout of the three pseudo-arrays, and even if Yang Junshan’s in-depth tactics are almost cheated, The effort and material resources involved in this work are not a small amount, at least they can be used to construct a really simple and orderly line.

If you just want to be a blind man, then the price is too much to pay.

What's more, even today, almost all of them have been deceived by the great gods of the world in the world. When they are the thundering passages of the eleven great powers, can the real forces outside the real world really kill them?

To know that there are eight raids and more than the existence of the thunder, the remaining three repairs are less than the thunder and robbery, and the joint venture with Miaofang and Miaochi, the threat that can be caused is still in the five thundering monks on.

If the three pseudo-arrays are only used to sit on the cover, and the effect is only to make the ambush extra-supernatural supernaturals more concealed before launching the raid, then the extraterrestrial party must prepare how many super-roarers above the robbery can Are these eleven people full or killed?

Ten thunders, ten Huang Ting?

It sounds like a joke, even if it is a combination of several forces outside the domain, it is impossible to concentrate so many great supernaturals in a remote star field. It will be a few years.

In addition to this kind of hard-skilled competition, the outside party must also hide other killers, and the biggest suspect is undoubtedly the three pseudo-arrays! ——

The Tongshou Dao and others were divided into three groups, and they launched a raid on the three weak links exhibited by the large array of Ziyunfeng.

In addition to the five members of the Zijing Pavilion, the other two groups are Tongshou Dao and the Taoist and Sang Wuji, and the other is Qianxuandao and Yangbai and Shidan.

When the three parties chose to raid, the extraterritorial forces stationed in Ziyunfeng apparently did not expect that the great supernatural powers of Zhoutian World would actually adopt the situation of splitting and attacking. After the initial chaos, the extraterritorial forces still organized. The more effective measures have made a more powerful attack on the great supernatural powers of the world in three directions.

However, these three directions chosen by B. Bushozu and others have indeed caught the painful side of the extraterritorial side. The guardianian array of Ziyunfeng was quickly attacked under the full attack of many great supernaturals, facing the world of Zhoutian. One of the great supernatural powers made an aggressive attack, and the outsiders quickly lost their battles, letting them break into the big battle.

After the foreign forces stationed in Ziyunfeng, although they did not use the Leijing channel to open up a larger space channel, in order to build the trap of the world-famous world, it still has a lot of money, at least At this time, there are many low-level monks in the various ethnic groups on Ziyunfeng. After the great gods of Zhoutian world attacked Ziyunfeng, these middle and lower-order monks used the array method on Ziyunfeng and Relying on the ban, they launched some insignificant offensives to these great supernatural powers, but they were wiped out by these people in the blink of an eye.

In the middle, there are often times where the existence of the Tao has suddenly come out, trying to attack the footsteps of these Sunday monks. In the end, they are all repelled by them, and even wounded, even if there are occasional monks above the thunder. In the face of at least three of the thunderbolt monks in the world on Sunday, but also in desperation to temporarily avoid the edge, which also makes the Zhou Tian world side offensive not only blocked, but more and more rapid progress.

However, if someone can overlook the entire Ziyun Peak from a height, then it can be clearly seen that when a foreign monk outside the domain slammed the bronze ancestors and other three people, he immediately turned to Qianxuandao. The three people, after a little contact, were suppressed by the tyrannical strength of the three Taoist ancestors, and had to flee again. In fact, they came to the five members of the Purple Pavilion to reveal one side.

The same scene happened to more than one supernatural supernatural person, and each of them repeated at least this cycle of being repelled three times by the world's great supernatural powers.

An extraterritorial situation has a face that has turned into three battlefields. Although each time it is a one-touch collapse, it gives the impression of several great supernaturals in the world of the world that the great supernaturals on the outside world are indeed trying to resist. Their way, because their raids are too fast, and the three directions of raids, so that the supernatural powers of the outside world can only be fired everywhere, and they will lose their lives, and if they do not collapse, they will be caught by them. When it comes to weak links, it is always difficult to organize effective resistance.

In this way, no matter whether it is the bronze ancestors and so on, or the masters of the martyrdom and the martyrdom, they never thought that this would be a trap that was carefully laid out by the outsiders. They only saw the outsiders under their raids. Panic, and Ziyunfeng in the chaos.

What they don't know, however, is that in the Sanqing Hall of Ziyun Peak at this time, although the Sima Guangxia Taoist people did not overlook the overall situation, they could actually control the three pseudo-arrays. At this time, the world’s monks in the world. The move has completely fallen under his control.

In the temple, there is not only one Sima Guangsha Taoist, Meng Weiting, the Zhiyuan Zen master of the Shizui side, Wu Xiuqiang and so on, and several great gods of Huang Tingjing are also gathered here. It seems that the chaos outside is completely unfocused. .

At this time, Sima Guangsha disdainfully sneaked out, and there was a glimpse of smugness in his expression. "Become, these monks of the world have already followed the road that they have left for them." The location of the Leijing Pass has gone. You can go to the scheduled location to ambush."

A few outside the field, Huang Tingdao ancestors heard the words of Sima Guangsha, which made the words of the great grandmasters more and more proud.

Only Meng Weiting was a little addicted. He said: "Sima Daoyou, can you be sure that there are only eleven people entering the Ziyun Peak in Zhoutian World? As far as I know, this time the people sent by Zhou Tianshi should be ten. Two are right."

Sima Guangsha heard the face and immediately sank, said: "How, Meng Daoyou is doubting that a certain number will not count? Or is it possible that someone can enter Ziyunfeng without any sense?"

Meng Weiting smiled stiffly and resisted the temper. He said: "Sima brother, don't care, isn't it just a matter of course?"

Meng Weiting’s words are already euphemistic. However, listening to Sima Guangsha’s ears is all questioning the cultivation of his squad. The more dissatisfied in his heart, he simply said: “Meng Daoyou is more concerned, and Meng Daoyou is worried about his family’s formation. If something goes wrong, it’s better to worry about your own goodness. You must know that the beasts are still fighting. Be careful when the world’s great supernaturals are trapped and fight back. It’s not good to have three long and two short.

Meng Weiting’s face changed, and he slammed out of the Sanqing Hall.

Sima Guangsha looked at the few figures who left. The original arrogant eyes sank slightly and muttered to himself: "Sneak into Ziyunfeng, is it possible?"

Since Yang Junshan has already determined that the outside party can form the key to the ambush of the great supernatural powers of his own side, it should be above these three pseudo-arrays. Then he is naturally as much as possible before the benevolent princes and others finally fall into the trap. I found the hidden mystery of these three pseudo-arrays, and eventually destroyed them. So, the eleven great supernaturals of their own side may have a way to live, at least not too much.

When Yang Junshan returned to one of the pseudo-arrays and tried to investigate, he suddenly flashed his head, but could not help but pat his forehead with his palm.

This is really the fascination of the authorities. I have repeatedly wondered what means are hidden in the pseudo-array of the other side. How can I forget the ingenious double ban secret that was discovered in the early warning system of Ziyunfeng?

I remember that I was still admiring the skillful use of this mysterious technique, even if it was comparable to the mystery that he controlled, and now I have forgotten that the other party can use this secret technique in the ban. Why can't this mystery be extended and applied to the formation?

Yang Junshan was really the first to be stunned by the existence of the three roads, even if he realized that the three roads could not coexist on the Ziyun Peak, and he saw the other side’s pseudo-fission, but most of his energy Still in the attempt to reverse the pseudo-mirror, but forget that the three pseudo-arrays may also be a kind of hidden. What is really used to cover up may be a large one that has always existed but has never been activated. Array.

Yes, yes, it should be like this!

At this time, Yang Junshan was going back and forth and wanted to conduct a field survey among the three pseudo-arrays. After the conclusion, the process was reversed. Everything had to be much simpler. Some of the bans and arrays that seemed reasonable were reasonable. Base, node, then look like it is a bit of doubt.

These three pseudo-arrays not only give false guidance to the world's great supernatural powers, but also make them enter the trap of camouflage. They are also used to hide the magical powers outside the domain, allowing them to ambush without being discovered by the world's great supernatural powers. By virtue of it; it is the last cover that is really used to assist the supernatural powers outside the field to slay the killings of the world's monks.

When Yang Junshan discovered this, he realized that it would be too late to find out the hidden array.

At this time, the eleven great supernaturals of their own side rushed in the Ziyunfeng all the way, and the midfielders could not stop their progress. At this time, even if Yang Junshan found out the hidden array, I am afraid it would not be destroyed. It may even make him completely exposed.

Therefore, Yang Junshan still chooses to lurk, but this time he has to try to secretly fight in the dark with the great supernatural powers outside the domain. He wants to see if the bottom is the other’s double array of cleverness, or Your own inlays are even more powerful.

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