Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1387: undercurrent

Zhou Tian World Yuzhou Xishan Yang Clan.

In the Chamber of Deputies, Yan Yan, who heard the news, saw Yang Junyi and Yang Junqi sitting in the middle of the hall. The footsteps were slightly stunned, and the face was followed by a smile. The far smiled: "Ten sister , Lao XIII, what is the wind here to blow you both together?"

Compared to Yan Wei’s full smile, the look of Yang Junyi and Yang Junqi seems to be a lot more dignified.

The two men got up and met with Yan Yan. After the three Taoist repairs of the Yang family were seated, Yang Junyi said this: "Is this a pretense or a calm? I don't believe that the four-way news is well-informed. I have never heard of it. This matter!"

Yan Yan slightly condensed the smile on her face, and her eyes swept over Yang Junqi next to him. He asked, "Old Thirteen, what exactly do you say?"

Yang Junyi did not have a good air: "What else can it be? The four brothers have been traveling outside the country for nearly ten years. The last time the Lingshen Temple secrets several major gods have been restored, except for the fourth brother and a whole body. The monks outside the domain, now the news in the Guanghan Palace has been spread, many people think that the fourth brother has fallen outside the domain!"

Yan Yan’s face sank and said: “Nonsense, others say this, old thirteen, do you believe it? How can you improve your fourth brother? If he wants to go outside the domain, he can stay at least for more than ten years. You should be clear. Now, let’s not say that it’s less than ten years, even if it’s ten years, he can stay longer. How can you be so unsettled?”

Yang Junyi shook his head and said: "Four monks, the so-called no wind and no waves, the fourth brother is after all the existence of a certain immortal palace, I want to come and other people in general, after returning as soon as possible after the completion of the life is now, the fourth brother is late Not returning, I am afraid that those monks who have performed the same mission with the fourth brother know what to do."

Yan Yan said: "But all this is still just a rumor, isn't it? If your fourth brother is really unexpected, why didn't one person dare to confirm it?"

Yang Junxi sighed: "These words are not unreasonable, but now the news is only circulating in the Guanghan Palace, but it will not be long before it is afraid that it will not spread. If it is known to the family, then I will not ask today. I am afraid that there will be more than two of us coming to this chamber."

Yan Yan looks unsatisfied, Shen Sheng said: "Old thirteen, what do you want to do today?"

Yang Junyi’s look is unchanged. He said: “Please also ask the four brothers to ask the souls of the four brothers to let the tribes see it. So I will have a bottom in my heart and ten sisters. In the future, I will also explain to the tribes in the church.”

Yan Yan heard the change of his face, almost refused to think and refused: "This is impossible, your brother's soul light is the family's top secret, but I can tell you, the soul lamp is safe and sound!"

Yang Junyi saw Yan Yan refused, and his brow wrinkled: "Is it not more doubtful that the four donkeys are not taken out?"

Yan Yan sneered: "Do you have no confidence in your fourth brother? Not to mention that he is outside the domain. There is a barrier to the world barrier. The soul light is high and low, and it is normal. This is normal. It’s not happening before, but it’s going to be known to unsuspecting people. They don’t necessarily have these insights. If you want to go to another place where space is closed, it’s your fourth brother who is safe and sound, not afraid of the soul. The lamp is also dying under the isolation of the double barrier. Is it difficult for the people to believe that he is on the verge of death?"

Yang Junyi feels that Yan Yan’s remarks are really strong, but he can’t refute it.

At this time, Yang Junqi, who had been sitting in the Chamber of Justice and never spoke, said suddenly: "The four brothers have a great relationship with the soul. It is really not suitable for too many people, but what if I only want to have a look?"

Yang Junqi’s proposal is very reasonable. Although the Yang family is called “the first family in the cultivation world”, it actually belongs to Yang’s own path, and Yang Junyi and Yang Junqi are undoubtedly The most representative of these figures, the two of them proposed to see Yang Junshan's soul lamp, this is indeed not overstepping, and the two do have this qualification.

However, Yan Yan still refused without hesitation.

The three people broke up in the Chamber of Deputies. Yang Junqi and Yang Junxi each left, but Yan Wei stayed in the Chamber of the Church and did not know what to think about.

"Mother, the baby thinks you are doing something wrong!"

I don't know when, Yang Yuyu appeared in the Chamber of Deputies, and said to Yan Yan, who was in contemplation.

Yan Yan seems to have known that Yang Yuyu is near the Chamber of Deputies. It is not unexpected that he knows what the three people have just discussed.

"Oh, why not?" asked Yan Xiaoxiao.

Yang Yuyu did not directly answer the mother's inquiry. Instead, she asked again: "Mother's meaning is to test whether the ten aunts and the thirteen uncles have a disagreement with the family?"

Yan Yan does not deny, "I have this plan, but not all, not the focus."

Yang Yuyu frowned and thought: "Well, the two elders are the people of Yang. If you don’t be so unwise, then you want to test whether they want to take the opportunity to upgrade in the family. In the status, have more right to speak?"

Yan Yan heard a slight smile, apparently admiring Yang Yuyu's inference.

However, Yang Yuyu immediately turned into a tone, saying: "It’s just that the child’s approach to the mother is still not very much. The father’s soul is innocent, and it will return in the future. What's more... Mother, you don't have to be so wary. ”

"Isn't it all for you?"

Yan Yan’s gaze suddenly became severe: “There is a sigh of relief for you, and the entire Yang family is naturally calm, but if you are not there, how much do you think you can control the whole family?”

Yang Yuyu is most afraid of Yan Yan’s saying, “Doing everything is not for you.” I have to smile with a smile: “I don’t have to worry, I’m going to do things and then move. The threshold of the golden body is sure to cross. Past."

"I also believe that he can cross the past!"

Yan Yan looked at his son seriously and said: "But you also said, you have always been careful, always have a thought in everything."

"Not to mention that even if you succeeded in crossing that threshold, do you think he will have a bit of care for this family in the future? People who live forever are like doctors, not because they are indifferent, but for a long time, they are used to it. Too much life and death. Infinite starry sky is too big and too wide. What you are pursuing is only something that he can see and feel. For us, those things are too sham, a small family may still be in the moment. OK, but in the future it is far from enough to become his jealousy. Can you understand these things?

Yang Yuyu has some helplessness: "Mother, the child actually wants to say is that you deliberately do not show the soul of the soul, but it is deliberately tempted to seduce the ten aunt and the thirteen uncle, perhaps they did not have much thought. Your approach has led to their thoughts..."

"If there is no trace of dissatisfaction, then why should you be tempted by this?" Yan Yan cold and cold.

Yang Yuyu smiled bitterly: "Mother's words are a bit jealous..."

Seeing Yan Yan's look is not good, Yang Yuyu quickly said: "In any case, repair and strength is the key, mother you can rest assured that the baby's repair will eventually surpass the two seniors."

Yan Yan nodded with satisfaction and said: "You are doing a good job. Your own cultivation and strength are the key, but when repairing and strength is not enough to suppress everything, these means are prepared."

Yang Yuyu knows that it is useless to say it again, and can only sigh back and sigh -

After Yang Junyi came out of the chamber, he went straight down the mountain. After leaving Xishan Village, he set up Shuguang all the way to Jinyu County Yuan magnetic mountain.

After the annihilation of the Tianzong, due to the consideration of the stable new area, Yang Junyi once sat in Yuanxishan for several years.

After that, although the family began to station in the monk's rotation, and Yang Junshan was sent to the outside of the palace by the Xian Palace, he also needed a master to sit on the mountain. He left the Yuan magnetic mountain.

However, although he is no longer stationed in Yuan Magnetic Mountain, he has been operating here for several years. There are still many family monks who have worked under his command, and his two sons have been in Jin Yu since he left. The two towns in the county have been practicing, and they have already established a family. Therefore, Yang Junyi is annoying when he is on the Xishan Mountain. He will come to Jinyu County to distract himself and make fun of several grandchildren.

When Yang Junxi came to the home of Anzhen, the second son of Jinser Town, the old Sansang Liuli was also here, and it seemed that he was not surprised by the arrival of his old lady, as if he had already known it.

"Hey, what's the situation on the West Hill? What did the four aunts say? Is the soul light of Sibo seen? Is it still lit?"

The three daughters mulberry glaze is obviously an acute one. One mouth is a bullet that usually asks everything.

Yang Junzhao glanced at the three daughters and said: "Do you think your four son's soul lights are bright or not?"

Sang Liuli apparently did not expect that his old lady would suddenly have such a question, and some time I did not know how to answer.

An Zhen saw and smiled and took the words: "Whether it is bright or not, you should do both hands now. If it is bright, it means that Sibo is safe and sound. The rumors outside are not enough to believe. It is naturally happy. I don't have to worry any more; if it is to be destroyed..."

Speaking of this, Anzhen and Sangli just exchanged a look, and they heard Yang Jun sigh: "If it is gone, what should I do?"

An Zhen decided to set the god, said: "Hey, if the four uncles are really unpredictable, then you should be prepared early!"

"The second brother is right!" Sang Liuli agreed.

Yang Junyi said quietly: "Oh? How to prepare?"

Anzhen’s eyes flashed and said: "Hey, if there are any unpredictable things in Sibo, the main pulse of Xishan will definitely be weak, and the repairing strength of your Huagai will be the first master of Yang’s real life. The family will be even more Relying on your support, you may wish to use the entire Jinyu County as your land, and your son will be able to help you rebuild the An Family in order to repay your grandfather's wishes."

Sangli glass also said: "The right brother, the second brother said it makes sense, and when you don't forget to have your grandfather's support behind you, it really has to be at a critical juncture. The real mainstay of the Yang family is still you."

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